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No. | Item |
Outgoing Chairman's Statement Prior to the commencement of formal business, the Retiring Chairman, Councillor Marge Harvey presented her final announcements to the Council and took the opportunity to welcome Councillor Ryan Brent following his recent election to the Council representing the Purbrook and Stakes South Division.
Councillor Harvey commented on what had been a very busy 12 months’ including four royal visits, the Platinum Jubilee celebrations for the late Queen Elizabeth II followed by the mourning period following her death and numerous other events. Of particular note was the recent Chairman’s Concert in the Great Hall and special thanks were extended to Shaun Riches and Jon Cranston from the Hampshire Music Service for their help.
Councillor Harvey also extended thanks to her Vice-Chairman, Councillor Patricia Stallard and to Councillor Ann Briggs for her support as Chairman’s Consort; to Debbie Vaughan and Natalie Jones for their support and lastly her thanks to the Leader, Councillor Rob Humby for his guidance throughout the year.
Councillor Harvey concluded by thanking all Members for their support and commented that it had been an honour to represent them. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence.
Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Fran
Carpenter, Alex Crawford, Alan Dowden, Michael Ford, David
Harrison, Mark Kemp-Gee, Rupert Kyrle, Peter Latham, Alexis McEvoy,
Phil North, Tanya Park, Stephen Philpott and Seán Woodward,
and from Honorary Aldermen Christopher Carter, Phrynette Dickens,
Andrew Gibson and Roy Perry. |
Declarations of Interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Election of Chairman In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to elect a Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2024.
The Outgoing Chairman to request the Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer, to call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote. The new Chairman to take the Chair.
Minutes: The Chief Executive, as the Proper Officer,
called for nominations. Councillor Rob Humby, seconded by
Councillor Roz Chadd, proposed that Councillor Patricia Stallard be
elected Chairman of the Council until the Annual General Meeting of
the Council in 2024. No other nominations were received therefore
the proposition was put to the vote and carried. ORDERED: That Councillor Patricia Stallard be elected Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2024. Councillor Stallard made the declaration of Acceptance of Office and took the chair.
Appointment of Vice-Chairman In accordance with Standing Order 6.1, to appoint a Vice-Chairman of the County Council to hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Council in 2024.
The Incoming Chairman will call for nominations which are to be seconded, with all propositions being put to the vote.
Minutes: The Chairman invited nominations for the
position of Vice-Chairman of the Council. Councillor Rob Humby,
seconded by Councillor Roz Chadd proposed Councillor Keith Mans. No
other nominations were received therefore the proposition was put
to the vote and carried. ORDERED: That Councillor Keith Mans be appointed as Vice-Chairman of the County Council until the Annual General Meeting in 2024. Councillor Mans made the declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Incoming Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements the Incoming Chairman may wish to make.
Minutes: The Incoming Chairman, Councillor Patricia Stallard thanked all Members for supporting her appointment to add to her past experience of being a Select Committee Chairman and a Cabinet member.
The Chairman congratulated Councillor Marge Harvey for her outstanding service as Chairman of the Council over the last 12 months’.
The Chairman was pleased to announce that her
theme for the year was Hampshire Heritage, with a view to looking
ahead to ensure the quality of Hampshire’s heritage for
future generations. The Chairman would
therefore be liaising closely with Members, partner organisations
and members of the community involved in the Hampshire 2050
Turning to her announcements, it was with sadness that the Chairman reported the passing of former County Councillor Eric Neal who represented the Aldershot East division from 2005 to 2013. The Council observed a moment’s silence as a mark of respect.
The Chairman reported on a number of awards the County Council had received and officers meriting special mention:
Adrian Keeble, Information Analyst in Children’s Services and
a reservist with the Army – awarded a commendation by the
Commander of UK’s Strategic Command for his work during the
Covid pandemic while based at The Defence Academy in
Mark Allen, Head of Digital and Technology Enabled Care – won
the Telecare Services Association 2023 International Technology
Enabled Care (ITEC) Leadership Award in recognition of his role in
the development and delivery of technology-based solutions to
support independent living. In concluding her announcements, the Chairman commented on the weeks of preparation that took place across the County Council’s care services including residential and nursing homes and Day Opportunity Services for younger and older adults to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. All of the Services came together for the Big Lunch on 5 May, as well as many other events and parties bringing together residents, service users, families and communities, all of which were supported by the County Council’s care staff. A Coronation Flag was also produced which toured all of the County Council’s care services and will be on display in the County Council’s HQ at Elizabeth II Court for everyone to see.
