Issue - meetings

Code of Corporate Governance

Meeting: 14/12/2023 - Audit Committee (Item 144)

144 Code of Corporate Governance pdf icon PDF 115 KB

To consider a report from Director of People and Organisation outlining a review of the County Council’s Code of Corporate Governance.

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report of the Director of People and Organisation outlining a review of the County Council’s Code of Corporate Governance.


Members heard that CIPFA guidance set out high level principles for good governance and the Code of Governance evidenced the County’s commitment to work to these principles, promoting transparency for the benefit of all.


It was noted that it had been some time since the Code of Corporate Governance was last brought before the Committee and, there were a number of proposed changes made to the Appendix to the Code.


It was heard that the recommendation to delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer would allow for any administrative changes to be made to the Appendix to the Code to reflect any updates made to the corporate systems, processes and documentation referenced within it. It was understood that any non-administrative changes to the Code would come back to the Committee for review. It was further anticipated that the Committee would undertake a regular bi-annual review of the Code going forward.




  • That the Audit Committee consider and approve the revised Code of Corporate Governance as set out in Annex 1 to this Report.


  • That the Audit Committee delegate authority to the Monitoring Officer to approve future amendments to the Appendix to the Code of Corporate Governance to reflect any updates made to the corporate systems, processes and documentation referenced within it.