To consider a report from the Assistant Director of Waste and Environmental Services regarding an application for an ancillary storage area at the A303 Recycling Facility, Drayton Road, Barton Stacey SO21 3QS.
Ancillary storage area at The A303 Recycling Facility, Drayton Road, Barton Stacey SO21 3QS (No. 21/02681/CMAN) (Site Ref: TV231)
The Committee considered a
report from the Assistant Director of Waste
and Environmental Services regarding an ancillary storage area at a
recycling facility in Barton Stacey.
The presenting officers confirmed that Hampshire County Council had
links to the site through the waste management side as well as the
planning side, and this application was relevant to the
The Committee was shown a
location plan of the site as well as its relationship to the
highway network and adjacent sites and cross-sections assisted with
depicting the topography of the site. Members had visited and it
was highlighted that an update report had also been published,
which summarised a change to Condition 18.
Paul Knipe and Joe Edwards both attended and spoke separately as
local residents against the application and Councillor Alec
Sherwood also attended on behalf of Barton Stacey Parish Council to
share his concerns. Rob Westell spoke in favour on behalf of the
applicant and County Councillor David Drew spoke in support of the
local residents and their apprehensions.
During questions of the deputations, the following points were
· It was felt by residents that the wind speed projected by the applicant was conservative and much higher in reality. The site had a real-time weather station but the specific figures were not available for the meeting.
· The material brought onto site had been incinerated at temperatures that destroyed any harmful chemicals or gasses within the aggregate, but any emissions would be monitored by the Environment Agency.
· Current gasses from the site were predominantly steam and dissipated very quickly.
· Material was no longer received from Kent
During questions of the officers, the following points were clarified:
· There were no conditions relating to highways and queuing vehicles with the application as there were no proposed changes around this. The conditions related specifically to the existing facility and arrangements.
· No complaints regarding dust had been raised by the neighbouring solar farm
· It was emphasised that the monitoring of dust was within the remit of the Environment Agency and additional monitoring was also done as part of the woodland plan.
During debate, Members
sympathised with residents and the concerns over dust, particularly
with the technology around bottom ash being relatively new. It was
accepted that condition 16 included measures around dust and that
combined with a lack of complaints from the solar farm was very
positive. The Committee also acknowledged that the site would be
beneficial for the three Hampshire incinerators and that there were
very few residential properties close to the site. It was also in a
very suitable location in terms of accessing the highway
In summary, officers emphasised that managing Incinerator Bottom
Ash Aggregate (IBAA) was a requirement of the Hampshire Minerals
and Waste Plan and the location suited the operations of the site.
Whilst representations would not always be responded to directly
due to officer capacity, they were always included as part of the
report and update report.
Planning permission was GRANTED subject to the update report and the conditions listed in Appendix A.
Favour: 12 (unanimous)
Supporting documents: