Issue - decisions

Creation of a Joint Venture Local Authority Trading Company

18/09/2018 - Creation of a Joint Venture Local Authority Trading Company

That Cabinet


a.    Note the findings and conclusions of the Agency review completed.


b.    Confirm approval to create a Joint Venture Agency LATC with Commercial Services Kent Ltd (CSKL), with the intention to provide Agency services to all departments within the County Council, as well as the creation of a staffing bank to support Adult and Children’s residential and nursing services.


c.    Agrees to officers continuing to work with CSKL and Kent County Council (as appropriate) to finalise the project and resourcing plan, and agree a proposed project start date.


d.    Delegates approval for the final decision regarding the commencement of this project to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Resources, the Executive Member for Policy and Resources and the Executive Member for Economic Development.