Leader's Report
To receive the report of the Leader.
The Leader thanked Councillor Choudhary for his year as Chairman and the work he had done. He also congratulated Councillor Kendal on his election as Chairman of the County Council and Councillor Harvey on her appointment as Vice-Chairman of the County Council.
The Leader referred to the meeting being the first County Council Meeting held remotely which had been designed to deal with essential business only to ensure that the County Council’s Constitution is in line with new Government legislation. The next meeting will involve all Members of the Council.
Subject to Members approving the recommendations in Item 9 on the Agenda, Executive decision-making, with appropriate scrutiny, can also be conducted remotely.
In turning to the Covid-19 crisis, the Leader confirmed the County Council’s objective was to slow and stop the spread of the virus by work as one team with partners in both the private and public sectors. Regular contact was being maintained with Hampshire’s MPS, local councils, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Hampshire’s Local Resilience Forum and the three unitary councils. The County Council’s Communications Team had been providing much appreciated updates on the crisis to everyone. The Leader expressed his continuing concern about care homes and carers and welcomed new government grant to support this sector. As schools start to open up more spaces to pupils on a phased return, the County Council has been providing high levels of support and everyone was working hard to ensure a safe environment for all concerned.
The Leader reported on the important role the County Council will play in carrying out the test, track and trace procedures in the Government’s recently published Outbreak Management Plan following the successful pilot in the Isle of Wight under the leadership of the County Council’s Director of Public Health.
Finally, the Leader expressed thanks on behalf of all Members for the hard work carried out by all County Council staff and it’s partners who had performed magnificently over recent months in responding to the crisis.