Decision details


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Cabinet considered a report of the Director of People and Organisation on the strategic oversight of the County Council’s performance against the Serving Hampshire Strategic Plan.  It was heard that performance had generally improved across the year building on strong performance at the half year point, with two thirds of targets already met at the mid-point of the four-year plan.  It was noted that targets were aspirational and challenging and Directorates had plans in place to meet them.


In response to questions around the sickness absence and employee wellbeing, the Director described how the County Council supports the wellbeing of employees including a comprehensive suite of support tools and events to ensure an interactive focus and a free confidential support programme through Health Assured. 


The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes.

Publication date: 18/07/2023

Date of decision: 18/07/2023

Decided at meeting: 18/07/2023 - Cabinet

Date comes into force if not called in: 26/07/2023

Call-in deadline date: 25/07/2023

Accompanying Documents: