Issue - decisions

Publication of the Hampshire Concessionary Travel Scheme 2018-19

20/11/2017 - Publication of the Hampshire Concessionary Travel Scheme 2018-19

That the Hampshire Concessionary Travel Scheme for 2018/2019 maintains the range of concessions currently provided, and that this forms the basis of the draft scheme published on 1 December 2017.

That non-automatic renewal of Older Person’s Concessionary Passes which have not been used in the six months prior to their expiry shall continue to be the target for the 2018/19 Hampshire Concessionary Travel Scheme, but on request an Older Person will be issued with a pass for the 2018/19 Scheme.

That authority is delegated to the Director of Economy, Transport and Environment to make any variations to the final scheme from April 2018 that may be required, in consultation with the Executive Member for Environment and Transport.