Agenda item


To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make.



Well-being Centres

Following proposals for removal of adult social care funding for Wellbeing Centres discussed at HASC in September and approved by Cabinet and subsequently Full Council, as part of the Savings Programme 2025, work has been progressing with the organisations to review and remodel services in the future. This provision is discretionary and not subject to any eligible social care needs.

Subject to a proposal to the Executive Member in May 2024 if adult social care funding ceases, six months’ notice would be given. Funding from Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB and Public Health, Hampshire County Council, will continue.

Early Support mental health hubs

As part of a national roll-out of 24 mental health hubs announced recently, it was pleasing to note that Isle of Wight and Southampton are among those where funding has been provided to develop these new services. 

Adults’ Health and Care SP25 Savings Programme - HASC Working Group

The established SP25 Savings Proposals Task and Finish Working Group met for a second time on the 7th February. A detailed briefing was provided on the current Charging policy for adult social care, including the financial assessment process and calculations. The briefing also used examples to show how the savings proposal would change the calculation and the impact that could have on service users in receipt of social care services. The group was also given an overview of the approach being taken for the consultation. This included an outline of the engagement that has been led and undertaken corporately to date, as well as the additional tailored engagement that has taken place with stakeholders who would be impacted by the Adults’ Health and Care proposals, to ensure groups/individuals are aware, and can have their say, via the formal public consultation process.  

At the time of the meeting the formal consultation had been running for just shy of a month, the consultation started on Monday 8th January.

Therefore the Working Group were also provided with an overview of the responses that had been received to date on the 3 AHC savings proposals currently being consulted on.

The next Working Group meeting is due to take place on 21st March and will have a focus on Social Inclusion Services including the duties of District and Borough Councils, and Hampshire County Council’s duties under the Care Act 2014, alongside an update on the consultation findings to date.




Hampshire, IoW, Portsmouth and Southampton (HIPS) Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Service

From 1st April 2024 the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust (the merged Southern and Solent NHS trusts) will be providing the HIPS Integrated Sexual and Reproductive Health Service.

Hampshire will be moving to a new agile service delivery model which is part of a longer term nine year programme of transformation to ensure that Sexual and Reproductive Health Services are fit for the future: This will involve:

·         A new clinical front door where residents’ needs will be met in a single consultation with the correct pathway.  This may involve signposting, a remote consultation, or a booked face to face appointment at a clinic location of their choice.

·         Agile community delivery in addition to fixed hubs and spokes, pop up clinics, and outreach for young people and those at higher risk of poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes.

·         Online service (Patient Health Record) for testing, treatment, and other sexual and reproductive health services.