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No. | Item |
Retiring Chairman's Statement Prior to the commencement of formal business the Retiring Chairman, Councillor Patricia Stallard, took the opportunity to reflect on her year in the role and the focus on her theme: Hampshire Heritage and the measures the County Council were putting in place to ensure a rich and enduring heritage of future generations.
Councillor Stallard reported on
a very busy year during which the Hampshire 2050 Vision was
revalidated and the Hampshire 2050 Summit took place last
November. Proactive in this was the
Hampshire Youth Parliament who have helped to shape priorities and
future heritage. The Hampshire Cultural Trust continued to go from strength to strength and now operates and manages a number of museums and heritage venues on behalf of the County Council, including the recently transferred Great Hall, to help to deliver a sustainable future for culture, and heritage in Hampshire.
Heritage extends beyond the
built environment and this year the County Council commenced a
significant new piece of partnership work to develop a Local Nature
Recovery strategy which will guide future local environmental
priorities and deliver benefits for nature and the
environment. The County Council’s libraries and museums have become places of community and social hubs. An example is the work done by St Barbe Museum in the New Forest, which has developed an integrated community partnership with the Royal Lymington Yacht Club so that children and young people from financially vulnerable families can experience new opportunities. More than 1,300 children took part in heritage education workshops at the Royal Victoria Chapel.
The County Council’s Archives & Records Service has run workshops for University of Winchester Degree Students and delivered a highly successful Open Day last September. The County Council also has its own Archaeology Team which compiles the Historical Environment Record [HER] database, and in 2023/24 the number of records in HER reached more than 80,000.
The County Council supports 12 planning authorities and more than 1,000 planning applications each year, ensuring that Hampshire’s heritage is conserved and enhanced.
During her time as Chairman, Councillor Stallard commissioned the composition of an Anthem for Hampshire which featured at the Chairman’s April concert in the Great Hall. Councillor Stallard was delighted to report that the Hampshire Music Service has now also established a folk ensemble so that Hampshire’s folklore and culture heritage will also be retained. Councillor Stallard extended special thanks to Shaun Riches and John Cranston for the dedicated work they do with young people of the Hampshire Music Service.
In conclusion Councillor Stallard thanked Councillor Keith Mans for his support as Vice-Chairman, Neil Rusbridger who took on the role of Chairman’s Consort at fairly short notice and did an excellent job, and to Natalie Jones, Personal Assistant for her patience and support.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Tim Davies, Rob Humby, Adam Jackman, Mark Kemp-Gee, Alexis McEvoy, Phil North and Tanya Park, and from Honorary Aldermen Patricia Banks and Robin McIntosh.
Election of Chairman In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to elect a Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2025.
The Outgoing Chairman to request the Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, to call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote. The new Chairman to take the Chair. Minutes: The Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, called for nominations for the position of Chairman of the Council to be appointed until the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2025.
Councillor Nick Adams King, seconded by Councillor Jan Warwick, proposed Councillor Keith Mans. No other nominations were received therefore the proposition was put to the vote and carried.
That Councillor Keith Mans be elected Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2025. Councillor Mans made the declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to appoint a Vice-Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2025.
The Incoming Chairman will call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote. Minutes: The Chairman invited nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council to be appointed until the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2025.
Councillor Nick Adams-King, seconded by Councillor Jan Warwick proposed Councillor Ann Briggs.
Councillor Jackie Porter, seconded by Councillor Malcolm Wade proposed Councillor David Harrison.
The propositions were put to the vote and the majority of the Members present voted for Councillor Ann Briggs.
That Councillor Ann Briggs be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2025. Councillor Briggs made the declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Leader and Cabinet |
Election of Leader To elect a Leader of the County Council in accordance with Part 1, Chapter 11 of the Constitution. The Chairman will call for nominations, which are to be seconded with all propositions being put to the vote. Minutes: The Chairman called for nominations for the position of Leader of the County Council pursuant to Part 1, Chapter 9 of the Constitution.
Councillor Patricia Stallard, seconded by Councillor Chris Donnelly proposed Councillor Nick Adams-King. In the absence of any other nominations the proposition was put to the vote and carried.
Councillor Nick Adams-King was duly elected Leader until the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2025.
Cabinet Members The Leader of the Council to confirm the Members of the Cabinet. Minutes: The Leader confirmed the members of his Cabinet as follows:
Councillor Nick Adams-King – Leader and Executive Member for Hampshire 2050 and Corporate Services
Councillor Roz Chadd – Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services
Councillor Steve Forster – Executive Member for Education
Councillor Liz Fairhurst – Executive Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health
Councillor Jan Warwick – Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Younger Adults and Health and Wellbeing
Councillor Kirsty North – Executive Lead Member for Universal Services
Councillor Lulu Bowerman – Executive Member for Highways and Waste
Councillor Zoe Huggins – Executive Member for Hampshire 2050 (Climate Change, Culture and Partnerships) and Human Resources, Communications and Performance
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore, Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. |
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 February 2024. Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 22 February 2024 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Deputations There are no deputations on this occasion. Minutes: There were no deputations on this occasion.
Incoming Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements the Incoming Chairman may wish to make. Minutes: In opening his announcements, the Chairman thanked Members for electing him Chairman of Hampshire County Council, which was a great honour.
The Chairman took the opportunity to thank Councillor Patricia Stallard for her chairmanship – she had done a great job and would be a hard act to follow; extended thanks to Councillors Nick Adams-King and Jan Warwick for proposing and seconding his nomination, and congratulated them both for being elected Leader and Deputy Leader respectively; congratulated Councillor Ann Briggs on becoming Vice-Chairman of the Council and welcomed two new Members to the County Council – Councillors Joanne Burton and Malcom Wallace
The Chairman also paid tribute to two retiring Councillors: Hugh Lumby and Seán Woodward who had stepped down from the County Council recently. He thanked them for all they had done during their time as local Councillors in Winchester and Fareham and as County Councillors. The Chairman also thanked Councillor Rob Humby for all he had done during his time as Leader of the Council during what had been very a difficult time during the Covid pandemic and the challenges of funding cuts and making savings, and thanked Councillor Roz Chadd and Councillor Edward Heron for the work they had done during their time as Deputy Leader of the Council and the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services. Councillors House, Harvey, Philpott, and Dowden also spoke and added their thanks. Councillor Taylor thanked Graham Allen, Director of Adult Services who would be retiring soon.
The Chairman reflected on his 40 years as a pilot in the Royal Air Force both as a regular and a reserve, his employment with John Lewis, his 10 years in Parliament and his role as Chief Executive of the Royal Aeronautical Society for 12 years. He then re-entered local politics and had been a Councillor for 15 years.
The Chairman confirmed he had identified three priorities for his year as Chairman of the Council:
Leader's Report To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council. Minutes: The Leader opened his report by thanking Councillor Stallard for her Chairmanship of the County Council over the last 12 months. Patricia had represented the County Council at numerous high-profile events and civic occasions, and devoted considerable time, energy and enthusiasm to the promotion of Hampshire heritage.
He welcomed Councillor Mans to the position of Incoming Chairman and Councillor Briggs to the position of Incoming Vice-Chairman, and he looked forward to working with them in the coming months.
The Leader also expressed a warm welcome to Councillors Burton and Wallace, following their election to the County Council earlier that month.
He paid tribute to former Councillors Seán Woodward, who retired from frontline politics in March after 38 years of outstanding service to local government in Hampshire, and to Hugh Lumby, who served only three years on the County Council, but was widely recognised as an effective and hardworking Councillor who was devoted to the Meon Valley division and his constituents.
He welcomed and congratulated a new Leader of the Labour Group; Councillor Taylor, and Deputy Leader Cllr Tustain, and thanked Councillor Crawford for his three years leading the Group.
The Leader paid tribute to former leader, Councillor Rob Humby and Deputy Leader, Councillor Roz Chadd, for steering the Council through two difficult years. Rob Humby stood down knowing he had changed Hampshire County Council for the better, and the County Council owed him a vote of thanks, not just for his sacrifice and hard work of the last two years but for his many years of service to the people of Hampshire.
Following the Council’s resolution on the Boys need Bins campaign in September the previous year, the Leader updated members on action taken by the County Council, confirming that Hampshire County Council would shortly add sanitary bins to the male toilets in its five Country Parks, libraries, outdoor centres, and office buildings used by staff.
He updated members on a recent review of the County Council’s office accommodation, explaining that three sites in Winchester had been identified for release; property on the Monarch Way site, Three Minsters House and Four Chimneys Family Centre buildings. This work formed part of the County Council’s commitment to consider more flexible use of buildings to meet the future needs of the organisation, whilst identifying significant opportunities to deliver savings and generate capital receipts.
The Leader updated members on the Post-LEP arrangements confirming that on 1 April 2024, the functions of Local Enterprise Partnerships covering the County Council geography were officially transferred to Hampshire County Council. He thanked thank everyone who supported the Enterprise M3 LEP and Solent LEP to help drive investment in Hampshire and bring local partners together over the last decade. The County Council was currently in the process of jointly establishing the new governance. This would include developing a single Joint Leaders’ Board to ensure the involvement of every District Council in Hampshire, and a Prosperity Partnership Board, which would bring together representatives from local government, education, and business to ... view the full minutes text for item 222. |
Questions under Standing Order 16.1.1 To deal with questions pursuant to Standing Order 16.1.1. Where a member has submitted more than one question, their second and subsequent questions will not be answered until all members’ first questions have been dealt with. Minutes: Executive Members responded to questions submitted, as published, in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.1.
Councillor Porter declared a personal interest in Question 7 as a Winchester City Councillor for Local Plan and Place and the relevance to the topic of the question. |
Formation of Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding Frimley Park Hospital To consider a report of the Chief Executive seeking approval of an officer decision to form a Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding Frimley Park Hospital. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive seeking approval of an officer decision to form a Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee regarding Frimley Park Hospital.
In presenting the report, the Leader confirmed the Council was being asked to approve the actions of the Chief Executive in taking an urgent officer decision to enable the formation, Terms of Reference and membership of a Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider NHS proposals for a new hospital to replace Frimley Park Hospital. Work on a proposed new site has moved at pace and it was therefore considered urgent to ensure the new Committee could begin to meet in advance of this Council meeting.
The Leader also confirmed that following the appointment of Councillor Briggs as Vice Chairman of the Council, a revised membership of the Joint HOSC was proposed, and included at item 13 on this agenda.
During the course of debate the importance of
local members being kept proactively informed at every stage of the
development of Frimley Park Hospital, which was a key issue for
constituents in the area.
The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed.
That the County Council approve the actions taken under delegated authority to form the new Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the replacement of Frimley Park Hospital: the approval of the terms of reference and the Council’s four nominations to the joint committee.
To consider a report of the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services recommending changes to the Terms of Reference of the Corporate Parenting Board and proposing the dissolution of the Children and Families Advisory Panel. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services recommending changes to the Terms of Reference of the Corporate Parenting Board and proposing the dissolution of the Children and Families Advisory Panel.
In presenting the report, the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services moved the recommendations.
During the course of debate Councillor Briggs
was thanked for the meaningful contribution she had made to the
Corporate Parenting Board during her time as Chairman of the
Board. The importance of the role of
Corporate Parent to those children that are looked after was
emphasised, therefore the strengthening of the Board, as proposed
in the report, was supported. The time
in meetings of the Board must be carefully spent and the meetings
are made as efficient as possible. Members also highlighted that the Children and
Families Advisory Panel had been a useful vehicle for keeping
Members informed of the challenges the Council faced and its
successes, and it was hoped that the information that would have
gone to that Panel could instead be included in the Members
Briefing Programme.
The recommendations were put to the vote.
a) That the County Council approve the updated Terms of Reference for the Corporate Parenting Board attached to the supporting report as Appendix 1.
b) That the County Council agree to dissolve the Children and Families Advisory Panel.
