Agenda and minutes

Annual General Meeting, County Council - Friday 17 May 2019 10.10 am

Venue: Council Chamber - HCC. View directions

Contact: Email: 


No. Item


Outgoing Chairman's Announcements pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Additional documents:


Prior to the commencement of formal business, the Retiring Chairman presented her final announcements to the Council and expanded on duties undertaken since the last meeting of the Council to represent and promote the County Council. The list of engagements had been previously circulated.


The Chairman thanked everyone for the support she had received and highlighted a number of key duties carried out and several memorable events she had attended during her year as Chairman of the County Council.


The full announcements are attached as an appendix to these Minutes.



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


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Apologies were received from Councillors Fred Birkett, Martin Boiles, Rod Cooper, Mark Kemp-Gee, Floss Mitchell and Bill Withers.


Apologies were also received from Honorary Aldermen Roger Kimber, Marilyn Tucker and Alex Varden. 



Declarations of Interest

All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code.  Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.

Additional documents:


Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 1, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council’s Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code.  Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 2 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.

Councillor Michael Westbrook declared a personal interest in respect of Item 12 a) on the agenda being that the Motion affects his wife and therefore would not take part in the debate when that item was reached.



Election of Chairman

In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to elect a Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2020. 


The Outgoing Chairman to request the Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, to call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote.


The new Chairman to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and take the Chair.

Additional documents:


The Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, called for nominations. Councillor Roger Huxstep, seconded by Councillor Roland Dibbs proposed that Charles Choudhary be elected Chairman of the Council until the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2020.


No other nominations were received therefore the proposition was put to the vote and carried.




That Councillor Charles Choudhary be elected Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2020. Councillor Choudhary made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair.



Appointment of Vice-Chairman

In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to appoint a Vice-Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2020.


The Incoming Chairman will call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote. The new Vice-Chairman to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Additional documents:


The Chairman invited nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council. Councillor Roy Perry, seconded by Councillor Rob Humby proposed Councillor Mel Kendal be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council until the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2020.


No other nominations were received therefore the proposition was put to the vote and carried.




That Councillor Mel Kendal be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2019. Councillor Choudhary made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office.



Incoming Chairman's Announcements pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To receive such announcements as the Chairman may wish to make to the Council.


Additional documents:


The Incoming Chairman thanked Councillor Still for her outstanding service as Chairman over the past year; gave special thanks to Councillor Roy Perry as retiring Leader of Hampshire County Council and gave a warm welcome to the Incoming Leader of the Council, Councillor Keith Mans and to Councillor Rob Humby as Deputy Leader of the Council.


It was with sadness that the Chairman reported the passing of a long serving officer of the County Council, Edward Mason who  passed away on 14 April this year. Ted’s local government career spanned 42 years and at the time of his retirement in 1999, he held the position of Assistant County Secretary, responsible for the Recreation Committee.  A service of thanksgiving for his life was held on 25 April at Romsey Abbey.

The Chairman confirmed that his theme during his year in office would be health and wellbeing, specifically mental health.  The Chairman highlighted the County Council’s commitment to providing accessible, timely services which enable people to manage their mental health in a way that offers choice and control through working with key partners, stakeholders and people using mental health and substance misuse services to continuously improve the provision.


The Chairman’s full announcements are appended to these Minutes.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 311 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019.

Additional documents:


The Minutes of the meeting held on 14 February 2019 were agreed subject to a correction to Minute 129 to record that the date of the Budget Speech of the Executive Member for Economic Development should read 14 February 2019.  The Minutes were signed by the Chairman.



Outgoing Leader's Report

To receive a Report from the Outgoing Leader.

Additional documents:


The Outgoing Leader, Councillor Roy Perry,  congratulated Councillor Choudhary on his election as Chairman of the Council for the next municipal year and thanked Councillor Still for her year of Chairmanship.


Councillor Perry had pleasure in confirming that The Lookout at Lepe Country Park had been one of the shortlisted projects for the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Regional Awards for Buildings of Merit.  Also of note was that Quebec Park housing development at Whitehill, Bordon was recognised in the residential development category and won that award. 


