Agenda and minutes

Annual General Meeting, County Council - Friday 29 May 2020 2.00 pm, MOVED

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Email: 


No. Item

Outgoing Chairman's Comments pdf icon PDF 288 KB

The Retiring Chairman welcomed everyone to the first remote meeting of the County Council with Members in attendance via video conferencing.  For the purpose of the public record, the Members in attendance will be named.


All Members were reminded that in accordance with the County Council’s Constitution, if they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, or a Personal Interest in any item on today’s agenda, they should be declared at the relevant time. If appropriate they should leave the meeting while the item is being discussed.  No declarations of interest were declared at this point.

Prior to the commencement of formal business, the Retiring Chairman presented his final announcements to the Council and reflected on his year as Chairman, grouped around the key themes of remembrance, forging alliances and promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.


The Retiring Chairman extended his thanks to community colleagues – The Dean of Winchester and representatives from the Muslim and Jewish communities; the Lord Lieutenant of Hampshire; County Council officers including the Chief Executive and his Corporate Management Team, Natalie Jones, Debbie Vaughan and Jo Weeks, and family members for their help and support throughout his chairmanship, which had been much appreciated.


The full announcements are attached at Appendix 1 to these Minutes.


The Retiring Chairman then invited the Chief Executive to make a statement.


Statement from the Chief Executive

“As you know we have been through an extraordinary few weeks, and I am proud that as an organisation collectively we have put our utmost into delivering a high level response to the Covid-19 pandemic. I am very much aware that the democratic process sits at the heart of our organisation, and I am pleased that we are able to hold today’s AGM further to the first remote meeting of the Cabinet two weeks ago. Today is however the first remote meeting of the County Council, and in order for us to better manage the process of a remote meeting not all Members of the Council are present at the meeting today. This is in no way a reflection on those Members who are not with us today, and their co-operation in enabling us to hold a scaled down meeting is recognised and appreciated. You will also have seen my note earlier today I hope offering reassurance about how we are handling apologies for today’s meeting.”


“Members, these arrangements are for this meeting only to enable essential business to be done, and the smooth running of the meeting under arrangements which are new to all of us. So far as the July meeting of the Council is concerned, while that meeting will almost certainly be remote, normal attendance procedures will apply.”




Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.



Further to the statement above from the Chief Executive, and in light of the exceptional steps required to progress this meeting, no apologies were required.




Election of Chairman

In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to elect a Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2021. 


The Outgoing Chairman to request the Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, to call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote. The new Chairman to take the Chair.



The Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, called for nominations. Councillor Keith Mans, seconded by Councillor Rob Humby proposed that Councillor Mel Kendal be elected Chairman of the Council until the Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2021. No other nominations were received therefore the proposition was put to the vote and carried.


That Councillor Mel Kendal be elected Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2021. Councillor Kendal accepted the Office and took the chair.




Appointment of Vice-Chairman

In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to appoint a Vice-Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2021. The Incoming Chairman will call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote.


The Chairman invited nominations for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Council. Councillor Keith Mans, seconded by Councillor Rob Humby proposed Councillor Marge Harvey. In the absence of any other nominations and no dissent from Members present, it was




That Councillor Marge Harvey be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2021.




Incoming Chairman's Announcements pdf icon PDF 202 KB

To receive any announcements the Incoming Chairman may wish to make.



The Incoming Chairman thanked Members for the support given to him and the trust placed in him as the new Chairman of the County Council.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Choudhary for his outstanding service as Chairman over the past year and particularly noted the importance of the Outgoing Chairman’s theme of Health and Wellbeing, and a focus on mental health, in light of the outbreak of the  Covid-19 pandemic. 

The Chairman also had pleasure in congratulating Councillor Marge Harvey on her appointment as Vice-Chairman of the County Council and looked forward to working with her.


It was with sadness that the Chairman reported the passing of former County Councillor Frank Rust who passed away at the end of March.  Frank had represented the Aldershot East Division from May 2013 to May 2017.  The Chairman referred to the press release issued by the Leader in April recording the County Council’s sadness at Frank’s passing and how he had served the County Council on a number of committees and represented the County Council on a number of outside bodies.


