54 Property Services: Major Programmes Update PDF 90 KB
To consider a report of the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services regarding an update on the major programmes, projects and issues currently being progressed relating to Adults’ Health and Care Services Programme, Children’s Services Programme and Office Accommodation.
The Panel considered a report of the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services (Item 6 in the Minute Book) which gave an update on major programmes that were being progressed within the Department.
During discussion of this item, Members were also made aware of the smaller projects being progressed within the Learning Disability Transformation Programme, including the Meadowcroft site.
The Chairman reported on proposals for the Deer Park School, a new seven form entry secondary school at Uplands Farm Estate in Hedge End and asked that a presentation on this be given to the Panel at its meeting in January 2019.
i. That the Buildings, Land and Procurement Panel notes the progress of each of the programmes.
ii. That a presentation on the proposals for the new Deer Park School in Hedge End be given to the Panel at its meeting in January 2019.