Councillor Perry reported that he had announced to the Council in February that it was his intention to stand down as Leader of the County Council at the Annual General Meeting, at mid-point of the current term which would give his successor two years before the County Council’s next Election in 2021 to deal with the challenges ahead including budgetary pressures.

Councillor Perry reported he had first stood for election in 1969 and in 2020 will have cumulatively held office for 50 years – 40 years as a County, Borough and Parish Councillor and 10 years as a Member of the European Parliament.  13 of those years had been as a Council Leader.  He confirmed it had been a privilege, an honour and a pleasure to serve.

Councillor Perry reported on the work of the Hampshire Commission 2050 which he had chaired, which aimed to bring a report to Members at an Extraordinary Meeting of the Council to be held on Monday 23 September 2019.  Councillor Perry commented that looking back 50 years was easy – looking forward 30 years was not and the task is to protect the environment, quality of life and the economy of Hampshire which required a partnership approach.

Councillor Perry reported that he would be continuing as a County Councillor working for the Romsey Rural Division.  He would also continue to Chair South East England Councils (SEEC), a grouping of over 70 councils across the south east region to encourage them to work with other south east consortia such as South East Strategic Leaders’ (SESL) and the South East 7 Board.


In conclusion, Councillor Perry thanked everyone for the messages and gestures of appreciation he had received for his time as Leader of Hampshire County Council.



Leader and Cabinet

a)    Election of Leader


To elect a Leader of the County Council pursuant to Part 1, Chapter 11 of the Constitution. The Chairman will call for nominations, which are to be seconded with all propositions being put to the vote.



b)    Leader’s Report


To receive a Report of the Leader, including confirmation of the Members of Cabinet.  Cabinet  Members to take their seats in the Chamber.

Additional documents:


In accordance with Part 1 Chapter 11 of the County Council’s Constitution, Councillor Roy Perry proposed Councillor Keith Mans as Leader of the Council.  Councillor Rob Humby seconded the proposal.  There were no other nominations.  The proposal was put to the vote and carried.


Councillor Keith Mans was duly elected as Leader of Hampshire County Council until the Annual General Meeting of the County Council following the Elections in 2021.


The Leader congratulated Councillor Choudhary on his election as Chairman of the Council and thanked Members for electing him to the position of Leader of the Council. 


The Leader announced his Cabinet as follows:


Councillor Rob Humby – Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Environment and Transport


Councillor Roz Chadd – Executive Member for Education and Skills


Councillor Liz Fairhurst – Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Health


Councillor Judith Grajewski – Executive Member for Public Health (to include Supporting Families)


Councillor Edward Heron – Executive Member for Countryside and Rural Affairs


Councillor Andrew Joy – Executive Member for Communities, Partnerships and External Affairs including Brexit (will also include Emergency Planning and Resilience)


Councillor Stephen Reid – Executive Member for Economic Development, Human Resources and Performance


Councillor Patricia Stallard – Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services


Councillor Seán Woodward – Executive Member for Recreation and Heritage


The Leader paid tribute to Councillor Roy Perry for his leadership and achievements during his time as Leader of the Council during what had been very challenging times.


In terms of his vision for the future, the Leader confirmed that he wants to see Hampshire remain as one County Council.  He highlighted the importance of getting a fair funding settlement from central government.  In this regard, the Leader would be meeting with Ministers at a forthcoming County Network event to put forward the County Council’s position; to highlight the pressures it faces in meeting its responsibility to provide statutory services against the backdrop of reducing Revenue Support Grant.  Being able to evidence robust financial control and continuing to work closely with district and borough partners to deliver services would be important, as was working closely with the County Council’s unitary partners and the two Hampshire Local Enterprise Partnerships.  The Leader supported the continuance of the County Council’s sound financial policies and sensible use of reserves to invest in innovative projects for the benefit of communities in Hampshire.


