Issue - meetings

Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve - Future Proposals

Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Executive Member for Countryside, Culture and Communities Decision Day (Item 2)

2 Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve - Future Proposals (LESS EXEMPT APPENDIX) pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services on proposals regarding the future of Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve and its associated buildings.

Additional documents:

Meeting: 08/12/2022 - Executive Member for Countryside, Culture and Communities Decision Day (Item 4)

4 Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve - Future Proposals - EXEMPT APPENDIX

To consider an exempt appendix in relation to Item 2 on the agenda.

Meeting: 07/12/2022 - Countryside, Culture and Communities Select Committee (Item 17)

17 Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve - Future Proposals - EXEMPT APPENDIX

To consider an exempt appendix in relation to Item 6 on the agenda.


The exempt appendix was considered as part of item 6 on the agenda without being directly referenced, and therefore there was no requirement to go into exempt session.

Meeting: 07/12/2022 - Countryside, Culture and Communities Select Committee (Item 15)

15 Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve - Future Proposals (LESS EXEMPT APPENDIX) pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To pre-scrutinise a report of the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services on proposals regarding the future of Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve and its associated buildings.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report of the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services for pre-scrutiny, seeking the support of the Committee on proposals regarding the future of Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve following a period of staff consultation and public engagement (Item 6 in the Minute Book).  Support of the Committee was sought on proposals which would be considered by the Executive Member for Countryside, Culture and Communities and by the Executive Member for Policy, Resources and Economic Development at their respective Decision Days on 8 December 2022.


Members of the Committee were shown a presentation which highlighted key areas of the report.  It was explained that the current operating model of the Nature Reserve was financially unsustainable with a net cost of £136,000 for the 2022/23 financial year.  Attention was also drawn to the estimated running costs over the next three years and the level of investment needed for the Nature Reserve, Haven House and Haven Cottage.  If no changes were made to the current operating model, and it was forecast that with costs increasing, this would mean a total pressure against budget of £1,831,000.  Members heard that the option recommended was ‘Option 4 – Change Focus’ which would prioritise the Nature Reserve and manage without the café, visitor centre and shop.  This would also reduce revenue costs, improve access and was the most viable option.  Officers explained that by closing these facilities and selling Haven House and Haven Cottage, an estimated £2million of capital receipt would be generated.  It was proposed that this would help to reduce revenue costs towards SP23, and invest in longer term management of the Nature Reserve by improved access, visitor experience and retaining a strong customer and volunteer offer. 


Officers also presented details relating to the staff consultation which commenced on 27 September 2022, and Appendix C to the report outlined the main feedback and outcome of this consultation.  In terms of staffing impact, it was highlighted that 50% of staff would retain their employment, and 50% would remain at risk of redundancy, and it was emphasised that officers had done their best to limit the impact on staff and find alternative employment for some.  Members also heard details about the public engagement approach and the high level of feedback and good breadth of responses received from the public engagement survey.  Members noted that a signed petition of 9991 signatories had been received opposing the closure of the visitor centre and café, but it was important to stress that the Nature Reserve itself wouldn’t be closing and very few Nature Reserves have a café as part of their offer.


Officers highlighted the engagement that had taken place with organisations and elected representatives in order to explore any viable solutions.  It was heard that the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) had confirmed that to enter into a partnership was not a strategic priority for them, whilst there had been contact with the National Trust no further communication had been received  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15