199 Incoming Chairman's Announcements PDF 202 KB
To receive any announcements the Incoming Chairman may wish to make.
The Incoming Chairman thanked Members for the support given to him and the trust placed in him as the new Chairman of the County Council.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Choudhary for his outstanding service as Chairman
over the past year and particularly noted the importance of the
Outgoing Chairman’s theme of Health and Wellbeing, and a
focus on mental health, in light of the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Chairman also had pleasure in congratulating Councillor Marge
Harvey on her appointment as Vice-Chairman of the County Council
and looked forward to working with her.
It was with sadness that the Chairman reported the passing of former County Councillor Frank Rust who passed away at the end of March. Frank had represented the Aldershot East Division from May 2013 to May 2017. The Chairman referred to the press release issued by the Leader in April recording the County Council’s sadness at Frank’s passing and how he had served the County Council on a number of committees and represented the County Council on a number of outside bodies.
The Chairman confirmed that his theme during his year in office would focus on a Cleaner and Greener Hampshire, in particular encouraging the use of clean energy wherever possible to continue the reduction of carbon emissions and improving air quality.
The Chairman also highlighted a number of accolades awarded to the County Council in Property Services, education, heritage, HC3S and Adult Services; the details of which are contained in the Chairman’s full announcements at Appendix 2 to these Minutes.