Issue - decisions

Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order to delete Hyde Footpath 746

06/06/2019 - Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order to delete Hyde Footpath 746

1.1 This application was received in 2007 from a solicitor acting on behalf of the landowner; the application was made under Section 53 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The application seeks to delete Hyde Footpath 746, alleging that it was incorrectly recorded at the time that the first Definitive Map was drafted.
1.2. It is considered that the evidence submitted in support of the application, and other evidence reviewed during the investigation, indicates that, on the balance of probabilities, the route should not be removed from the Definitive Map. The application is therefore recommended for refusal.
1.3 Although there is insufficient evidence to support deletion of the route as a Definitive Map Modification Order, it may be possible to extinguish the route under the provisions of s118 of the Highways Act (1980), as the route appears to be unused and therefore is not needed by the public.