Venue: Ashburton Hall, Elizabeth II Court, The Castle, Winchester. View directions
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Stephen Broomfield, Alan Dowden, Mark Kemp-Gee, Peter Latham, Louise Parker-Jones, Lance Quantrill, Elaine Still, Malcolm Wade and Bill Withers.
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 2 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
To confirm the Minutes of the County Council Annual General Meeting held on 27 May 2021 and the Extraordinary County Council Meeting held on 21 June 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the County Council held on 27 May and the Minutes of the Extraordinary County Council Meeting held on 21 June 2021 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.
Deputations There are no deputations on this occasion.
Minutes: There were no deputations on this occasion.
Chairman's Announcements To receive such announcements as the Chairman may wish to make to the Council. Minutes: The Chairman had pleasure in notifying Members of some of the Awards to the County Council and other achievements since the last Council Meeting:
Long Service Awards for members of
staff and particularly Mavis Vernon, a Registration Officer who has
completed 50 years of service
Hampshire Archives has met a National Accreditation standard
recognising high levels of performance, including the care of its
unique collections
The County Council’s catering service, HC3S, had been
shortlisted Education Caterer of the Year
The Sir Harold Hillier Gardens received a Silver-Gilt Medal for
their exhibition of the Gardens national collection of Hypericum at
RHS Hampton Court flower show in July, followed by a Britain in
Bloom South/South East Gold Award in September
Peter Barty
in Economy, Transport and Environment had been awarded the British
Empire Medal (BEM) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list for
services to charity and the community in Fareham - Delivery of several major school projects for the start of the academic year by Property Services and Children’s Services, namely: Deer Park Secondary School near Botley and Cornerstone Primary School in Whiteley. Also of note was the shortlisting of the new school building at Barton Farm near Winchester for awards by both the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Civic Trust.
Since the lifting of restrictions, the Chairman also had pleasure in representing the County Council at several Civic functions: including the BEM award Ceremony presented by the Lord Lieutenant for Hampshire, Test Valley Civic Day, Adult Services and Public Health ‘Thank You’ event and 40 Year Long Service Celebration.
The Chairman had also held his Civic Day event at the newly refurbished and extended Jermyn House at the Sir Harold Hillier Gardens.
It was with much sadness that the Chairman
reported the passing of several former County Councillors:
Shelagh Stephenson who represented the Farnborough South division from 1985 to 1993
Ann Bailey who represented
the Downlands (now known as Winchester Downlands) division from
1985 to 2005 Kingsley Williams who represented the Southampton (Bitterne) Division from 1973 to 1975
Honorary Alderman and Past Chairman, Colin Davidovitz, represented the Chandler’s Ford division from 2001 until his retirement in 2015
The Chairman invited the Leader to pay tribute followed by Councillors Adrian Collett, Jackie Porter, Marge Harvey and Keith House before adding his tribute. A Minute’s silence was observed as a mark of respect.
Leader's Report To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council. Minutes: The Leader opened his report on the latest position with Covid-19 and highlighted that although restrictions had been lifted, the virus is still present and the Government’s message was focussing on personal responsibility and caution. The County Council’s priority throughout the pandemic had been to Keep Hampshire Safe. Therefore, the Leader urged all residents to ensure that they take up both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, continue with regular testing, and take proportionate safety measures to look after themselves and others.
The Leader was pleased to report that the
Pan-Hampshire County Deal proposal was progressing successfully and
at pace, attracting significant interest from Ministers and support
from stakeholders. Further detail about
the opportunities for Pan-Hampshire and the proposals for a deal
would be shared soon, which would be evidence based and seek to
gain greater freedoms and flexibilities to make things work better
locally. The Leader confirmed that the
County Council had not made any decisions about what is needed, and
instead was using its position to facilitate the conversation and
drive progress proportionately. The
Leader confirmed that getting a bold and ambitious deal for the
whole of the county was the priority in order to take greater
control over the future and to level up for Hampshire
residents. In turning to financial matters, the Leader confirmed that although the County Council was in a better position than many authorities, it continues to face a challenging financial landscape as a direct result of continuing pressures on local government funding and increasing demand for core public services. Cabinet Members were having to make difficult recommendations to help bridge a budget shortfall of at least £80 million over the next two years, which will be brought to Full Council in November. The Leader thanked all residents and stakeholders who took the time to share their views with the County Council by responding to the “Balancing the Budget” consultation, the findings of which, together with the Equality Impact Assessments, had helped shape the proposals which are currently being considered. The consultation outcome was clear that a range of options would be needed to deliver the required savings and the County Council would be looking at a combination of approaches to help ... view the full minutes text for item 20. |
Questions under Standing Order 16.1.1 To deal with questions pursuant to Standing Order 16.1.1. Where a member has submitted more than one question, their second and subsequent questions will not be answered until all members’ first questions have been dealt with.
Minutes: Executive Members responded to questions submitted in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.1 as published with the exception of questions 8-11 for which a full written answer would be circulated in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.5.
Proportionality and Appointments To consider a report of the Chief Executive regarding the proportionality of the County Council and to make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of committees and standing panels of the County Council, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered
the report of the Chief Executive seeking approval of the proposed
Proportionality Table, as set out in the Appendix to the report,
following changes to the political composition of the
Council. Approval was also sought of
appointments arising from the review of proportionality and some
other membership changes as set out in paragraph 3 of the
report. The Leader also proposed some
further appointments that had been received subsequent to the
publication of the report.
That the draft Proportionality Table appended to the
report be approved. The final Table is
appended to these Minutes. b) That Councillor Andy Tree replace Councillor Rob Mocatta, and that Councillors Louise Parker-Jones and Prad Bains be appointed as the Independent Group Substitute Members on the Audit Committee.
c) That Councillor Alex Crawford replace Councillor Peter Latham, and that Councillors Jacky Tustain and Kim Taylor be appointed as the Labour Substitute Members on the Pension Fund Panel and Board.
d) That Councillor Lesley Meenaghan fill the Conservative Group vacancy on the Children and Young People Select Committee created by Councillor Bains becoming an Independent Group Member, and that Councillor Prad Bains replace Councillor Andy Tree as the Independent Group Member on this Committee.
e) That Councillor Louise
Parker-Jones replace Councillor Kim Taylor, and that Councillors
Andy Tree and Prad Bains be appointed as the Independent Group
Substitute Members on the Economy, Transport and Environment Select
Children & Families Advisory Panel:
g) That Councillor Prad Bains replace Councillor Louise Parker-Jones on the Education Advisory Panel, and that Councillor Louise Parker-Jones be appointed as the second Substitute Member for the Independent Group.
h) That Councillor Jacky Tustain replace Councillor Roz Chadd, and that Councillors Alex Crawford and Kim Taylor be appointed as the Labour Group Substitute Members on the Corporate Parenting Board.
i) That Councillor Chris Donnelly replace Councillor Prad Bains as Vice-Chairman of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE); that Councillor Pal Hayre be appointed as a full Member, and that Councillor Juliet Henderson replace Councillor Hayre as the second Conservative Substitute Member.
j) That Councillor Zoe Huggins replace Councillor Elaine Still, and that Councillor Stephen Parker replace Councillor Huggins as the second Conservative Substitute Member on the Policy and Resources Select Committee.
Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee: |
Appointment of Chief Financial Officer To consider a report of the Chief Executive regarding the appointment of the Chief Financial Officer.
Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive recommending the appointment of a Chief Financial Officer of the County Council in accordance with Part 1, Chapter 4, paragraph 1.17 of the Constitution and pursuant to Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972.
That the County Council approves the appointment of Rob Carr, Director of Corporate Operations as the statutory Chief Financial Officer of the County Council.
Appointment of Independent Persons To consider a report of the Conduct Advisory Panel recommending the appointment of Independent Persons for the County Council.
Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Conduct Advisory Panel recommending the appointment of two Independent Persons, in accordance with the requirements of Section 28 (7) of the Localism Act 2011 following candidate interviews by the Conduct Advisory Panel on 23 and 25 June 2021.
That the County Council approve the appointment of Mr Michael Cronin and Mr Peter Moore as Independent Persons for a four-year period of office expiring on 31 July 2025.
Constitutional Update To consider a report of the Chief Executive setting out a number of Constitutional changes. Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Chief Executive and presented by the Leader, providing an update on the arrangements for Executive Member Decision Days going forward. The report also provided clarification of provisions regarding non-Executive Members and non-Committee Members speaking at Cabinet, individual Executive Member Decision Days and Committee meetings.
In response to a request from Councillor Collett, the Leader agreed that the amendment to the Constitution would also make reference to the Chairman of a committee or panel having the discretion to allow a Member to speak if, in exceptional circumstances, it had not been possible to give the required notice.
That the County Council:
Delegates authority to the Monitoring Officer to amend the
Constitution in order to give effect to the proposal in Paragraph
1.5 of the report. b) Delegates authority to the Monitoring Officer to amend the Constitution in order to give effect to the proposal in Paragraph 2 of the report.
2020/21 End of Year Financial Report To consider a report of the Cabinet setting out the end of year position for the financial period 2020/21 seeking approval of the County Council’s treasury management activities and prudential indicators. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of Cabinet setting out the year end position for the financial period 2020/21 and seeking approval of the County Council’s treasury management activities and prudential indicators set out in Appendix 2 of the attached Cabinet report. The Leader confirmed that Councillor Steve Forster, Executive Member for Commercial Strategy, Estates and Property would also speak about this report.
In presenting the report the Leader made reference to the effects of the pandemic which had led to a cautious financial approach in light of the uncertainty of the level of Covid funding that would be received by the Government. However, funding had been received, albeit in tranches, and was welcomed. The pandemic had also hampered delivery of the savings programme within the expected timescales and this would be addressed over the next two years. In commending the report to the Council, the Leader highlighted that the Council had operated within budget whilst delivering what was required in regard to Covid-19. He was of the view that the year ahead would be difficult, particularly in regard to adult social care and it was unclear whether the same level of funding would be received as in the last financial year.
The Executive Member reported that the Council had experience increased demand for its services and had already achieved 0.6bn efficiency improvements. The Executive Member stressed that the Council was continuing to lobby MPs and Government for increased funding and the County Deal, should it proceed, might offer further opportunities. Hampshire’s overall spending and budget had increased and the Council was focused on prioritising key areas and efficiencies by making investment to secure subsequent savings such as in the digital arena. Funds being saved elsewhere were being prioritised for adult social care and children’s services. Reserves were continuing to be used wisely including delivering over £10m annually in interest. Investment was also being made in highways, Covid recovery and proactive property investments. Significantly, the Council’s capital spend in the last financial year was £214m. The Executive Member commented that the way ahead was challenging however, the Council’s sensible approach in the use its finances had resulted in it being in a good position going forward.
During the course of debate local improvements
such as the inclusion of additional footpaths was recognised as was
the need to continue to lobby Government hard to secure funding for
frontline services. Concern was expressed regarding the impact on, for example,
youth services and community transport provision.
It was also noted that some funding had
been earmarked for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Leader commented that fundraising would also
be considered and he would be discussing this with the Lord
Lieutenant for Hampshire.
That the County Council approves the report on the County Council’s treasury management activities and prudential indicators as set out in Appendix 2 of the attached Cabinet report.
Serving Hampshire Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and Corporate Performance Management Framework To consider a report of the Cabinet seeking approval of the new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and its accompanying Corporate Performance Management Framework.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council considered the report of Cabinet setting out the County Council’s new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and its accompanying Corporate Performance Management Framework.
During the course of debate the inclusion of climate change in the Strategic Plan was welcomed however, concern was expressed regarding the absence of reference to sustainability in Outcome 1 linked to the absence of any reference to recycling and waste in the Strategy overall. Furthermore, the Outcomes One, Three and Four did not have the same titles as in the Strategy.
The Leader proposed that the points raised above be considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 12 October and if amendments were recommended, that the proposed revised Strategic Plan come back to County Council at its next meeting on 4 November 2021.
That the County Council approves the Serving Hampshire
Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 b) That Cabinet consider some possible revisions to the Strategic Plan at its meeting on 12 October 2021 and subject to any revisions being recommended by Cabinet, that the County Council consider those revisions at its meeting on 4 November 2021.
Amendment of Code of Conduct for Members To consider a report of the Conduct Advisory Panel recommending amendment of the Code of Conduct for Members. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Conduct Advisory Panel recommending revisions to the Code of Conduct for Members as set out in Appendix 1 to the Conduct Advisory Panel report of 23 June 2021, attached to this report.
That the County Council approves the revised Code of Conduct for Members as contained in Appendix 1 of the attached report.
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority |
H&IOWFRA Questions To deal with any questions which have been submitted pursuant to Standing Order 16.3 concerning the discharge of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority’s functions. Minutes: No questions had been received in accordance with Standing Order 16.3.
To receive a report of the Authority. Minutes: The Council received and noted the report as presented by Councillor Rhydian Vaughan in his capacity as Chairman of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority.
Annual Report of the Policy and Resources Select Committee To receive the annual report of the Policy and Resources Select Committee summarising the work carried out by the County Council’s Select Committees during 2020/21. Minutes: The Council received and noted the Annual Report of the Policy and Resources Select Committee summarising the work caried out by the Council’s Select Committees during 2020/21.
Annual Report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee To receive the annual report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee summarising the health scrutiny work carried out by the Committee during 2020/21. Minutes: The Council received and noted the Annual report of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee summarising the health scrutiny work carried out by the Committee during 2020/21.
Changes in responsibility for Executive Functions To receive a report of the Chief Executive notifying changes to the allocation of Executive Functions together with the appointment of two Assistants to the Executive.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received and noted the report of the Chief Executive and presented by the Leader, updating the Council on changes to the allocation of Executive Responsibilities in the 2021 Administration determined by the Leader, as notified to Cabinet on 13 July 2021.
The Council also noted the appointment of two Assistants to the Executive: Assistant to the Executive – Children’s Services and Assistant to the Executive – Adult Services and Public Health as set out in Appendix 1 to the Cabinet report.
To receive a report from the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Hampshire notifying the Council of appointments made to the Board under delegated authority. Minutes: The Council received and noted the report of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Hampshire reporting several changes to the membership of the Board taken under delegated authority by the Head of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Executive and Committee Reports To receive for information the reports of the following: Minutes: The Council received the reports of Executive Members as set out below. |
HCC Climate Change initiatives
Serving Hampshire – 2020/21 year end performance
report · Regulation 11 (Key Decision)
Executive Member for Adult Services and Public Health Minutes:
Serious Violence Reduction Grant
New Inpatient Detoxification Unit · Getting Going Again Grant Scheme
Executive Lead Member for Children's Services Minutes:
Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Grant Recommendations Summer
Updated School Term and Holiday dates for 2021/22 · Covid Local Support Grants June – September 2021
The Meeting closed at 12.50pm. |