To consider a report from the Executive Member for Education on the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) seeking approval of the Advisory Council’s updated Constitution and to approve an amendment to the terms of reference for the Education Advisory Panel (EAP).
Additional documents:
The Council considered the report of the Executive Member for Education seeking approval of the updated Constitution for the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE), and to an amendment to the Terms of Reference for the Education Advisory Panel (EAP).
A question was asked about paragraph 3.11 of
Appendix A (SACRE’s Constitution) regarding collective
worship in schools as set out in the Education Act 1996 was put to
the Executive Member who was asked if he would consider writing to
the Secretary of State for Education requesting that the decades
old Education Act be amended to change the default position
regarding religious worship in schools and instead reflect a more
diverse and modern society. A further
question asked for the belief of Humanism to be taken into account
and included in any letter sent to the Secretary of
State. In response, the Executive
Member responded that he would consider the request of writing to
the Secretary of State, in consultation with officers. The Executive Member did not consider the second
question relevant to the report before the Council and would take
this matter up offline.
During the course of debate, the Vice-Chairman of SACRE explained
that although collective worship is required in all schools, they
do have discretion as to what form that worship takes. The Vice-Chairman further reported that Humanism
has been part of the Living Difference curriculum for many years
and SACRE currently has a Humanist representative as a co-opted
member. SACRE had recently considered
(7 November) a recommendation that the Humanist representative be
made a full Group A member, having taken into account recent
guidance from the Department of Education including the case of
Bowen v Kent County Council. Members
noted that although there was not unanimous support, the
recommendation had been agreed.
A suggestion that these matters could be considered at a future meeting of the Children and Young People Select Committee was noted.
a) That the County Council approve the updated Constitution for Hampshire’s Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education as agreed by the Advisory Council at their meeting on 4 July 2023 and contained in Appendix A to the report.
b) That the County Council approve the proposed changes to the Education Advisory Panel’s Terms of Reference as detailed in Appendix C to the report.