Issue - decisions

Public Health Strategy

22/07/2019 - Public Health Strategy

Cabinet considered a report of the Director of Public Health, providing an update on the Public Health Strategy.


With the agreement of the Leader, Councillor Porter addressed Cabinet. With reference to the five priority areas in the report, she asked that more pressure be put on the health service to ensure sufficient support for young people through the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).


The report was introduced and details of the five priority areas were set out to improve the health of the population. Particular successes were identified, including work with partners to reduce smoking in pregnancy, the falls champions initiative and in being awarded funding to better understand how to reduce the rate of  suicide in males.


Cabinet welcomed the update and acknowledged further successes around substance misuse, breastfeeding support and increasing rates of cervical screening. It was agreed that the responsible Cabinet Members would follow up Councillor Porter’s points about CAMHS provision.


The recommendations in the report were agreed with a small amendment to reflect the national and international nature of public health work. A decision record is attached to these minutes.