The Leader referred to the Extraordinary Council Meeting on 23 September at which the findings of the Hampshire Commission 2050 would be discussed.  A very important area of would be the environment and climate change which would be challenging but also provides an opportunity for the County Council to lead the way in clean technology.  Finding a way to balance between economic development and prosperity and protecting the countryside would be key.


In conclusion Councillor Mans thanked Members for electing him to take on the role of Leader of Hampshire County Council.






To receive the following deputations:

a) Deputation from Shelagh Simmons regarding pension age changes affecting women born in the 1950s, which relates to a Notice of Motion at item 12a on the agenda.

b) Deputation from
Jenny Parker regarding improving the safety of students crossing the road on Chestnut Avenue in Eastleigh on route to Crestwood Community School.

Additional documents:


The Chairman invited deputations.


In accordance with Standing Order 20.6 Councillor House moved to suspend Standing Order 12.2.2 to allow the opportunity for some children from Crestwood School to take part in the deputation at Item 9b) on the Agenda in the interests of encouraging young people to get involved in the Council’s processes and promoting participatory democracy.  Councillor Irish seconded the Proposal.

During the course of the ensuing debate, attention was drawn to the information circulated to all Councillors by the Chief Executive in this regard which confirmed that the deputation process is a very specific local approach to hearing views from the community.  Standing Orders have to be carefully constructed and adhered to, to ensure the process is not subject to confusion or abuse.  Furthermore, the Chief Executive highlighted that the question of a child’s informed consent is not straightforward.


The Leader confirmed that he would be happy to review the Council’s deputation process set out in Standing Orders in regard to engaging with children and young people.  He highlighted that the deputation process is not the sole route for children and young people to express their views to the Council and early comments from the recent Ofsted inspection indicates the strength of the Council’s approaches to listening to children and young people.  The Leader emphasised that any revisions to the current deputation procedure, which would be brought back to the Council, would require careful consideration to ensure it contains appropriate safeguards and continues to maintain good governance.


The Chairman confirmed that full and clear written permission that the schoolchildren could speak as part of the deputation and be filmed had not been obtained.


The Proposal was put to the vote and was not carried.  In accordance with Standing Order 20.4, Councillor House moved a further Proposal that the meeting be adjourned for a short period to hear from the schoolchildren off-camera.  The Chairman did not consider the Proposal to be appropriate.


The deputations were received as listed on the Summons subject to noting that the deputation at 9a) on the agenda was presented by Carolyne Jacobs. 


Questions under Standing Order 16.1.1 pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To deal with questions pursuant to Standing Order 16.1.1.  Where a member has submitted more than one question, their second and subsequent questions will not be answered until all members’ first questions have been dealt with.


Additional documents:


Executive Members responded to questions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.1 as published.



Proportionality and Appointments pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Executive as follows:

Additional documents:


The Council considered an updated report of the Chief Executive as presented by the Leader, to review the Council’s Proportionality Table and to make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of the County Council’s committees and standing panels, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules.




That the County Council:


a)        Approves the Proportionality Table at Appendix 1 to the report.

b)        Approves the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of committees and panels at Appendix 2 to the report.

c)         Approves the appointment of the County Council’s representatives on the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority as set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report.

d)        Approves other Member appointments as set out in paragraph 3.3 of the report.


Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion, submitted in accordance  with Standing Order 18.1:




Additional documents:


Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 60 KB

Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Malcom Wade, seconded by Councillor David Harrison, regarding State Pension arrangements for women born in the 1950s.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the Motion set out at Item 12a), which was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1, as proposed by Councillor Malcolm Wade and seconded by Councillor David Harrison regarding State Pension arrangements for women born in the 1950s.


Councillor Jackie Porter declared a personal interest in this matter.


Councillor Stephen Reid, seconded by Councillor Keith Mans proposed that in the first line of the Motion:


“This Council calls on the Government to make fair transitional State Pension Arrangements…...” 


the word “make” be replaced with “consider” and in the first line of the final paragraph of the Motion:


“The Council calls upon the Government to provide fair transitional State….”


