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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Warwick.
Declarations of interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Personal interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Councillor Kirsty North declared an interest under appendix 10, as portfolio holder for Housing and Environmental Health at Test Valley Borough Council. She left the meeting during consideration of the matter and took no part in the decision-making.
Minutes of previous meeting PDF 79 KB To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 9 July were agreed as a correct record.
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make. Minutes: There were no announcements.
Deputations |
To receive any deputations notified under Standing Order 12. Minutes: A deputation was received from Mr Stuart Jones and on item 6c of the agenda, Passenger Transport and from Ms Kenna Young on item 6j, Homelessness Support Services.
To receive any comments from non-Executive members of Hampshire County Council. Minutes: Councillors Stephen Broomfield, Rod Cooper, Tim Davies, Tim Groves, David Harrison, Pal Hayre, Keith House, Lesley Meenaghan, Jackie Porter, Stephen Reid, Andy Tree, Martin Tod, Malcolm Wade and Macolm Wallace, spoke on the Savings Programme to 2025 Revenue Savings Proposals, under item 6 of the agenda.
The Chairman called a short adjournment to the meeting from 10:23 to 10:35.
Savings Programme to 2025 Revenue Savings Proposals PDF 356 KB To consider a report of the Chief Executive on the revenue savings proposals and the outcomes of the Hampshire County Council Future Services Consultation for the 13 proposals set out below. Minutes: Cabinet received a report from the Chief Executive on the revenue savings proposals and the outcomes of the Hampshire County Council Future Services Consultation for the 13 proposals to be considered under agenda item 6.
The Chairman thanked officers for the time and robust assessment given to preparing the proposals for the consideration of Cabinet, noting that cost pressures had made the review of savings proposals a necessity. He explained a variation in the order of the agenda, to take item 6j first, followed by 6c, 6g and 6d, before continuing with the remaining items as per the published agenda.
Appendix 1 – Highways maintenance PDF 400 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 1 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal for Planned highway maintenance and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal for Cabinet approval as part of the overarching decision report ‘Savings Programme to 2025 Revenue Savings Proposals’.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, the Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee addressed Cabinet and noted that after robust discussion the Select Committee had determined to support the recommendations made by officers, as outlined in his letter appended to the report.
Councillor Bowerman, Executive Member for Highways and Waste, proposed an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Kirsty North, recognising the public concern but that clarity had been offered with assurance that the proposed reduction would not impact on repairs to potholes, a growing issue due to climate conditions. The amendment was to add a paragraph and is shown, at b), in bold below.
a) To note the outcome of the 2024 Future Services Consultation in relation to the proposal to reduce the annual highway maintenance for planned maintenance activities by £7.5 million from April 2025? ? b) Cabinet note the additional anticipated uplift funding of £13.76M.for the 2025/6 financial year and the proposals for raising money, ringfenced for Highway Maintenance and Schemes to tackle congestion proposed through the emerging Disruption Charging schemes, which will provide significant additional funding for highway repairs. Additionally, Cabinet notes the confirmation that the reduction in budget will not affect pothole and defect repairs, and therefore?
c) That Cabinet approves the reduction in the annual highway maintenance budget for planned maintenance activity by £7.5 million from April 2025.
The Chairman noted that 180,000 defects were repaired during the previous year and that successful application of grant funding had supported maintenance of the road network.
Appendix 2 - Highways winter services PDF 374 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 2 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal for Highways Winter Services and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, Councillor Rob Mocatta, Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee was invited to speak and noted that Members of the Select Committee had held significant discussion regarding the proposals for different routes within the network. Following discussion, the Select Committee determined to support the recommendations made by officers, as outlined in the letter appended to the report.
Councillor Lulu Bowerman, Executive Member for Highways and Waste, noted the change in the use of the road network, following changes in commuter behaviour following the covid pandemic, and further observed that revisions to the road networks winter service had not been reviewed for 20 years.
