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APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Alan Dowden, Cllr Dominic Hiscock deputised, Cllr Adam Jackman and Deputy Member Cllr Lance Quantrill.
Apologies were also received from Executive Members: Cllr Liz Fairhurst (Executive Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health) and Cllr Jan Warwick (Deputy Leader and Executive Director for Younger Adults and Health and Wellbeing)
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code.
Councillor Phil North declared his membership of the SP25 Working Group and Housing management. |
DEPUTATIONS To receive any deputations notified under Standing Order 12. Minutes: The Chairman set out the context for the deputation and agenda item 6a/minute – the proposal to end County Council funding for Homelessness Support Services and alternative support available.
Councillor Withers called upon Richard Gammage, CEO Two Saints, to make his deputation in relation to agenda item 6a – Homelessness Support Services, as included as part of the SP25 proposals, for consideration by the Cabinet.
The deputation was received and the Chairman thanked the speaker. |
CHAIRMAN'S ANNOUNCEMENTS To hear any announcements the Chairman may have for this meeting. Minutes: The Chairman highlighted comments received from the CEO of Citizens Advice Hampshire which had been circulated to the Select Committee. The comments were in relation to the savings proposals as detailed in agenda item 6c Adult Social Care Grants Scheme.
10.13am Councillor Meenaghan, Vice Chairman chaired agenda item 5 to allow the Chairman, Councillor Withers to present agenda item 5 “SP25 Task and Finish Working Group Report” as the Chairman of the Working Group. |
REPORT OF THE HASC SP25 WORKING GROUP PDF 406 KB To consider a report from the cross-party Working Group formed to scrutinise the approach and outcomes of the Stage 2 consultation in relation to Savings Programme 2025 proposals within the remit of the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee. Minutes: The Vice Chairman invited the Task and Finish Working Group (T&FG) Chairman to give an introduction and summary of the work undertaken. Terms of reference were shared, and the outline of work undertaken by the group; this included scrutiny of the approach and outcomes of the Stage 2 Consultation of the Adult Health and Care future proposals under the 2025 Saving Programme. The Chairman of the Working Group requested that the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee Chairman, write to the Chairman of the Universal Services Select Committee referencing the impact of public/community transport reduction.
RESOLVED that the Health and Adult Social CareSelect Committee:
1. Noted that the cross-party Working Group held 8 meetings between December 2023 and June 2024 and had the opportunity to discuss the consultation process and the consultation feedback.
2. That following scrutiny the Working Group agreed that the Consultation had been a comprehensive process which had given residents the information and opportunity to make reasoned responses and that it provided the County Council with the necessary information to consider the impacts of the Adults’ Health and Care proposals on the residents of Hampshire.
3. In respect of the non-residential social care charging calculation proposal. The Working Group supports the move to take 100% of assessable income into account as part of the financial assessment calculation and further recommends that the County Council undertakes a review six months after implementation of the impact of the new charging processes on individuals.
4. In relation to the Adult Social care grants programme for voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations’ proposal the Working Group supports and recommends ceasing the grants as outlined in the consultation. We acknowledge, that this may add pressure to the Third Sector at a time when councils and other organisations seek to rely on it more.
5. The proposal for the early withdrawal of Homelessness Support funding in 2025 was not supported by the Working Group. Should a decision be made to fully withdraw funding the Working Group recommends that the funding continues until the initial term of the current contracts and grant agreements expires on 31 March 2026. With regard to the proposal for permanent withdrawal of all funding for non-statutory Homelessness Support Services, this was not supported by all of the Working Group.
6. The Working Group also recommends that Adults’ Health and Care ensures that anyone using County Council funded Homelessness Support Services who would be impacted now and in future years by this proposal has access to a Care Act Assessment.
7. That the Working Group recommends that the County Council monitors the service impact of changes to services, specifically the number of Care Act assessments and the cost of any alternative services put in place by the County Council to meet the eligible care needs of people currently using services and to report back to the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee after an agreed time period.
8. That the Chairman of the Health and Adult ... view the full minutes text for item 205. |
PRE SCRUTINY OF SP25 PROPOSALS PDF 80 KB To pre-scrutinise the SP25 savings proposals in relation to Homelessness Support Services, Adult Social Care Charges and Adult Social Care Grant Schemes ahead of their consideration by Cabinet:
- Homelessness Support Services (Appendix 10 for Cabinet) - Adult Social Care Charges (Appendix 11 for Cabinet) - Adult Social Care Grant Schemes (Appendix 12 for Cabinet)
Additional documents: Minutes: To Select committee received a report of the Chief Executive outlining a series of Saving Programme 2025 (SP25) recommendations to the Cabinet. Of the 13 recommendations, the service area proposals related to this committee were as follows: • Appendix 10 - Homelessness Support Services • Appendix 11 - Adult Social Care charges • Appendix 12 - Adult Social Care grant schemes
Homelessness Support Services PDF 492 KB Homelessness Support Services proposals and Equality Impact Assessment. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered the Appendix 10, in conjunction with the covering report and draft Cabinet report, relating to SP25 Proposal on Homelessness Support Services (Item 6a in the Minute Book).
