Election results for Fareham Town

County Council Election (pre 2017 boundaries) - Thursday 2 May 2013


Fareham Town - results
Election Candidate Party Votes % Outcome
Peter Latham Conservative 2802 17% Elected
George Ringrow Conservative 2686 16% Elected
Bob Ingram UK Independence 2517 15% Not elected
David Whittingham UK Independence 2207 13% Not elected
Paul Whittle Liberal Democrat 2028 12% Not elected
David Norris Liberal Democrat 1933 12% Not elected
James Carr Labour 804 5% Not elected
Richard Ryan Labour 737 4% Not elected
Dilys Harrison Green Party 470 3% Not elected
David Harrison Green Party 415 3% Not elected
Voting Summary
Details Number
Seats 2
Total votes 16599
Electorate 28237
Number of ballot papers issued 8692
Turnout 31%
Share of the votes (%)
Peter Latham 17% Elected
George Ringrow 16% Elected
Bob Ingram 15% Not elected
David Whittingham 13% Not elected
Paul Whittle 12% Not elected
David Norris 12% Not elected
James Carr 5% Not elected
Richard Ryan 4% Not elected
Dilys Harrison 3% Not elected
David Harrison 3% Not elected