To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2023.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 23 February 2023 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.
Deputations To receive any deputations notified under Standing Order 12. Minutes: There were no deputations on this occasion.
Leader's Report To receive the report of the Leader.
Minutes: The Leader opened his report by confirming that he was in receipt of a response from the Minister of Pensions to his letter regarding the resolution passed by the Council at its February meeting regarding changes to the state pension age affecting women born in the 1950s. The Minister confirmed that the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s investigation into the Department for Work and Pension’s communication in regard to this matter was ongoing and commenting before that investigation was complete would not be appropriate. The Leader informed the Council he would await the outcome of that investigation before taking a decision on next steps.
Having been elected Leader of the Council one year ago the Leader reflected on the last 12 months’, which had encompassed engaging with residents, businesses, partners and Hampshire MPs, as well as focusing on the role and responsibilities of the County Council to bring together partners such as district and borough councils, universities, the NHS and businesses to tackle shared priorities such as economic regeneration and improving public health.
Other key areas of focus had been:
County Deal and the submission of the Pan-Hampshire County Deal
prospectus to Government. There had
been positive engagement with the Levelling Up Minister and
Government officials and Upper-Tier Chief Executives are continuing
to progress work on the potential inclusion of the Pan-Hampshire
County Deal in the next wave of devolution proposals.
Over 1,600 families (over 3,300 guests) had been welcomed to
Hampshire under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, with 2,100 residents
becoming hosts. The Leader expressed
thanks to the Children’s Services Directorate for the work
they had done to implement the Scheme alongside Hampshire district
and borough councils and community partners.
The County Council adopted a new organisational structure with
effect from 1 January to support and strengthen joined-up working
across the Council’s strategies and services. Cabinet roles had been aligned with the new model
with the Leader and Deputy Leader being the portfolio leads for
Hampshire 2050. The Leader would report
further on plans for this important area of work soon.
A personal highlight for the Leader had been the appointment of a
Cabinet Member for Inclusion and Diversity. The role is held by Councillor Kirsty North and
the Leader was pleased to announce that Councillor Arun Mummalaneni
would be the County Council’s new Member Champion for
Inclusion and Diversity to champion matters related to all legally
protected characteristics.
The Leader drew Members attention to the positive feedback received
by the Children’s Services Directorate following a focused
visit by inspectors earlier this year to look at the County
Council’s arrangements for children in care, giving well
deserved recognition to Children’s Services frontline staff
and officers. · Over the last year, the Leader had actively campaigned for central Government to make urgent reforms to the local government funding model and develop a clear plan for the long-term financial sustainability of the sector. A constructive and positive discussion was held with the Local Government Minister and the Leader of Kent County Council ... view the full minutes text for item 148. |
Questions under Standing Order 16.1.1 To deal with questions pursuant to Standing Order 16.1.1. Where a member has submitted more than one question, their second and subsequent questions will not be answered until all members’ first questions have been dealt with.
Minutes: Executive Members responded to questions submitted, as published, in accordance with Standing Order 16.1.1.
The Chairman reminded all Members that question time was not to be used for making statements.
Constitutional Changes To consider a report of Cabinet seeking an endorsement of a reorganisation of the County Council’s Select Committees and Advisory Panels.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of Cabinet seeking an endorsement of a reorganisation of the County Council’s Select Committees and Advisory Panels. In presenting the report, the Leader confirmed it was recommended to cease the Buildings, Land and Procurement Panel and to streamline the two Universal Services Committees, one dealing with transport and environment matters and the other dealing with countryside and regulatory matters into one committee, and to adopt a consistent approach to the size of all of the Select Committees at 17 members on each.
During the course of the debate Members expressed both support and concerns regarding the proposals to have one Universal Services Select Committee instead of two and the timing of this change. Those in support felt it would provide focus to ensure matters that required pre-scrutiny were prioritised whilst remaining flexible enough to look at other matters within the remit of these Committees. Those who had concerns felt that Universal Services covers many of the County Council’s services that have high visibility for local residents and by moving from two to one committee would erode the power of the scrutiny function.
In responding to the debate, the Leader confirmed that the timing of the proposal to move to one Universal Services Select Committee was linked to the new organisational model introduced on 1 January and giving that time to settle down. He had received suggestions from some Members that a one-Committee model for Universal Services might work better. Those suggestions had been considered, advice taken and discussions held with Select Committee Chairmen in putting forward this proposal. The Leader re-iterated the point raised that Select Committees should focus on matters that needed their attention rather than focussing on items for noting. This model would still allow flexibility for additional meetings if there was a good business reason to do so. The Leader was of the view that this change would enhance scrutiny and make it more efficient; the number of members on each Select Committee had been increased, as had the number of substitute members enabling all Members the opportunity to engage. The Leader also confirmed that the Member Development Group had re-formed and would be working in a different way which provided an opportunity for that Group to consider the best forum for information items.
That the County Council agrees:
(a) That the Universal
Services – Transport and Environment Select Committee, the
Universal Services – Countryside and Regulatory Services
Select Committee and BLAPP are ceased.
(b) That a new single
Universal Services Select Committee be created, to comprise 17
Members, with Terms of References as set out at Annex 1 of this
(c) That Membership of the
Hampshire 2050, Corporate Services and Resources, Children and
Young People and Heath and Adult Social Care Select Committees be
increased so as to comprise 17 Members.
(d) That the Monitoring
Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution to allow for the
appointment of 4 Substitute Members per group for Select
Committees. (e) That the ... view the full minutes text for item 150. |
Proportionality and Appointments (to follow) To consider a report of the Chief Executive as follows:
a) Proportionality
In accordance with Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1989 (the proportionality rules), to review the allocation of seats on County Council Committees and Panels, and other proportionate bodies the County Council is represented on.
b) Appointment to County Council Committees and Panels
In accordance with Standing Order 6.2, to appoint a Chairman and Vice-Chairman for every Committee and Panel of the County Council.
c) Appointment of Members to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority
In accordance with Standing Order 26 to appoint the full quota of County Council Members to the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority.
d) General Appointments
To make any Member appointments or alterations as required to the membership of committees and standing panels of the County Council, to statutory joint committees, to other proportional bodies the County Council is represented on, or to any other bodies which are not subject to proportionality rules.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Prior to this item being considered the Chairman confirmed that the report was published after the main agenda and is being considered as an urgent item due to the need for the Council to approve its proportionality table and make the appointments required at the Annual General Meeting.
The Council considered a report of the Chief
Executive reviewing the County Council’s proportionality and
making appointments, as set out in the report. Councillor House raised concern that under the current proposals of 17 members on each Select Committee that this did not allow every member of his Group to be on a Select Committee. In responding to this point, the Leader confirmed that a previous draft of the table had proposed a 16-member model for all of the Select Committees, which would have left the ruling Group one seat under their allocation. A 17-member Select Committee model had been proposed by Councillor House as an alternative during the consultation process, as reflected in the balanced proportionality table being considered by the Council and commented that the utmost had been done throughout the process to be fair to all Groups.
a) Approves the
Proportionality Table at Appendix 1 to the report and appended to
these Minutes.
Approves the appointment of Chairmen and Vice-Chairman of County
Council Committees and Panel set out in Appendix 2 to the report
and appended to these Minutes. c) Approves the appointments set out in Section 3 of the report.
Notices of Motion To consider Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1.
Minutes: The Council considered the Notice of Motion (as published) proposed by Councillor Jacky Tustain and seconded by Councillor Kim Taylor, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1.
During the course of debate, much support was expressed for the Motion with a suggestion of some strengthening to recommendations b) and c) and an additional recommendation that those schools not already operating school uniform and school book exchanges considering exploring this opportunity. As neither suggestion was formally proposed as an Amendment, the Leader in responding to the debate proposed that the Motion be voted on as published and if the recommendations were agreed he would pick up the points suggested in the drafting of a letter to the Minister of State for Education by consulting on the draft with the Opposition Group Leaders. Members agreed this was a pragmatic way forward.
The Motion was put to the vote and was
carried. It was therefore RESOLVED:
(a) Encourage all
Hampshire schools to comply with the Statutory Guidance issued
pursuant to the Education (Guidance about Cost of School Uniforms)
(b) Ask the Council
Leader to write to the Minister of State for Education to review
the eligibility criteria for free school meals, including those
below the poverty line, defined as 60% of the current median
household income of £31,400.
(c) Ask the Council
Leader to write to Hampshire MPs to lobby the Minister of State for
Education and their government on this issue. (d) To place on record our thanks to all council services, community organisations and charities involved in supporting families of Hampshire through the cost-of-living crisis and beyond.
Minutes: Prior to the consideration of the Motion (as published), which had been approved by all political Groups on the Council, the Chairman asked Members to confirm that they were prepared for Standing Orders to be suspended to allow the Motion to have four Proposers and Four Seconders and drew Members attention to the email from the Monitoring Officer setting out the procedure that would be followed on this occasion to deal with the Motion. Members indicated their agreement.
The Chairman also confirmed that there had
been an indication that a Member might want to requisition a
Recorded Vote on the Motion. Standing
Order 22.3 prevents a Member requisitioning a Recorded Vote on a
Motion therefore given the exceptional nature of the Motion, the
Chairman asked Members to confirm that they were prepared for
Standing Orders to be suspended to allow for a Recorded Vote on the
Motion if, at the point of voting a Member requisitions a Recorded
Vote and is supported by 10 further Members rising from their seats
to signify their support in accordance with Standing Order
22.3. Members indicated their
agreement. The Chairman also took the opportunity to
remind Members that during the debate, Members should direct their
speech to the question under discussion and emphasised that the
debate was not an opportunity to discuss the merits or otherwise of
any individual complaint or complaints made about any individual
Member. The Chairman confirmed it was
not appropriate for the Chamber to discuss individual cases where
no formal investigation or consideration has been given to a
complaint. The Council considered the Notice of Motion proposed by Councillors Prad Bains, Arun Mummalaneni, Keith House and Kim Taylor and seconded by Councillors Louise Parker-Jones, Juliet Henderson, Adrian Collett and Jacky Tustain, submitted in accordance with Standing Order 18.1.
During the course of debate, the support of all the political Groups on the Council was welcomed and several Members shared their own experiences of discrimination.
Councillor Kirsty North, the Executive Member whose portfolio encompasses Inclusion and Diversity thanked the proposers for bringing this Motion and for all the contributions during the course of the debated. Councillor North reported that under the umbrella of the Member Development Group (MDG) she had asked officers to reach out to the Local Government Association (LGA) to explore some bespoke training for Members on inclusion and diversity. Cllr North also confirmed she looked forward to working with Cllr Arun Mummalaneni as the new Inclusion and Diversity Champion, as announced by the Leader in his earlier report to the Council.
Councillor Tim Davies proposed the following Amendment which was seconded by Councillor Andrew Joy:
Add the word “should” between the words “views” and “have” in the first line of paragraph one and that the apostrophe be removed from the word “Group’s” in the first line of the third paragraph of the published Motion.
The original Motion together with the proposed Amendment detailed above was put to the vote. Councillor Parker-Jones requisitioned a Recorded Vote in accordance with ... view the full minutes text for item 152b |
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority |
HIWFRA Questions To deal with any questions which have been submitted pursuant to Standing Order 16.3 concerning the discharge of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority’s functions.
Minutes: No questions had been received in accordance with Standing Order 16.3
HIWFRA Report There is no report of the Authority on this occasion.
Minutes: There was no report of the Authority on this occasion.
Constitutional Arrangements - Appointments to the Health and Wellbeing Board To receive a report from the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Hampshire notifying the Council of appointments made to the Board under delegated authority. Minutes: The Council received and noted the report of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Hampshire reporting changes to the membership of the Board taken under delegated authority by the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
Executive and Committee Reports To receive for information the reports of the following: |
Executive Lead Member for Children's Services To receive a report of the Executive Lead Member for Children's Services.
Minutes: The Council received and noted a report regarding:
Short Break Activity Grant ·
Childcare Sufficiency Assessment 2022 · Children’s Services procurement - approval to spend
Executive Member for Education To receive a report of the Executive Member for Education.
Minutes: The Council received and noted a report regarding:
· Additional specialist education provision for Hampshire
The Meeting closed at 1.51pm. |