Councillor Bowerman proposed an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Kirsty North. The amendment was to add wording to paragraph b) and is shown in bold below.
a) To note the outcome of the 2024 Future Services Consultation in relation to the proposal to reduce the annual budget for Highways Winter Services by £1 million. ?
b) That Hampshire County Council undertakes a review and then updates its Highway Winter Services in consideration of changes to travelling behaviours and recent updates to national guidance. The review and subsequent implementation are predicted to provide annual budget savings of £1 million from April 2025. This would be achieved through the revision and implementation of revised winter service treatment routes developed in accordance with current national guidelines and assessments of the way in which people in Hampshire travel during periods of winter weather; as well as through operational efficiency savings arising from the changes.?
c) That authority is delegated to the Director of Universal Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Highways and Waste to implement these decisions, including to progress and make any necessary arrangements to agree and implement the revisions to Priority One, Priority Two and Community Route treatment networks.
The Chairman remarked that revisions to the road networks winter service was timely, and making savings through the rationalisation of the service was a reasonable position.
Cabinet considered and agreed the recommendations, as amended. A decision record is attached to these minutes. |
Appendix 3 - Passenger transport PDF 534 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 3 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal for Passenger Transport and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, the Chairman invited Councillor Juliet Henderson, Chairman of the Children and Young People Select Committee to speak, who explained that she had written to Councillor Rob Mocatta, Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee regarding the proposed savings and the impact on the cost of school transport and an opportunity to generate savings by combining the delivery of home to school transport, adult social care and community transport.
Chairman of the Health and
Adult Social Care Select Committee, Councillor Bill Withers,
explained that he had also written to Councillor Mocatta sharing
the Select Committee’s concerns regarding the impact of
changes, supporting the position of the Chairman of the Children
and Young People Select Committee to consider holistically
reviewing the provision of passenger transport.
Councillor Kirsty North, Executive Lead Member for Universal Services, thanked members of the public and non-executive members who had attended the meeting to share their views on the proposal. The Lead Member supported a further review of the impact and implementation of the proposed changes, and the proposal to consider a more holistic approach to the delivery of school, community and adult social care transport.
Councillor North proposed an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Lulu Bowerman. The additional paragraphs and wording are shown in bold below.
The Chairman invited the Director of Universal Services to comment on the amendment, who suggested it would take 12-18 months to undertake the further review proposed and noted that work to align the provision of school, adult social care and community transport was already being undertaken. Therefore, the Lead Member revised the additional recommendation g) and the wording “alongside implementation” was added, shown underlined below.
a) To note the outcome of the 2024 Future Services Consultation in relation to the proposals on the future of the Passenger Transport provision.?
b) To note the changes to the proposals that were set out in the Future Services Consultation, as detailed within this report as a result of the responses received. ?
c) To approve the removal of the following County Council revenue funding totaling £587,000 as detailed within this report and based on the results of the Consultation: ? - Connect: Taxi-share services saving £157,000 per annum? - Supported local bus services saving £262,000 per annum ? - Other passenger transport savings £168,000 per annum?
d) To approve a revised approach in which both community transport and school transport are jointly commissioned and delivered together, thereby maintaining a level of service to meet the transport needs of older ... view the full minutes text for item 215. |
Appendix 4 - School Crossing Patrols PDF 361 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 4 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on the School crossing patrol (SCP) service and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, Councillor Rob Mocatta, Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee was invited to speak and thanked the school group and children from St Mark’s School in Basingstoke, who had taken the time to attend the meeting of the Select Committee and share their views on the proposals. Cllr Mocatta noted that, following consideration the Select Committee determined that it did not support the recommendations which had been proposed, and had provided proposed amended recommendations for consideration by Cabinet, as outlined in the letter appended to the Cabinet report.
Councillor Lulu Bowerman, Executive Member for Highways and Waste, noted that the Council had a duty to support road safety, but not specifically to provide a school crossing patrol service. Councillor Bowerman explained that it had been difficult to recruit to some vacancies, and that it was important to consider innovation in delivering road safety, outside of the provision of school crossing patrol services.
