Issue - decisions

Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order to upgrade Tangley Footpath 12 to a Byway Open To All Traffic Parish of Tangley

01/11/2019 - Application for a Definitive Map Modification Order to upgrade Tangley Footpath 12 to a Byway Open To All Traffic Parish of Tangley

This is an application made by a member of the public in 2018 to upgrade Tangley Footpath 12 to a Byway Open to All Traffic. The application is supported by historic documentary evidence that the applicant believes demonstrates that higher public rights should be recorded along the route.
Having considered the evidence submitted with the application, and undertaken additional research of historic documentary evidence, it is considered that there are insufficient grounds to record a BOAT along the route.
NB – the former owner of Whistler’s Farm, referred to in the Background Report disputes a number of assertions of the objector’s solicitor, reported in paragraphs 18 and 43 of the report. These assertions were included in a section of the report that summarised consultation responses received from interested parties – they are not attributable to, nor do they reflect the views of, the County Council.