Issue - meetings

Review of Fees and Charges

Meeting: 09/12/2022 - River Hamble Harbour Management Committee (Item 61)

61 Review of Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 117 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Culture, Communities and Business Services regarding the annual review of fees and charges applicable to the River Hamble Harbour Authority.


The Committee considered the report setting out the proposed fees and charges for the forthcoming year.


Members’ attention was drawn to section 4 of the report and the proposed changes to fees for capital dredges of up to 500m3 and capital dredges of 501m3 to 2,500m3. The Committee noted that the previous charges were not reflective of the significant work required per dredge and heard that the proposed figures were more in line with other consent figures. The Committee’s representative from the Marine Operator’s Association noted that the proposed changes represented extremely good value for money alongside other harbours. In response to Members’ questions on this change, it was noted that:


·    There had been no applications so far this year for either size dredge.

·    The capital dredges in question were rarely requested.

·    Maintenance dredging was completed by marinas on a rotational basis.

  • All dredges, whether maintenance or capital are subject to various assessments by the relevant authorities regarding their environmental impact.


The Committee noted a duplication in the final row of the table under section 6 of the report – namely in relation to ‘Re-securing or lashing sails and covers’. It was noted that the proposed figure should show as ‘£55 per hour + VAT. Minimum charge £27 + VAT’.




That the Committee recommends that the Harbour Board approve the fees and charges set out in the report and to advertise them on the Harbour Authority’s website.