Councillor Bowerman proposed an amendment to the recommendations, to defer the decision to withdraw the service at 17 sites to enable detailed sit assessments to be undertaken. The amendment was seconded by Councillor Kirsty North, noting the strength of feelings expressed by both residents and Members, whilst recognising the need for innovation in the future. The wording of recommendation b) was replaced as shown in bold below.
a) To note the outcome of the 2024 Future Services Consultation in relation to the proposals on the future of the School Crossing Patrol service.?
b) Cabinet agrees to defer the decision to save £0.114 million from the 17 sites that do not meet the criteria for justifying an SCP until further detailed site assessments have been carried out. ?
c) That a further 156 SCP sites, including 4 sites that have been vacant for four or more years, are reviewed to assess whether suitable alternative measures that are financially viable in the long term could be put in place for children to cross the road safely at the site without the requirement for an SCP.?
d) That at sites where the assessment determines suitable alternative measures that are financially viable in the long term are in place or can be put in place for children to cross the road safely without the requirement for an SCP, that the alternative measures are implemented and the SCP service at those sites is withdrawn.?
e) That authority is delegated to the Director of Universal Services, in consultation with the Executive Member for Highways and Waste, to progress and make any necessary arrangements to implement these decisions.
During discussion, Cabinet agreed that deferring and undertaking a full assessment of the 17 sites identified, would allow greater consideration of any potential impact upon air quality and integration with schools local travel plans. ... view the full minutes text for item 216. |
Appendix 5 - Rural countryside parking PDF 449 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 5 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Rural Countryside Parking and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, Councillor Rob Mocatta, Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee was invited to speak and noted the Select Committee had determined to support the recommendations made by officers, as outlined in the letter appended to the report, and had noted that the provision would be subject to an annual review and any revenue generated from the parking charges would be used to maintain the County Council’s countryside sites.
Councillor Kirsty North, Executive Lead Member for Universal Services, echoed the comments of the Select Committee and noted that those responding to the consultation had demonstrated an understanding for the reasons for implementing parking charges and the enhanced visitor experience the additional revenue would deliver.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes. |
Appendix 6 - Street lighting PDF 447 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 6 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Street lighting and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, Councillor Rob Mocatta, Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee was invited to speak and noted that Members of the Select Committee had a robust discussion regarding the potential impact of the proposed changes. Councillor Mocatta noted that the Select Committee had determined to support the recommendations made by officers, with one additional recommendation, as outlined in the letter appended to the report.
Councillor Lulu Bowerman, Executive Member for Highways and Waste, noted the proposals could provide savings of up to £0.5m per annum, reducing the impact of any future price rises, as well as a reduction in CO2 emissions and reducing light pollution.
The Chairman noted that the Council would be working alongside Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary to maintain public safety and would revise any street lighting where necessary to respond to safety concerns.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes.
Appendix 7 - Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) PDF 620 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 7 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) service and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Universal Services, Councillor Rob Mocatta, Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee was invited to speak and noted that the Select Committee spent a significant amount of time considering the proposals and public comments to them. Following consideration the Select Committee determined that it did not support the recommendations which had been proposed, and had provided two proposed amended recommendations for consideration by Cabinet, as outlined in the letter appended to the Cabinet report.
Councillor Lulu Bowerman, Executive Member for Highways and Waste, noted concerns raised by residents about the proposed site closures and the comments of the Select Committee and those who had spoken to the meeting. Cllr Bowerman noted ambitious and aspirational plans for future waste collection, disposal and recycling in Hampshire and opportunities to generate revenue to support the running of HWRCs, if approved by central government.
Councillor Bowerman proposed an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Councillor Kirsty North, who noted the strength of public feeling about the proposed closures. The amendments removed the proposal to close Tier 3 and 4 HWRCs, and replacement recommendations are shown in bold below.
a) To note the outcome of the 2024 Future Services Consultation in relation to the proposals on the future of the Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCs) network.?
b) Cabinet further notes the concern of the Universal Services Select Committee and their recommendation that there should be no closures of HWRCs.?
c) Cabinet further notes the progress toward a revised and improved waste and recycling system including the construction of the Materials Recovery Facility in Eastleigh. The work toward identifying a whole system cost for Hampshire’s waste and recycling system and the potential once completed for an improved and better recycling and integrated waste partnership between the County Council and its District, Borough and City Council partners.?
d) Consequently, Cabinet does not agree to the closure of HWRCs in Tier 3 and Tier 4 (as set out in Table 1, Paragraph 23) and requests that they be included in the county-wide review of waste and recycling to be reported to Cabinet once the revised Simpler Recycling process has been implemented. ?
During discussion, Cabinet commented that the Youth Parliament, when consulted, had felt particularly strongly about improving recycling approaches and reducing waste. Cabinet noted there was no evidence to suggest that closing HWRCs would directly lead to an increase in fly tipping, or any suggestion that the majority of users of HWRCs would consider doing so. The learnings which had come from the work undertaken by officers to review waste management had been informative and would be useful in supporting future plans. In conclusion, Cabinet welcomed the revised proposals which demonstrated that the Council had listened to the views of residents.
The Chairman echoed his ... view the full minutes text for item 219. |
Appendix 8 - Competitive (one-off) grant schemes PDF 307 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 8 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Competitive (one-off) Grant Schemes and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Hampshire 2050, the Chairman invited Councillor Jonathan Glen, the Chairman of the Hampshire 2050, Corporate Services and Resources Select Committee to speak, who noted that the Select Committee supported the officers recommendations, as outlined in the letter appended to the report, noting that the funding was discretionary and that other funding was available.
The Chairman and Executive Lead Member for Hampshire 2050 and Corporate Services, acknowledged that whilst the grants were of great support to applicants, there were other funding opportunities available to those organisations and the revenue saved would support care for the most vulnerable residents across Hampshire.
Cabinet noted the
scale of the financial challenge the Council faced, and whilst
regrettable agreed the savings were necessary.
Appendix 9 - Hampshire Cultural Trust grant PDF 286 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 9 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on the reduction of the Hampshire Cultural Trust grant, and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Hampshire 2050, the Chairman invited Councillor Jonathan Glen, the Chairman of the Hampshire 2050, Corporate Services and Resources Select Committee to speak, who noted that the Select Committee supported the officers recommendations, as outlined in the letter appended to the report, noting that the funding was discretionary and that other funding was available.
The Executive Member for Hampshire 2050 (Climate Change, Culture and Partnerships) and HR, Communications and Performance recognised the importance of supporting cultural and historical services, through a sustainable approach for the future in collaboration with Hampshire Cultural trust.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes. |
Appendix 10 - Homelessness Support Services PDF 492 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Kirsty North left the meeting at this point, following an early declaration of interest in this item.
Cabinet considered Appendix 10 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Homelessness Support Services, and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Adults’ Health and Care, the Chairman invited Councillor Bill Withers, the Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee to speak, who noted that the Select Committee did not support all of the recommendations proposed, as outlined in the letter appended to the report.
Councillor Liz Fairhurst, Executive Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health, acknowledged that whilst homelessness and housing was the responsibility of the District and Borough Councils, the District and Borough Councils had raised concerns about removing the funding mid-contract from March 2025, without sufficient time to agree suitable alternative arrangements.
Councillor Fairhurst thanked residents and members who had made representation and proposed an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Cllr Russell Oppenheimer. The amendments, shown in bold below, sought to honour the existing contracts to March 2026 to enable those providing services time to explore other sources of funding.
a) That the County Council does not end funding for Homelessness Support Services (also known as Social Inclusion Services) on 30 April 2025. ?
That the
County Council gives 6 months-notice to terminate the six contracts
and three grant agreements in place for these services to bring
these contracts and grant agreements to an end on 31 March 2026,
thus continuing their payment to the end of the contract
term.? c) Cabinet notes the concerns raised by the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee and agrees that Adults’ Health and Care ensures that anyone using County Council funded Homelessness Support Services who would be impacted now and in future years by this proposal has access to a Care Act Assessment.
The Chairman acknowledged that regrettably the Council would need to remove financial support for homelessness services, where they were the responsibility of the District and Borough Councils, however understood the concerns shared about the proposals taking effect mid-way through the contract period.
Councillor Kirsty North rejoined the meeting at this point.
Appendix 11 - Adult Social Care charges PDF 430 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 11 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Adult Social Care Charges and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Adults’ Health and Care, the Chairman invited Councillor Bill Withers, the Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee to speak, who thanked the officers for the information provided to the Select Committee, which had supported the recommendation proposed, as outlined in the letter appended to the report, to bring practice in Hampshire in line with the rest of the country.
Councillor Liz Fairhurst, Executive Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health noted that the County Council had been an outlier for some years, and therefore supported the proposed changes from April 2025.
The Chairman further commented that whilst the County Council had held its position at 95% for as long as was possible, it was now necessary for the additional 5% to be taken into account to provide the breadth of service provision required.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes. |
Appendix 12 - Adult Social Care grant schemes PDF 315 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 12 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Adult Social Care Grant Schemes and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Adults’ Health and Care, the Chairman invited Councillor Bill Withers, the Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee to speak, who recognised that whilst the decision may be taken to remove the grants, that officers would continue to support those bodies who received grant funding to find alternative funding. The Chairman explained that the Select Committee had supported the recommendations proposed, as outlined in the letter appended to the report.
Councillor Liz Fairhurst, Executive Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health noted and thanked officers for their work with partners to support them in accessing additional sources of funding. The Chairman further praised the partnership approach undertaken.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes. |
Appendix 13 - Library stock PDF 766 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered Appendix 13 to the Cabinet report, which provided further detail of the Savings Programme 2025 (SP25) proposal on Library stock and the specific recommendations relating to this proposal.
Following an introduction from the Director of Children’s Services, the Chairman invited Councillor Juliet Henderson, the Chairman of the Children and Young People Select Committee to speak, who advised that the Select Committee had supported the recommendations proposed, as outlined in the letter appended to the report, whilst recognising the value residents had placed on the library service, as evidenced through responses to the consultation
Councillor Steve Forster, Executive Member for Education, commented that changing the procurement of titles for the library, through focussing on the most popular titles and offering provision both in physical copy and electronic would deliver improvements to the library offer for residents.
Councillor Forster proposed an amendment to the recommendations, seconded by Cllr Roz Chadd, to increase the savings by an additional £50,000 per annum, in response to the feedback from the consultation. The amendments are shown in bold below.
a) To reduce stock spend by £250,000 per annum focusing on the following priorities, identified by Hampshire’s residents and library usersfrom feedback through the Future Services Consultation, outlined from paragraph 31 of the report; ? - Reduce spend on a combination of physical and digital stock; ? - Prioritise spending on children’s physical stock; ? - Prioritise spending on paperbacks rather than hardbacks;? - Prioritise buying a wider range of items, with reduced copies of new titles and prioritise purchasing books over other resources.
The Chairman noted that use of the libraries had widened in recent years, and that they had therefore become more integral to their local communities.
Cabinet considered and agreed the recommendations, as amended. A decision record is attached to these minutes. |
Responsibility for Executive Functions PDF 167 KB To receive a report of the Assistant Director - Legal Services and Monitoring Officer on revised Executive arrangements. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet received a report of the Assistant Director of Legal Services and Monitoring Officer outlining revised Executive arrangements.
The recommendations in the report were considered and agreed. A decision record is attached to these minutes.