The word “provide” be replaced with “consider.”


Councillor Wade was in agreement with the proposed alternations.  The Motion was amended accordingly and put to the vote. The Amendment was carried.



"The Council calls upon the Government to consider fair transitional State Pension arrangements for all women born in the 1950s, who have unfairly borne the burden of the increase to the State Pension Age (SPA) with lack of appropriate notification.

3.8 million women had significant pension changes imposed on them by the Pensions Acts of 1995 and 2011 with little or no personal notification of the changes. Some women had only two years notice of a six-year increase to their state pension age. Many had no notification at all. Many women born in the 1950's are living in hardship. Retirement plans have been shattered with devastating consequences. Many of these women are already out of the labour market, caring for elderly relatives, and/or providing childcare for grandchildren, or suffer discrimination in the workplace and struggle to find employment.

Women born in this decade are suffering financially. These women have worked hard, raised families and paid their tax and national insurance with the expectation that they would be financially secure when reaching 60. It is not the pension age itself that is in dispute - it is widely accepted that women and men should retire at the same time. The issue is that the rise in the women's state pension age has been too rapid and has happened without sufficient notice being given to the women affected, leaving them with no time to make alternative arrangements.

The Council calls upon the Government to consider fair transitional State Pension arrangements for all women affected by the changes. This translates into a 'bridging' pension to provide an income from age 60 until State Pension Age. An income that is not means-tested and also includes recompense for losses incurred, for those women who have already reached their SPA, so that women do not live in hardship due to pension changes they were not told about until it was too late to make alternative arrangements.”


Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Wayne Irish and seconded by Councillor Bruce Tennent, calling for the provision of additional powers for local Highway Authorities to ensure the timely adoption of, and completion of construction works of roads for new developments.




Additional documents:


The Council considered the Motion set out at Item 12b), which was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1, as proposed by Councillor Wayne Irish and seconded by Councillor Bruce Tennent calling for the provision of additional powers for local Highway Authorities to ensure the timely adoption of, and completion of construction works of roads for new developments.


A number of Members spoke in support of the Motion.


The Executive Member for Environment and Transport reported on the work that had been done over many months which included meeting with over 100 developers in an effort to get agreement for more effective arrangements.  This work will be continuing and the Executive Member will keep Members informed of developments.


In the absence of any Amendments, the Motion was put to the vote and carried.



This Council calls on the Government to provide additional powers for local Highway Authorities to ensure that roads on new developments are brought forward for adoption and construction works are completed to a satisfactory standard in a timely manner, to ensure residents, such as those living on new developments at Lakeside and Sirroco Park in Eastleigh, are not disadvantaged by extended delays in the adoption of estate roads.


Notice of Motion pdf icon PDF 55 KB

Notice of Motion proposed by Councillor Martin Tod and seconded by Councillor Adrian Collett, calling for action on Climate Change in Hampshire.


Additional documents:


The Council considered the Motion set out at Item 12c), which was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1, as proposed by Councillor Martin Tod and seconded by Councillor Adrian Collett regarding Climate Change.


Councillor Rob Humby proposed that in accordance with Standing Order 18.4 this Motion be referred to Cabinet to allow the Cabinet the opportunity to consider the Motion in conjunction with the findings of the Hampshire Commission 2050.  In accordance with Standing Order 18.5 Councillor Tod, as the Proposer of the Motion, will have the opportunity to attend the Cabinet meeting at which this matter is considered to explain the Motion.


The Amendment was put to the vote and carried.




That the Motion be referred to Cabinet for consideration and that the outcome of that consideration be reported back to a future meeting of the full Council.





Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Additional documents:


HFRA Questions

To deal with any questions which have been submitted pursuant to Standing Order 16.3 concerning the discharge of the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority’s functions.

Additional documents:


No questions had been received in accordance with Standing Order 16.3.



HFRA Report pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To receive a report from the Authority.

Additional documents:


The Council received and noted the report of the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority as presented by Councillor Chris Carter in his capacity as Chairman of the Fire Authority.