Agenda and minutes

Executive Lead Member for Children's Services Decision Day - Wednesday 19 October 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Remote Decision Day

Contact: Members Services 


No. Item


Outcomes from the consultation on social care provision for overnight short breaks at Firvale Residential Respite Children's Unit pdf icon PDF 658 KB

To consider a report providing the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services with the outcomes of both the public and staff consultations on the future of social care provision at Firvale Residential Respite Unit.

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Henry Tyndale School Provision at the former Park Primary Children's Centre, Aldershot pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To consider a report seeking approval to spend for the project proposals for alterations, refurbishment, extension and external improvements of the former Park Primary Children’s Centre, Aldershot to create a new satellite provision for the Henry Tyndale School for children with special educational needs.

Additional documents:


Appointments to Outside Bodies, Statutory Joint Committees, Panels and Partnership Boards pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To propose appointments to Outside Bodies, Statutory Joint Committees, Panels and Partnership Boards.

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