Agenda item

Proposals to Vary Services

To consider the report of the Director of Transformation and Governance on proposals from the NHS or providers of health services to vary or develop health services in the area of the Committee.


Items for Action


·      Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Outpatient and X-ray services in Whitehill and Bordon (Chase) – Reprovision of services from alternative locations or by an alternative provider

·      Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust: Community Mental Health transition from Southampton East team to Eastleigh and Romsey team for patients living in the Eastleigh Southern Parishes


Items for Monitoring


·      NHS Guildford and Waverley CCG and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership CCG: West Surrey Stroke Services

·      Portsmouth Hospitals Trust and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership CCG: Spinal Surgery Service update




Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Outpatient and X-ray services in Whitehill and Bordon (Chase) – Re-provision of services from alternative locations or by an alternative provider.


Representatives from Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation trust (HHFT) and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) presented a report on the re-provision of services (see report, Item 6a in the Minute Book).


Following previous discussion at the May 2018 HASC meeting, Members received updates on five points as detailed in paragraph 1.6 of the report. Five common issues had been established after a survey conducted primarily with Chase users, and these included transport, the expansion of the town and elements of choice for treatment, with the priority being the service existing as opposed to who it was provided by. Public transport continued to be a concern due to long journey times, and these were listed on page 23 alongside car journey times. The full survey results were attached as an appendix to the report.


The table in Section 5 of the report detailed the acute services along with the outcome of discussions and proposed new arrangements, which were all highlighted to the Select Committee.


In response to questions, Members heard:

·      Non urgent X-ray appointments are generally met within six weeks, and the issues were not with the equipment available, but with the radiologists available to operate it. Talks were already in place with educational establishments to help with the national shortage of radiographers.

·      Audiology appointment waiting times were long and this was an area already being looked into. Whilst some appointments across all services were being missed, these weren’t generally down to transport issues.

·      Whilst parking charges were high in some areas, this was to deter shoppers from using the car parks (i.e. in Winchester, where the High Street is relatively close to the hospital).

·      Emergency X-rays were available sooner than the six week waiting time, but portable machines was something that could be looked at long term if the staff issue was addressed.

·      It was anticipated that it would cost approximately £100,000 to get a bus funded on an existing route and acknowledged that developers could be approached more routinely to acquire funds for public transport links.

·      The Health Hub was anticipated for 2020 and services would not move until it was complete. There would be a loss of service whilst waiting for the Hub to be established.

·      Whilst important, the services being discussed at the meeting represented less than 20% of those offered at The Chase.

·      Services relocated to GP surgeries were acute services operated by Royal Surrey hospital and therefore did not interfere with appointments nor the day-to-day running of the surgery and did not effect GP’s based there.

·      Transport would be an ongoing priority to be looked at along with voluntary organisations.




a.    The Committee agreed unanimously that the changes proposed constituted a substantial change


b.    The Committee were not convinced that the proposed changes were in the interest of the service users affected, and therefore requested further information as listed in resolution c)


c.    The Committee agreed the following recommendations to the NHS bodies concerned regarding taking proposals forward, with further updates to come back to the November meeting:


                                          i.    That further financial information be provided regarding the proposals, along with comparisons to bespoke public transport options

                                        ii.    Further information is provided regarding population projections

                                       iii.    More details are brought back regarding the development of the Health Hub and what is likely to be provided there

                                       iv.    A clinical response is provided by GP’s regarding the acute services being relocated in local surgeries.



Southern Health NHS FT: Community Mental Health transition from Southampton East team to Eastleigh and Romsey team for patients living in the Eastleigh Southern Parishes.


Southern Health presented a briefing note to HASC (Item 6b in the Minute Book) regarding Adult Mental Health Services in Eastleigh Southern Parishes.


It was explained how the caseloads within the East Community Metal Health Team (East CMHT) were too high and recent relocation further into Southampton made it more critical that services to the Eastleigh Southern Parishes are moved to be delivered from the Eastleigh and Romsey Community Mental Health Team, where they can be better managed and in a more suitable location.


Lots of work was being done in preparation for the transfer, focussing on consistency with care and initiatives to recruit and retain staff going forward.



a)    The Committee agreed that this was not a substantial change

b)    It was agreed that the proposed change was in the best interest of users of the service

c)    The Committee requested an update as to the transferral in March 2019



NHS Guildford and Waverley CCG and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership CCG: West Surrey Stroke Services.


This item was deferred to a future meeting due to Guildford and Waverley CCG not being present at the meeting.


Portsmouth Hospitals Trust and Hampshire and Isle of Wight Partnership CCG: Spinal Surgery Service update


This item was taken last at the meeting. Councillors Briggs, Cartwright, Craig, Finlay and Harrison had left when this was considered.


The Committee took the report as written and agreed any further questions regarding the report could be emailed to the Portsmouth Hospitals Trust after the meeting.


Supporting documents: