Chairman's Announcements
To receive such announcements as the Chairman may wish to make to the Council.
It was with regret that the Chairman advised the death of former County Councillor Peter Baker. Peter represented the Ringwood division from 1993 to 1997. Councillor Harrison paid tribute to Peter. Members bowed their heads for 30 seconds as a mark of respect.
It was with pleasure that the Chairman announced some awards for the County Council:
To Amanda Whatley, Business Development Manager for
HC3S, the County Council’s Catering Service, had recently
been awarded the ‘Public Sector Catering’ Marketing
Award for HC3S’s 30th Anniversary marketing campaign last
year, made all the more pleasing as this is an Award the Service
had not previously won.
Sir Harold Hillier Gardens were awarded Gold (High)
at South and South East in Bloom for the sixth year running which
is part of the Britain in Bloom competition. The Chairman reported it is a testament to
the hard work all the staff and over 200 volunteers who were
delighted to win an award again.
· Britain in Bloom’ South and South east, have awarded the Wynton Way horticultural site and gardens, near Fareham, the highest grade of level 5 Outstanding. This is only the second year that they have entered and a great achievement to reach such a high standard.
The Chairman was also pleased to report that two new primary school buildings were completed on time despite the Covid-19 crisis and opened their doors at the beginning of this term. The state of the art buildings are at Stoneham Park in Eastleigh and Barton Farm in Winchester. Officers in Children’s Services and Property Services worked very closely with the building contractor and the Academy sponsor, the University of Winchester, to ensure the buildings were finished and fitted-out in time for the arrival of pupils. The Chairman congratulated everyone involved for such a great outcome in these challenging times.