Proportionality and Appointments To consider a report of the Chief Executive as follows:
a) Proportionality
In accordance with Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the proportionality rules), to review the allocation of seats on County Council Committees and Panels, and other proportionate bodies the County Council is represented on.
b) Appointment to County Council Committees and Panels
In accordance with Standing Order 6.2, to appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for every Committee and Panel of the County Council.
c) Appointment of Members to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority
In accordance with Standing Order 26 to appoint the full quota of County Council Members to the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority.
d) General Appointments
To make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of committees and standing panels of the County Council, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules. Additional documents:
Minutes: Prior to this item being considered the Chairman confirmed that the report was published after the main agenda and was therefore considered as an urgent item due to the need for the Council to approve its proportionality table and make the appointments required at the Annual General Meeting.
The Council considered a report of the Chief Executive reviewing the County Council’s proportionality and making appointments, as set out in the report.
In presenting the report, the Leader confirmed that the Council was required to review the Proportionality Table. The draft table presented was the result of full and detailed consultation with all Group Leaders. The appointments proposed take into account changes in the draft table together with changes arising from previous reports on the agenda.
The recommendations were put to the vote.
That the County Council: a) Approves the Proportionality Table at Appendix 1 to the report. b) Approves the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairman of County Council Committees and Panel set out in Appendix 2 to the report. c) Approves the appointments set out in Section 3 of the report.
To consider a report of the Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee recommending approval of revised Terms of Reference of the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee ‘Hampshire Together’ for the addition of West Berkshire Council as a new joint partner. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee.
In presenting the report, Councillor Withers confirmed that the Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) had been formed in December 2020. West Berkshire Council had now requested to join the JHOSC as some of their population may use services provided by Hampshire Hospitals. The Health and Adult Social Care Committee considered the request at its meeting on 21 May the outcome of which was to recommend increasing the membership of the Joint Committee to provide one seat to West Berkshire Council, and to agree the revised terms of reference. .
The recommendations were put to the vote.
a) That County Council increase the membership of the Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee to provide one seat to West Berkshire Council.
b) That County Council approve the revised terms of reference for the Hampshire Together Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee appended to the support report.
To consider a Notice of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1 Minutes: The Council considered the Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Zoe Huggins and seconded by Councillor Roz Chadd, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1. In proposing the Motion, Councillor Huggins made an amendment to the wording at part B to include (if applicable) as below:
B. That Group Leaders write to the leaders of their respective national parties (if applicable) to request their support for the LGA’s Debate Not Hate campaign.
The Motion was welcomed, and during the course of debate a number of members shared their personal experiences of abuse and harassment during their time in office. Members were very supportive of the Motion.
The Motion was put to the vote and carried.
A. To sign up to the
LGA’s Debate Not Hate campaign, which aims to raise public
awareness of the role of councillors in local communities,
encourage healthy debate, and improve the response to and support
those in public life facing abuse and intimidation. B. That Group Leaders
write to the leaders of their respective national parties (if
applicable) to request their support for the LGA’s Debate Not
Hate campaign. C. That the Leader of the
Council writes to the Minister for Local Government to ask for
changes to legislation so that the home addresses of councillors
are not published by default. D. To work with the
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner to ensure
there is a clear and joined-up mechanism for reporting threats and
other concerns about the safety of councillors and their
families. E. That all councillors
and officers are reminded of the process of how to report incidents
of harassment and abuse. F. That security and wellbeing resources are made available to all councillors through the Member Portal and included as part of the 2025 Member Induction Programme.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority |
HIWFRA Questions To deal with any questions which have been submitted pursuant to Standing Order 16.3 concerning the discharge of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority’s functions. Minutes: No questions had been received in accordance with Standing Order 16.3.
To receive a report of the Authority. Minutes: The Council received the report as presented by Councillor Rhydian Vaughan, in his capacity as Chairman of the Authority.
Executive and Committee Reports To receive for information the reports of the following: Minutes: The following information reports were received:
Executive Lead Member for Children's Services Minutes:
Children’s Services Procurement – Approval to
Approval to Spend for 2024 – 2026 Wraparound Childcare
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2022/23 · Proposal to Enter into an Agreement with Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board under Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006
Executive Member for Education Minutes:
Resourced Provision at Guillemont
Junior School, Farnborough
Additional Resourced Provision · Aldershot Urban Extension 2nd Primary School, Aldershot · · West of Waterlooville Second Primary School, Waterlooville
The Meeting closed at 12.50pm. |