Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Cabinet considered the regular report of the Director of Hampshire 2050 and Assistant Chief Executive regarding long-term economic strength for Hamsphire.  The Director updated Cabinet on the latest position as set out in the report and anticipated a response from central government in relation to the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) proposals before the summer recess.  He advised that Hampshire continued to be an attractive place for continued inward investment.  In response to questions, he explained that interest rates were forecast to rise and peak at around 6% by the end of the calendar year.  The rises were an ongoing challenge for business in terms on borrowing for investment.


The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes.

Publication date: 18/07/2023

Date of decision: 18/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet

Date comes into force if not called in: 26/07/2023

Call-in deadline date: 25/07/2023

Accompanying Documents: