22 Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, Children in Care Provision PDF 85 KB
To receive an update from Hampshire’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service in relation to Children in Care.
Additional documents:
The Board received a report from the Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service providing an overview of its provision for Children in Care. This included the planning approach taken to respond to the increase in demand and the successes and challenges in relation to the provision. Additionally, an overview of the future proposed clinical model in relation to the children in care provision was provided.
As a result of questions members heard that;
· The waiting list is ranked based on the needs of the young people on them.
· There is extra funding being received but this is not matching the increased demand. The additional challenges with recruitment also means that services struggle to march the need.
· There are schemes in place to engage with schools and upskill colleagues from other areas.
· Recruitment focussed on graduates and apprenticeship opportunities have been established but some areas are harder to expand than others due to the skill set required.
That the Corporate Parenting Board is asked to consider the report and accompanying presentation and note the priorities for the Hampshire Child and Adolescent Mental health Service in relation to Children in Care.