Issue - meetings


Meeting: 20/11/2018 - Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee (Item 88)

Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make.


The Chairman made two announcements:


Respite service at Orchard Close, Hayling Island

The Chairman announced that Hampshire County Council was holding a public consultation to seek the views of service users, the public, and other interested stakeholders on proposals to close Orchard Close Respite Service, Hayling Island, with a view to providing more personalised and tailored respite solutions to those people who currently use the service. The Chairman reminded Members that a workshop had been arranged for members of this committee as part of the consultation, due to take place on Tuesday 4 December. The decision about Orchard Close was due to be considered by the Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health in February, and an additional HASC meeting had been convened on Monday 11 February, so that the Select Committee could pre scrutinise the decision.


Referral support service: West CCG

The Chairman reported that West Hampshire CCG had notified the HASC that they would be bringing in a referral support service. Referral support was a system designed to support the patient, referrer, provider and practice when a decision to refer was being considered or made. This was to help ensure patients are managed as consistently as possible and if referred are seen at the right place and at the right time. Referral support would be a fundamental part of the outpatient pathway. Slides about this had been provided and would be circulated to committee members for information following the meeting.


Meeting: 17/05/2018 - Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee (Item 62)

Chairman's Announcements

To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make.


The Chairman made three announcements:


Care Quality Commission Review


The final report from the Local System Review held in March would be available in June.  A summit was due be held, to which HASC Members would be invited. Details would follow in due course.


Working Groups update


The two working groups of the HASC, on social inclusion and sustainability and transformation partnerships, had both met.  Cllr Keast, who Chairs the Social Inclusion working group, provided a summary updating Members on the progress of this review, and Members would receive a fuller version of this briefing following the meeting. 




An update on the move of the Kite Unit had been received and would be circulated following the meeting.