Venue: Council Chamber - HCC
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No. | Item |
Honorary Aldermen Keith Chapman MBE and Michael Woodhall were also in attendance.
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Martin Boiles, Ann Briggs, Charles Choudhary, Geoff Hockley, Rupert Kyrle and Stephen Philpott, Martin Tod and from Honorary Aldermen Phrynette Dickens and Felicity Hindson.
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 2 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Councillor Mel Kendal also declared a personal interest in Item 9 on the Agenda (Revenue Budget and Precept 2019/20 and Capital Programme 2019/20 to 2021/22) by virtue of being a representative on the Board of the Manydown Garden Communities LLP.
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2018. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2018 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. |
Chairman's Announcements PDF 51 KB To receive such announcements as the Chairman may wish to make to the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman had circulated the list of engagements carried out by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman since the last Council meeting which reported on the wide range of duties undertaken to represent and promote the County Council and its strong community leadership role.
The Chairman had much pleasure in congratulating Councillors Peter Edgar and Rhydian Vaughan on their MBE’s announced in the New Year’s Honours List. Councillor Edgar has also been given the Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Gosport in recognition of his many years of service to the people and Borough of Gosport.
The Chairman also invited Members to join her on Monday 11 March at 10am to watch the annual flag raising ceremony to celebrate Commonwealth Day and reminded Members about the Chairman’s Concert at Winchester Cathedral on Saturday 27 April at 7.30pm.
In conclusion, the Chairman reported that in the unexpected absence of the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Charles Choudhary due to illness, Councillor Patricia Stallard would be providing support to her.
The Chairman’s full report is appended to these Minutes. |
To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader reported on the work of LGA Task and Finish Group on Fair Funding and Business Rate Review and of the South East England Councils, both of which are chaired by the Leader, and on,meetings with the Parliamentary Under Secretary of the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Rishi Sunak, the Minister for Housing, Kit Malthouse and the Minister for Education, Anne Milton.
The Hampshire Commission 2050 continues its work with the next meeting on 22 February focussing on rural Hampshire. The Commission concludes its work in June this year.
The Leader had pleasure in reporting that the Lookout at Lepe Country Park has been shortlisted for a prestigious RICS Award.
In conclusion, the Leader notified the Council of his proposal to make former County Councillor, Robin McIntosh an Honorary Alderman at the Council’s AGM on 17 May. The Council signified their support.
The Leader’s full report is appended to these Minutes. |
Deputations To receive a deputation from Craig Etherton regarding the provision of school transport for Ancells Farm Estate in Fleet. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received a deputation as detailed on the Summons. |
Questions under Standing Order 16.1.1 PDF 49 KB To deal with questions pursuant to Standing Order 16.1.1. Where a member has submitted more than one question, their second and subsequent questions will not be answered until all members’ first questions have been dealt with.
Additional documents: Minutes: Executive Members responded to questions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.1 as published. |
To consider a report of the Chief Executive to make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of committees and standing panels of the County Council, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief
Executive (Item 8 in the Minute Book), as presented by the Leader,
proposing a number of appointments to the County Council’s
committees and advisory panels. RESOLVED: That the County Council approved the
following: a) That Ruth Snook be appointed as a Co-opted Member of the Children and Young People Select Committee, replacing Jane Longman representing Special Schools.
b) That Councillor Wayne Irish replace Councillor David Simpson on the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education. |
Revenue Budget and Precept 2019/20 and Capital Programme 2019/20 - 2021/22 PDF 253 KB To consider the recommendations of Cabinet for the Revenue Budget and Precept for 2019/20 and the Capital Programme for 2019/20 to 2021/22. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader introduced the Revenue Budget and Precept for 2018/19 and the Capital Programme for the period 2019/20 to 2021/22 (Item 9 in the Minute Book), and moved the recommendations. Councillor Mel Kendal, the Executive Member for Economic Development presented the report.
A correction was noted to Appendix 8: Treasury Management Strategy Statement, page 124 of the Agenda pack – in the table detailing a balance sheet summary and forecast, the figures for Street Lighting PFI and Waste Management Contract have been transposed, which does not change the calculations in the table nor does it impact on any other numbers in the report.
In commending the revenue budget proposals the
Executive Member for Economic Development highlighted revenue items
linked to the development of capital investment priorities
totalling £2.9m together with approvals associated with the
Manydown development site; the Reserves
Strategy underpinning the provision of funding for the
transformation of services; the setting aside of contingency sums
for use on a one-off basis later in the year totalling £19m,
and outlined the County Council’s approach to the mitigation
of risk in regard to investments.
In regard to the Capital Programme, the
Executive Member drew Members’ attention to the
recommendation for an increase to the Capital Programme of
£32.869m for further infrastructure works and
the by-pass at Botley.
£491.6m for the delivery
of schemes over the three year period 2019/20 to 2021/22 follows a
revised Programme of £328.4m for 2018/19 providing a boost to
the local economy, which represents a significant investment in
Hampshire’s infrastructure.
The full opening debate speech of the
Executive Member for Economic Development is appended to these
Minutes. Opposition Group Leaders responded to the
proposals. During the course of a full debate, views in support of,
or raising concern, about the proposals were expressed. No
Amendments were moved therefore the recommendations were put to the
vote in accordance with Standing Order 22.2, the outcome of which
was recorded as follows: FOR - 51 |
Hampshire County Council Pay Statement for Financial Year 2019/20 PDF 73 KB To consider a report of the Chief Executive recommending Hampshire County Council’s Pay Statement for the financial year 2019/20, following consultation with the Employment in Hampshire County Council Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered a report from the
Employment in Hampshire County Council (EHCC) Committee (Item 10 in
the Minute Book), as presented by Councillor Stephen Reid in his
capacity as Chairman of the EHCC Committee, which sought approval
of the County Council’s Pay Statement for the financial year
2019/20 as set out in the Annex and Appendix A to the report.
Councillor Reid reported that the County Council is required to
prepare and publish its Pay Statement on an annual basis and
commended the draft Pay Statement to the Council. RESOLVED:
Consideration of Motion referred by County Council: Brexit PDF 44 KB To consider a report of the Cabinet detailing the outcome of their deliberation of a Motion referred by the County Council on 29 November 2018. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the report on Cabinet’s consideration of a Motion regarding Brexit referred by full Council (Item 11 in the Minute Book).
In presenting the report, the Leader confirmed that the Motion was considered carefully by the Cabinet as part of the on-going work to prepare for leaving the European Union on 29 March, focusing on both the short and longer term issues to ensure that good local government services continue to be delivered. The Cabinet report set out various meetings held with Hampshire’s Unitary Councils and the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) to ensure that issues are dealt with as well as they can be so that Hampshire continues to have a thriving economy and be a good place to live, which is part of the work being done by the Hampshire Commission 2050.
Debate focussed on potential traffic issues at the Port of Portsmouth and the implications for Hampshire police, the future for EU nationals living in the county and implications for local construction businesses, and the impact on highway schemes.
In summing up, the Leader highlighted the importance of focusing on the role of the County Council which is to deliver good local services for the residents of Hampshire whatever the position is post 29 March.
The recommendation was put to the vote. In accordance with Standing Order 22.3, 11 Members requested a recorded vote the outcome of which is as follows:
FOR - 45
Councillors: Ray Bolton, Jackie Branson, Ziliah Brooks, Graham Burgess, Adam Carew, Fran Carpenter, Chris Carter, Rod Cooper, Roland Dibbs, Peter Edgar, Keith Evans, Liz Fairhurst, Andrew Gibson, Jonathan Glen, Judith Grajewski, Pal Hayre, Edward Heron, Gary Hughes, Rob Humby, Roger Huxstep, Andrew Joy, David Keast, Mark Kemp-Gee, Mel Kendal, Peter Latham, Keith Mans, Alexi McEvoy, Anna McNair Scott, Derek Mellor, Floss Mitchell, Rob Mocatta, Kirsty North, Russell Oppenheimer, Neville Penman, Roy Perry, Lance Quantrill, Stephen Reid, Patricia Stallard, Robert Taylor, Michael Thierry, Rhydian Vaughan, Jan Warwick, Michael White, Bill Withers and Seán Woodward.
