Agenda item

Forest Lodge Home Farm, Hythe

To consider a report from the Head of Strategic Planning regarding the variation of conditions 16 of planning permission 18/11586 to allow additional mobile kit (Excavator, Dumper truck, and cell engineering equipment) on site to improve operation efficiency at Forest Lodge Home Farm, Fawley Road, Hythe SO45 3NJ (No. 20/10282) (Site Ref: NF271)


Variation of conditions 16 of planning permission 18/11586 to allow additional mobile kit (Excavator, Dumper truck, and cell engineering equipment) on site to improve operation efficiency at Forest Lodge Home Farm, Fawley Road, Hythe SO45 3NJ (No. 20/10282)

(Site Ref: NF271)


The Committee considered a report from the Head of Strategic Planning (item 6 in the minute book) regarding an application at Forest Lodge Home Farm in Hythe.


The officer introduced the item, and the Committee was shown aerial photographs of the site, along with access points. The nearest residential properties to the west of the site were also identified. There had been no objections from the local Environmental Health Officer on the retrospective application for machinery, but objections had been received from local residents on the grounds of noise and dust.


An update report had been circulated, which confirmed changes to conditions 9 and 31 and also updates to the 106 legal agreement.


The committee received two deputations on this item. Peter Armstrong spoke against the application as the Chairman of the Local Residents Association. There had been many breaches of conditions at the site and communication with local residents had deteriorated, with there being no liaison panel having taken place since 2019. Photos had been sent to Hampshire County Council recently after high winds had covered over 500 houses from the nearby estate in dust following dampening down not being carried out. Councillor Malcolm Wade also spoke against the application, requesting that Committee consider deferring the item until issues on the site had been rectified.


During questions of the deputations, the following points were clarified:


·         Equipment had been moved on site without permission and the noise had increased since its appearance;

·         No communication had been received from the applicant since the liaison panel in 2019;

·         The site entrance was 35metres away from the nearest properties;

·         No effort had been made to conceal the additional plant machinery


During questions of the officers, the following points were clarified:

·         Whilst the application was retrospective, this was not unusual and not a planning consideration;

·         The operator had not maintained a good relationship with local residents, but the site manager had been proactive in working with the County Council;

·         Noise issues were covered under conditions, and a management plan had to be submitted and approved;

·         There were no plans to increase the number of staff on site;

·         The plant machinery was not expected to be used regularly and was only required as part of the restoration process;



Members agreed that the applicant had a poor history of heeding to conditions, and also had concerns that a full assessment had not been completed for the additional machinery brought on site.


It was proposed and seconded that the item be deferred and this was one on a vote.


The application was deferred to a future Regulatory Committee meeting, for additional noise monitoring/modelling and exploration of potential for additional noise conditions & consideration of real time monitoring


Favour: 9
Against: 2
Abstain: 4 (including Councillor Penman, who left before the voting took place)


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