Issue - decisions

Project Appraisal: Buckskin Flood Alleviation Scheme

24/04/2018 - Project Appraisal: Buckskin Flood Alleviation Scheme

1)That the Executive Member for Environment and Transport approves the Project Appraisal for the Flood Alleviation Scheme in Buckskin, Basingstoke, as set out in the supporting report.

2)That subject to the confirmation of grant funding, approval is given to procure and spend and enter into the necessary contractual arrangements to implement the proposed flood alleviation scheme for Buckskin, Basingstoke, in two phases as set out in the supporting report, at an estimated cost of £6.24 millionto be funded from Hampshire County Council’s Flood Risk and Coastal Defence Capital Programme, Defra Flood Defence Grant in Aid, Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee Local Levy and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council investment.

3)That authority to make all the necessary arrangements to implement the scheme, including minor variations to the design or contract, be delegated to the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment.