Issue - meetings

Minutes of the previous meeting (Public)

Meeting: 16/06/2023 - Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Panel - Complaints Sub-Committee (Item 11)

11 Minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To confirm the public minutes from the meeting of the Complaints Sub-Committee held on 19 May 2023.


The Chairman noted that Councillor Tony Jones was not shown in the minutes to be present, although he was present at the meeting. The public minutes of the previous meeting were otherwise agreed as an accurate record.

Meeting: 19/05/2023 - Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Panel - Complaints Sub-Committee (Item 3)

3 Minutes of the previous meeting (Public) pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To confirm the public minutes from the meeting of the Complaints Sub-Committee held on 12 April 2022.


The public minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record.