Venue: Council Chamber - HCC. View directions
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No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Nick Adams-King, Hugh Lumby, Russell Oppenheimer, Kim Taylor and Seán Woodward, and from Honorary Aldermen Chris Carter, Keith Chapman and Andrew Gibson.
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 18 May 2023.
Minutes: The Minutes of the County Council Meeting held on 18 May 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Deputations To receive any deputations
notified under Standing Order 12. Minutes: Deputations were received in accordance with Standing Order 12 on the following topics:
1. Emergency access and road safety concerns in South Grove and Grove Road, Lymington 2. Road safety at Helios Park, Farnborough 3. Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan
Chairman's Announcements To receive such announcements as the Chairman may wish to make to the Council.
Minutes: The Chairman started her announcements with Awards/Accolades that had recently been granted to Hampshire County Council staff and had pleasure in congratulating them all:
· Hannah West, a Careers Adviser with the County Council’s ‘Hampshire Futures’ service, part of Children’s Services, has been named Public Sector Careers Adviser of the Year in the UK Career Development Awards. · The Highways Team in Universal Services were ‘commended’ in the Decarbonisation category of the national Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT) Awards. · Sir Harold Hillier Gardens had two exhibits at the Royal Horticultural Show, Hampton Court and were awarded a Silver-Gilt and Silver medal for ‘The Retreat Garden: A Mindful Garden’ and a Silver medal for the exhibit based on the National Plant Collection which can be found in the Centenary Border at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens in Braishfield. · Dan Randall in Property Services recently passed his Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) and is now a Chartered Surveyor after graduating last year from Portsmouth University with First-Class Honours. · Sam Winterburn has just obtained a First-Class honours degree, another Property Services building/surveying degree apprentice graduated from Portsmouth University recently. · Adults’ Health & Care held their “Making a Difference” awards when 35 staff received recognition of qualifications gained, and celebrated both nominees and winners in eight different award categories. · Hampshire Care Association (HCA) Awards 2023: Manager of the year - Bill Dyet – Malmesbury Lawn (HCC run Care Home); Excellence in dementia care of the year: Malmesbury Lawn team – Malmesbury Lawn
The Chairman reported on a
number of events since taking office including: · A Royal visit on 1 June when HRH The Princess Royal, Princess Anne, attended the Royal Logistic Corps Freedom Parade in Winchester followed by a Service of Thanksgiving at Winchester Cathedral. · The Hampshire County Scouts Annual General Meeting and Annual Review held at Ferny Crofts Activity Centre, Brockenhurst. Of particular note and interest to Members was that the Scout Team Award went to Gosport; the Adventure Scout Award went to Eastleigh; the Local Hero Award went to a member of Bramshill Scout Group [north Hants] and two Leadership Awards went to Bramshill and Waterlooville Scouts. The Scout of the Year Award went to a young man from Totton [Netley Marsh Scouts]. · Attendance at the Hampshire County Youth Bands Concert at Oaklands VI Form School, Waterlooville.
It was with sadness that the Chairman reported on the passing of Mohammed Mossadaq, affectionately known as ‘Moss’ who died suddenly of a short illness. Moss was an Equality & Inclusion Manager at Hampshire County Council before his retirement and did prominent work in the community, particularly in Eastleigh. Moss’s invaluable contributions to local government were recognised in 2011 when he received an OBE in the Queen’s New Year’s Honours list. Moss had been involved with many community organisations and events such as the Asian Welfare and Cultural Association (AWCA) where he was instrumental in launching the organisation’s Community Meals initiative and the Eastleigh Mela, which began as ... view the full minutes text for item 160. |
Leader's Report To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council.
Minutes: The Leader opened his report by confirming that letters had been sent to the relevant Government departments on the resolutions passed by the County Council on 18 May regarding consideration to amending the code of conduct provision in the Localism Act 2011, and funding for free school meals. The Leader also confimed that the Director of Children's Services had issued a communication to all schools reminding them of the updated non-statutory school uniform guidance to assist with developing and implementing their shool uniform policy and highlighting the need for schools to keep their unform policy affordable.
The Leader also updated the Council on the following:
County Deal: it was with disappointment the Leader confirmed that despite the potential benefits (new funding of £1.14bn together with extra powers and investment) and extensive discussions with all Councils and wider stakeholders, the Leaders of the three Unitary Councils of Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight had requested a separate deal, one for the Unitary Councils and one for the County area. The Government have been consistently clear there was only one single wider Pan-Hampshire Deal open for discussion. The Leader confirmed the County Council would continue to work constructively and meaningully with all local and regional partners to secure the best outcomes for residents, which was the opportunity the County Council had intended to strengthen through a County Deal arrangement.
County Council budget consultation: the
Leader took the opportunity to remind Members that the County
Council’s budget consultation would close on Sunday 23
July. As a result of many years of
underfunding by central Government, together with inflation, rising
costs and demands for vital services such as social care, the
budgets of councils across the country were under pressure against
the backdrop of the legal requirement to deliver a balanced budget
for the start of each financial year.
The Leader highlighted that the County Council faced some very
difficult future spending decisions on the delivery of local
services leading up to April 2025 and strongly encouraged residents
and stakeholders across Hampshire to have their say.
Investment in adult social care: the Leader confirmed that on 18 July Cabinet had approved the commencement of a formal public consultation on the County Council’s proposals to invest £173m to transform nursing and specialist care accommodation in Hampshire over the next five to six years. The proposals would see the Adult Social Care service concentrating on specialist nursing care, complete dementia care and short-term support to either prevent a hospital admission or support a hospital discharge. The Leader strongly encouraged care home residents, their families and staff together with Hampshire residents and organisations to respond to the consultation, which would open at the start of September and run ... view the full minutes text for item 161. |
Questions under Standing Order 16.1.1 To deal with questions pursuant to Standing Order 16.1.1. Where a member has submitted more than one question, their second and subsequent questions will not be answered until all members’ first questions have been dealt with.
Minutes: Executive Members responded to questions submitted, as published, in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.1.
To consider a report of the Chief Executive to make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of committees and standing panels of the County Council, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules.
Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive as presented by the Leader of the Council.
The Leader also proposed an additional appointment which had been notified to the County Council after the agenda papers had been published.
That the County Council approve the appointments set out in the report together with the additional appointment of Councillor Judith Smyth as the Unitary Council Co-opted Substitute Employer Representative on the Pension Fund Panel and Board for the municipal year 2023/24.
2022/23 - End of Year Financial Report To consider a report of the Cabinet setting out the end of year position for the financial period 2022/23, seeking approval of the County Council’s treasury management activities and prudential indicators.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Cabinet setting out the end of year position for the financial period 2022/23, seeking approval of the County Council’s treasury management activities and prudential indicators together with several other financial recommendations.
In presenting the report the Leader started with the outturn position and was pleased to report that even during a very difficult year, with inflationary pressures hitting many of the County Council’s services, the end of year position was to come in slightly under budget, thanks mainly to the early delivery of the SP23 savings programme. The Leader thanked all the officers and Cabinet members for their strong financial stewardship over this difficult year.
Nonetheless, the Leader highlighted the importance of trying to stay ahead of the financial challenges that the Council faced, therefore the availability of reserves had been looked at to see what might be available to secure the financial position up to 2025/26 and to fund a number of urgent priorities. This was not something he had wanted to do but there was no choice if the Council was to remain solvent over the medium term.
The Leader also highlighted that funding of £89m had been re-prioritised, £22.5m of which would be used on the road network over the next three years. It was also necessary to ensure that the Council was prepared for the switch off of analogue lines in 2025 which would impact a number of services, therefore £5m was being invested in the switch over to digital alternatives.
In conclusion, the Leader moved the recommendations and commended them to the Chamber.
There were no questions or debate. The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed by the majority of Members present.
That the County Council approves: a)
The report on the County Council’s treasure management
activities and prudential indicators set out in Appendix
2. b)
The transfer of unused budget of £4.1m within Corporate
Services and Hampshire 2050 to
the Budget Bridging Reserve. c)
An additional investment of £7.5m per annum for the next
three years for highways reactive maintenance, to be met from
reserves. d)
Funding of £5.24m for the switch from analogue to digital to
be met from reserves. e) The review of earmarked reserves resulting in a transfer of £61.26m to the Budget Bridging Reserve. f)
A variation to the 2024/25 Alderwood School (Aldershot) capital
scheme of £2.7m resulting in an estimated scheme cost of
£12m with the additional funding coming from a mix of
developer contributions (£1m) and resources transferred from
2023/24 (£1.7m). g) The updated capital programme presented in Table 4 of Appendix 3 including changes to the programme since February 2023.
Hampshire Minerals & Waste Plan Development Scheme To consider a report of the Cabinet recommending that the revised Hampshire Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, which sets out the timetable and programme for the partial update of the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan, comes into effect from July 2023.
Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Cabinet recommending a revision to the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Development Scheme.
There were no questions or debate. The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed by the majority of Members present.
That the Council approve the revised Hampshire Minerals and Waste Development Scheme, which sets out the timetable and programme for the partial update of the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan, to come into effect from July 2023.
Notice of Motion To consider Notices of Motion, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1.
Motion 11a) - Gurkha's Pensions Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the Amended Notice of Motion (as published) proposed by Councillor Alex Crawford and seconded by Councillor Andrew Joy, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1.
During the course of debate many Members spoke in support of the Motion. It was highlighted that many Gurkha veterans are reliant on Pension Credit or having to supplement their income by carrying out multiple jobs at a time when they should be experiencing a well-earned retirement.
Motion 11b) - Underage Vaping Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Martin Tod declared a personal interest as Chief Executive of a men’s health charity.
The Council considered the Notice of Motion (as published) proposed by Councillor Bill Withers and seconded by Councillor Neville Penman, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1.
An Amendment to the Motion was proposed by
Councillor Gavin James and seconded by Councillor Martin Tod in
accordance with Standing Order 19.7.3 to insert or
add words, that the following recommendation be added: “This Council recognizes that single use vapes (disposable) are often the gateway for young people to access vaping products. They also cause environmental damage and an unwelcome hazard in waste collection. Hampshire Council will support the LGA in campaigning for a ban on these products by 2024 by writing to all Hampshire MPs.” During the course
of debate, many Members spoke in support of the Motion. Concerns were raised about current marketing
practices; the amount of sugar in fruit flavoured vapes and the
impact on dental health; environmental and safety impacts, an
example was given of a recent incident whereby a waste collection
vehicle caught fire caused by disposable vapes, and the links to
other health issues such as anxiety, mental health problems and the
effect on brain development. 1) Strengthening work Primary and
Secondary Schools: The council shall strengthen work to tackle underage vaping in collaboration with local schools, educational authorities, and relevant health organizations. This work will focus on educating students, parents, and teachers about the risks, health consequences, and legal implications of underage vaping. The aim is to empower individuals with knowledge and equip them with effective strategies to prevent and combat this issue.
2) Strengthen Enforcement of Underage Sales Restrictions:
To curtail the visibility and accessibility of vaping products the council shall continue to ensure that retail outlets do not sell vapes to under 18s and that retail outlets are fully compliant with strict national regulations on product standards, packaging requirements, and responsible advertising practices.
3) This Council recognizes that
single use vapes (disposable) are often the gateway for young
people to access vaping products. They also cause
environmental damage and an unwelcome hazard in waste
collection. Hampshire Council will support the LGA in
campaigning for a ban on these products by 2024 by writing to all
Hampshire MPs. |
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority |
HIWFRA Questions To deal with any questions which have been submitted pursuant to Standing Order 16.3 concerning the discharge of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority’s functions.
Minutes: No questions had been received in accordance with Standing Order 16.3.
To receive a report of the Authority.
Minutes: The Council received and noted the report as presented by Councillor Rhydian Vaughan in his capacity as Chairman of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority.
Annual Report of the Hampshire 2050, Corporate Services and Resources Select Committee To receive the annual report of the Hampshire
2050, Corporate Services and Resources Select Committee summarising
the work carried out by the County Council’s Select
Committees during 2022/23.
Minutes: Following endorsement of the annual report by the Hampshire 2050, Coporate Services and Resources Select Committee at their meeting on 13 July, the Council received and noted the report summarising the work caried out by the Council’s Select Committees during 2022/23.
The Chairman thanked past and present Members together with the officers supporting the Committee for the work they had done.
Annual Report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee To receive the annual report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee summarising the health scrutiny work carried out by the committee during 2022/23.
Minutes: The Council received and noted the Annual report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee summarising the health scrutiny work carried out by the Committee during 2022/23.
The Chairman thanked Members together with the officers supporting the Committee for the work they had done.
Executive and Committee Reports To receive for information the reports of the following: Minutes: The following information reports were received:
Executive Lead Member for Children's Services To receive a report of the Executive Lead Member for Children's Services.
Minutes: -
Department for Work and Pensions Household Support Fund –
April 2023 to March 2024 |
Executive Member for Education Minutes: - Additional specialist education provision for Hampshire
The Meeting closed at 12.50pm. |