The Chairman confirmed that his theme during his year in office would focus on a Cleaner and Greener Hampshire, in particular encouraging the use of clean energy wherever possible to continue the reduction of carbon emissions and improving air quality. 


The Chairman also highlighted a number of accolades awarded to the County Council in Property Services, education, heritage, HC3S and Adult Services; the details of which are contained in the Chairman’s full announcements at Appendix 2 to these Minutes.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 256 KB

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2020.



The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2020 were confirmed as a correct record subject to noting a correction to Councillor Huxstep’s surname at Minute 190 in the recording of the FOR votes.





No deputation requests were received on this occasion.



There were no deputations on this occasion.




Leader's Report

To receive the report of the Leader.



The Leader thanked Councillor Choudhary for his year as Chairman and the work he had done.  He also congratulated Councillor Kendal on his election as Chairman of the County Council and Councillor Harvey on her appointment as Vice-Chairman of the County Council.


The Leader referred to the meeting being the first County Council Meeting held remotely which had been designed to deal with essential business only to ensure that the County Council’s Constitution is in line with new Government legislation.  The next meeting will involve all Members of the Council.


Subject to Members approving the recommendations in Item 9 on the Agenda, Executive decision-making, with appropriate scrutiny, can also be conducted remotely.


In turning to the Covid-19 crisis, the Leader confirmed the County Council’s objective was to slow and stop the spread of the virus by work as one team with partners in both the private and public sectors.  Regular contact was being maintained with Hampshire’s MPS, local councils, Local Enterprise Partnerships, Hampshire’s Local Resilience Forum and the three unitary councils.  The County Council’s Communications Team had been providing much appreciated updates on the crisis to everyone.  The Leader expressed his continuing concern about care homes and carers and welcomed new government grant to support this sector.  As schools start to open up more spaces to pupils on a phased return, the County Council has been providing high levels of support and everyone was working hard to ensure a safe environment for all concerned.


The Leader reported on the important role the County Council will play in carrying out the test, track and trace procedures in the Government’s recently published Outbreak Management Plan following the successful pilot in the Isle of Wight under the leadership of the County Council’s Director of Public Health.


Finally, the Leader expressed thanks on behalf of all Members for the hard work carried out by all County Council staff and it’s partners who had performed magnificently over recent months in responding to the crisis.




Proportionality and Appointments pdf icon PDF 251 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Executive as follows:


a)    Proportionality


In accordance with Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the proportionality rules), to review the allocation of seats on County Council Committees and Panels, and other proportionate bodies the County Council is represented on.


b)    Appointment to County Council Committees and Panels 


In accordance with Standing Order 6.2, to appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for every Committee and Panel of the County Council.


c)    Appointment of Members to Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority 


In accordance with Standing Order 26 to appoint the full quota of County Council Members to the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority.


d)    Appointment of Members to the Shadow Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority

In accordance with the resolution of the Council at its meeting on 12 February 2020, to appoint the full quota of County Council Members to the Shadow Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority.

e)    General Appointments 


To make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of committees and standing panels of the County Council, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules.


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report of the Chief Executive as presented by the Leader, to review the Council’s Proportionality Table and to make Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of the County Council’s committees and standing panels, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules as listed at 8 b) – e) on the Agenda.


In presenting the report, the Leader moved an additional recommendation and proposed the following appointments:


i)             That Councillor Rob Humby replace Councillor Mel Kendal as one of the County Council’s representatives on the Local Government Association General

ii)            That Councillor Roy Perry replace Councillor Mel Kendal as one of the County Council’s representatives on the Assembly of European Regions (AER)

iii)           That Councillor Alexis McEvoy replace Councillor Mel Kendal as one of the County Council’s representatives on the New Forest National Park Authority

iv)           That Councillor Michael White replace Councillor Mel Kendal as the County Council’s representative on the Community Rail Partnership – Lymington to Brockenhurst

v)            That Councillor Peter Latham replace Councillor Mel Kendal as one of the County Council’s representatives on the Manydown, Basingstoke JMC      

vi)           That Councillor Russell Oppenheimer replace Councillor Mel Kendal as the County Council’s deputy representative on the Southampton Port Consultative Committee   

vii)         That Councillor Bill Withers replace Councillor Marge Harvey on the Children & Young People Select Committee

viii)        That Councillor Rod Cooper replace Councillor Marge Harvey on the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee

ix)           That Councillor Andrew Gibson replace Councillor Marge Harvey on the Regulatory Committee

x)            That Councillor Stephen Barnes-Andrews (Southampton City Council) be appointed as the Substitute Employer Representative on the Hampshire Pension Fund Panel and Board for the municipal year 2020/21. 

