Election results for Winchester Eastgate

County Council Election - Thursday 6 May 2021
Comparison with previous election

 Liberal Democrats Hold Dominic Hiscock was re-elected with a majority of 16%, a change of 5% from the previous election. A total of 5779 votes were cast, representing a turnout of 44% .

Table of main parties and election candidates retaining deposit
Election CandidatePartyNumber%Status% Change
Dominic HiscockLiberal Democrats279648%Re-elected5%
Fiona Marion McMillan MatherConservatives186632%--5%
Sarah Felicity GoodingGreen Party55110%Not electedn/a
Patrick DaviesLabour4498%Not electedn/a
Other election candidates-see below1172%-1%
Table of other election candidates
Election Candidate Party Number % Outcome
Teresa Mary Morse [Skelton] The Justice and Anti-Corruption Party 63 1% Not elected
Duncan Philip Stone Hampshire Independents 54 1% Not elected