Councillor Elaine Still.
That the County Council notes the Report ‘Brexit: The Potential Impact on the County Council’s Resources and Services’ considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 10 December 2108 set out in Appendix B to this Report and supports the recommendations contained within that Report. |
Notice of Motion To
consider the following Notice of Motion, submitted in accordance
with Standing Order 18.1.
Fair Funding for Hampshire People
1. Council notes £476million of loss of grant and budget cuts from central government in the last ten years and that with an ageing population and budget pressures of £30m each year over and above maximum council tax increases allowed by Government, the Council has twice had reported to it that its finances are not sustainable in the medium-term. Council further notes the backlog of road repairs estimated at £285million, in addition to the backlog on pavement and bridge repairs.
2. Council agrees that central government has an obligation to provide fair funding for local government to include the full effects of an ageing population, the real cost pressures on adult social care, children’s services and the need for a 21st century infrastructure.
3. Council resolves to campaign for a restoration of fair funding now that the Prime Minister has determined that ‘austerity is over’ and to make good underfunding in recent years.
Additional documents: Minutes: The following Motion was moved by Councillor Keith House and seconded by Councillor Adrian Collett:
“Fair Funding for Hampshire People
1. Council notes £476million of loss of grant and budget cuts from central government in the last ten years and that with an ageing population and budget pressures of £30m each year over and above maximum council tax increases allowed by Government, the Council has twice had reported to it that its finances are not sustainable in the medium-term. Council further notes the backlog of road repairs estimated at £285million, in addition to the backlog on pavement and bridge repairs.
2. Council agrees that central government has an obligation to provide fair funding for local government to include the full effects of an ageing population, the real cost pressures on adult social care, children’s services and the need for a 21st century infrastructure.
3. Council resolves to campaign for a restoration of fair funding now that the Prime Minister has determined that ‘austerity is over’ and to make good underfunding in recent years.”
The following Amendment was submitted in accordance with Standing Order 19.1 which was proposed by Councillor Keith Mans and seconded by Councillor Stephen Reid:
Text in italics with grey background = add words Text
Council notes
£476million of loss of grant and budget cuts from central
government in the last ten years due to the coalition Government and present
Government having to address the ongoing problems arising from the
banking crash of 2008, during the period of
Labour administration, and the need to bring the
nation’s finances back in to order. 2.
Council agrees that
3. Council resolves to continue to support the national campaign for a restoration of “fair funding” for local government recognising that the Prime Minister has determined that ‘austerity is over’ as a result of sound management of the national economy and urges the Government to make good underfunding in recent years as far as is possible consistent with the continued sound management of the national economy. ... view the full minutes text for item 132. |
Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority PDF 56 KB Additional documents: |
HFRA Questions To deal with any questions which have been submitted pursuant to Standing Order 16.3 concerning the discharge of the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority’s functions. Additional documents: Minutes: No questions had been received in accordance with Standing Order 16.3. |
HFRA Report Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received and noted the report of the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority as presented by Councillor Chris Carter in his capacity as Chairman of the Fire Authority. |
Constitutional Arrangements: Appointments to the Health and Wellbeing Board for Hampshire PDF 57 KB To consider a report of the Health and Wellbeing Board updating the Council on membership changes to the Board taken under delegated authority.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received the report of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Hampshire reporting a number several changes to the membership of the Board taken under delegated authority by the Head of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board. |
Executive and Committee Reports To receive for information the reports of the following: Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received the reports of the following Executive Members: |
Executive Member for Public Health PDF 63 KB Additional documents: Minutes:
Announcement by the Leader: The Leader gave notice of his intention to stand down as Leader of the Council at the Council’s Annual General Meeting on 17 May 2019. The Leader reported that this would be at the halfway point of this Administration which would give his successor two clear years before the County Council’s Election in 2021. The Leader paid tribute to everyone associated with the County Council, the officers, and the Members, and extended his thanks to his wife who has supported him throughout his 50 years in public service. Additional documents: |