The Chairman invited the Director of Adults’ Health and Care to introduce the report. There had been a review of non-statutory functions across the council to identity those services that would be removed and this formed a saving programme which would commence in the financial year 2025.
The homelessness support service in Hampshire was a service that did not attract government fund which was not in line when compared with local authorities in addition as some housing authorities were in receipt of government funding and homelessness prevention grants as the body responsible for housing. The recommendation is to give the social inclusion service 6 months’ notice to the end of March 2026. The consultation exercise undertaken received over 4,000 responses from organisations, and the homeless community, the majority of responses were in disagreement with recommendations, at over 70%. It was reiterated that the County Council was not responsible for providing homeless support and that it was not a statutory requirement to do so. Giving notice at this stage will allow for internal and external colleagues work together to support the needs of individuals, Care Act assessments will be conducted to assist with the transition period. Members comments included the: - That the views were not supported by the Working Group and the notice should be amended to read 31 March 2026. - That any individual service users have a Care Act assessment and that number of assessments should be monitored. - Members were keen to receive an update back to the HASC in 6 months. - Recognition of the financial impact on districts and local authorities should the funding cease. The Committee felt a legal and moral obligation to continue funding until March 2026 to give the districts and boroughs more time to prepare for the reduced funding proposals. - Those individuals with complex needs currently supported by the voluntary sector and organisations would if in part 2 accommodation, be signposted to other organisations for continued support; to assist with reducing the need for support, prevention and individuals at risk of homelessness - With the social inclusion partnership, all parties to work together to reduce rough sleeping. There is a need for co-ordination across the district and the county should assist. Officers are making it a priority to have regular contact with partner organisations and stakeholders, the Integrated Care Bboard, the office of Homelessness Inclusion. This included regular updates and feedback to the Select Committee. - The Select Committee heard that over 400 social workers will ensure that this hard to reach cohort were supported and would not fall between the cracks. That mental health was high on the list of considerations. - The high demands made on social workers was discussed the officer reported that the ongoing increase in demand will result in a shift in the regular workload, ... view the full minutes text for item 206a |
Adult Social Care Charges PDF 430 KB Adult Social Care Charges proposals and Equality Impact Assessment. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered Appendix 11, alongside the covering report and draft Cabinet report, relating to SP25 Proposal on Adult Social Care Charges (Item 6b in the Minute Book). The Director of Adults’ Health and Care introduced the item giving context to the recommendations that 100% income would be considered for non-residential care charges from April 2025, an increase of 5% from the existing 95%. The increase would align with similar neighbouring and national authorities. The consultation exercise received in excess of 4000 responses from users and organisations; analysis of responses did not demonstrate a majority consensuses in favour or against the proposals. The Working Group supported the recommendations and further suggested that if approved by the Cabinet, that the Select Committee review the service 6 months post implementation. The Select Committee agreed the recommendations as proposed by the Director of Adults Social Care. RESOLVED That the Select Committee recommend to the Cabinet To take into account 100% of an individual’s assessable income when carrying out a financial assessment for care other than in a care home and amend the Paying for Care Policy and guidance accordingly, with the change to take effective from April 2025. |
Adult Social Care Grant Schemes PDF 315 KB Adult Social Care Grant Schemes proposals, future consultation and Equality Impact Assessment. Additional documents: Minutes: The Select Committee considered the Appendix 12, alongside the covering report and draft Cabinet report, relating to SP25 Proposal on Adult Social Care Grant Schemes (Item 6c in the Minute Book). The Committee welcomed the report of the Director of Adults' Health and Care who stated that in additional to financial considerations that services and provisions were taken into account when arriving at the recommendations Members were assured that the Statutory Duty of Care Act 2014, a general duty of care, the prevention and support of the most vulnerable residents would continue to be the main focus. Support and signposting would be available to those most effected, the service would be better aligned with other support agencies and infrastructure utilised to give service users confidence. The Select Committee recognised that the recommendations may result in regrettable financial implications for third sector partners, but took into account their opportunities to access other revenue streams and funding sources which would continue to be sourced from local authorities etc. Councillor Meenaghan proposed an additional recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Taylor, that in response to the funding decision, “that should the decision be made to withdraw the grants, that Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee also recommends Hampshire County Council continue to work actively with the current grant holders to explore ways that the services could continue to be sustained”. RESOLVED: That the Select Committee recommend that the Cabinet 1. To cease the Councils for Voluntary Service Infrastructure Grant scheme from 1 April 2025, saving £500,000 per year from the associated budget.
2. To cease the Citizens Advice Infrastructure grant scheme from 1 April 2025 saving £65,000 per year from the associated budget.
3. To cease the Local Solutions Grant scheme from 1 April 2025, saving £55,000 per year from the associated budget.
4. That should the decision be made to withdraw the grants, the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee also recommends Hampshire County Council continue to work actively with the current grant holders to explore ways that the services could continue to be sustained.
To consider and approve the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee work programme. Minutes: The Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee discussed and agreed potential items for the work programme that can be prioritised and allocated by the Chairman of the Health and Adult Social care Select Committee in consultation with the Director of Adults’ Social Care; and that SP25 specific items to be scheduled once the Cabinet had made its decisions. |