NB:  A vacancy exists for the Employer Representative (Portsmouth

City Council).



a)      The Proportionality Table at Appendix 3 to these Minutes be approved. 

b)      The appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the County Council’s committees and panels at Appendix 4 to these Minutes be approved.

c)      The appointment of the County Council’s representatives on the Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority and the Shadow Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority, as set out in paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 of the report, be approved.


d)      That the additional appointments proposed by the Leader, as set out above, be approved.




The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 - Amendment to Standing Orders and Executive Procedures pdf icon PDF 274 KB

To consider a report of the Cabinet recommending some constitutional changes in light of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations.


Additional documents:


The Council considered the report of Cabinet (Item 9 in the Minute Book) recommending some constitutional changes in light of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations.


During the course of debate, Members welcomed the proposals set out in the report to continue to uphold democracy and ensure that the full range of the County Council’s decision-making will be conducted remotely where it is necessary to do so and in accordance with the Regulations, and those decisions fully accessible to the public.  The importance of the continuance of current practices such as opposition spokesperson briefings and opposition spokespersons having a standing invitation to attend Executive decision days was stressed.


In regard to the County Council’s deputation procedure, a request was received to consider deputations being received remotely are both heard and seen.  The Leader agreed to look into this request with officers.




That the County Council:

a)      Agreed that for clarity the deputation rules be amended so as to allow deputations to be received remotely at remote Meetings of the County Council, Cabinet, Committees, Standing Panels and Individual Executive Member Decision Days for the duration of the Regulations.   


b)      Agrees in light of the Coronavirus epidemic and its consequential impact on the holding of Individual Executive Member Decision Days, that the Constitution should be amended in order to allow Individual Executive Member Decision Days ordinarily held in public, to be held remotely for the duration of the Regulations. 


c)      Agrees in consequence of a) and b) above that amendments as indicated at Annex One and Annex Two to this report be made to Standing Orders and Executive Procedures and Role of the Executive, contained respectively within  Part 3, Chapter 1, and Part 3, Chapter 2 of the Constitution. 




Approval of Member Absence – Section 85 Local Government Act 1972 pdf icon PDF 262 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Executive recommending that the County Council approves an extended period of absence, pursuant to Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, to 31 December 2020, for any Member of the County Council who is unable to attend a Meeting of the County Council, its Committees, Outside Bodies or Joint Committees to which any such Member of the County Council has been appointed, as a result of illness, social distancing, self-isolation or shielding as a consequence of the Covid-19 virus.



The Monitoring Officer advised prior to consideration of the item that all Members present might have a personal interest in the item by virtue of them being Members of the County Council. It was accordingly agreed that it should be taken as read that all Members had so declared a personal interest.

The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive (Item 10 in the Minute Book) recommending that the County Council approves an extended period of absence, pursuant to Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, to 31 December 2020, for any Member of the County Council who is unable to attend a Meeting of the County Council, its Committees, Outside Bodies or Joint Committees to which any such Member of the County Council has been appointed, as a result of illness, social distancing, self-isolation or shielding as a consequence of the Covid-19 virus.  The report was presented by the Leader.


Clarification was provided that the extended period of absence sought for any Member affected would expire on 31 December 2020.




That the County Council approved an extended period of absence, pursuant to Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972, to 31 December 2020, for any Member of the County Council who is unable to attend a Meeting of the County Council, its Committees, Outside Bodies or Joint Committees to which any such Member of the County Council has been appointed, as a result of illness, social distancing, self-isolation or shielding as a consequence of the Covid-19 virus.