Issue - decisions

Project Appraisal - Whitehill & Bordon Green Grid Green Loop Element 2 (Ennerdale Road including A325 crossing) Phase 1: Oakley Road to School footpath

14/08/2019 - Project Appraisal - Whitehill & Bordon Green Grid Green Loop Element 2 (Ennerdale Road including A325 crossing) Phase 1: Oakley Road to School footpath

1. That the Director approves the details of the Whitehill & Bordon Green Grid Green Loop Element 2 (Ennerdale Road including A325 crossing), Phase 1: Oakley Road to School footpath, as set out in this paper.
2. That the Director gives approval to procure, spend and enter into necessary contractual arrangements (including arrangements to enable access to third party land to be secured) to implement this scheme, at a total estimated cost of £197,609, to be part funded by the EM3 LEP and part funded from Section 106 Agreements for local developments.