To consider a report of the Cabinet recommending some constitutional changes in light of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations.
Additional documents:
The Council considered the report of Cabinet (Item 9 in the Minute Book) recommending some constitutional changes in light of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations.
During the course of debate, Members welcomed the proposals set out in the report to continue to uphold democracy and ensure that the full range of the County Council’s decision-making will be conducted remotely where it is necessary to do so and in accordance with the Regulations, and those decisions fully accessible to the public. The importance of the continuance of current practices such as opposition spokesperson briefings and opposition spokespersons having a standing invitation to attend Executive decision days was stressed.
In regard to the County Council’s deputation procedure, a request was received to consider deputations being received remotely are both heard and seen. The Leader agreed to look into this request with officers.
That the County Council:
a) Agreed that for clarity the deputation rules be amended so as to allow deputations to be received remotely at remote Meetings of the County Council, Cabinet, Committees, Standing Panels and Individual Executive Member Decision Days for the duration of the Regulations.
b) Agrees in light of the Coronavirus epidemic and its consequential impact on the holding of Individual Executive Member Decision Days, that the Constitution should be amended in order to allow Individual Executive Member Decision Days ordinarily held in public, to be held remotely for the duration of the Regulations.
c) Agrees in consequence of a) and b) above that amendments as indicated at Annex One and Annex Two to this report be made to Standing Orders and Executive Procedures and Role of the Executive, contained respectively within Part 3, Chapter 1, and Part 3, Chapter 2 of the Constitution.