Venue: Council Chamber - HCC. View directions
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from: · Councillor Tonia Craig – Eastleigh Borough Council · Councillor Karen Lucioni – Isle of Wight Council · Councillor Lesley Meenaghan – Hampshire County Council · Councillor Martin Pepper – Gosport Borough Council · Councillor Margot Power – Winchester City Council · Councillor Sarah Vaughan – Additional Local Authority Co-opted Member · Shirley Young – Independent Co-opted Member |
Declarations of Interest To enable Members to declare to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest they may have in any matter on the agenda for the meeting, where that interest is not already entered in their appointing authority’s register of interests, and any other pecuniary or personal interests in any such matter that Members may wish to consider disclosing. Minutes: Members were able to disclose to the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest they may have in any matter on the agenda for the meeting, where that interest is not already entered in their appointing authority’s register of interests, and any other pecuniary or non-pecuniary interests in any such matter that Members may wish to disclose.
The Monitoring Officer noted that the candidate for the position of Chief Constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police was a former officer of Hampshire Constabulary and was therefore likely to be known to some or all Members of the Panel in a professional capacity. The Monitoring Officer further noted that, for the avoidance of doubt, this did not give rise to a personal or disclosable pecuniary interest that would have any bearing on the process or matters before the Panel at the meeting.
No declarations were made.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 191 KB To confirm the minutes from the previous meeting.
Minutes: The Minutes from the previous meeting were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Questions and Deputations To receive any questions or deputations in line with Rule 31 and 31A of the Panel’s Rules of Procedure. Minutes: No questions or deputations were received by the Panel on this occasion.
Police and Crime Panel - Governance Update PDF 66 KB To receive a report from the Democratic Services Officer recommending the name of Panel be changed to the “Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Panel”, to align with the recent renaming of the police force area. Minutes: Members received a report from the Democratic Services Officer proposing the name of Panel be changed to the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Panel. Members heard this would align the Panel with the recent renaming of the police force area.
· That, recognising the updated name of the Constabulary and title of the Commissioner, the Panel agreed to be known henceforth as the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Panel. · That delegated authority is given to the Democratic Services Officer, in consultation with the Chairman of the Panel, to implement this change, including making updates to the Panel’s logo and branding. |
Following notification from the Police and Crime Commissioner of her intention to appoint the preferred candidate, Mr Scott Chilton, to the role of Chief Constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, for the Panel to hold a Confirmation Hearing in accordance with Schedule 8 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. Additional documents:
Minutes: Following notification from the Commissioner to the Panel of her intention to appoint a preferred candidate, Mr Scott Chilton, to the role of Chief Constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, the Panel held a Confirmation Hearing in accordance with Schedule 8 of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.
Members received a report setting out the powers of the Panel and the process to be followed in the Confirmation Hearing, as per the agreed ‘Confirmation Hearing protocol’.
The Panel noted the information provided by the Commissioner relating to the appointment of the Chief Constable, which included: · Name of the preferred candidate · Report from the PCC stating why the preferred candidate meets the requirements of role · Terms and conditions of appointment. · Independent Members Report
The Commissioner expressed her pleasure in presenting the preferred candidate, who had spent 28 years of his policing career working within Hampshire and Isle of Wight before joining Dorset Police as Chief Constable, and welcomed feedback from the Panel through the confirmation hearing process.
The Commissioner acknowledged the input of partners from across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in the selection process, including Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service and Hampshire County Council. Following a robust selection process the Commissioner felt confident she had proposed a candidate who would deliver a strong and effective local policing service for the residents of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
The candidate was invited by the Chairman to introduce himself, explaining why he was the best candidate to lead Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary.
The Panel then asked questions of the candidate which related to his professional competence and personal independence, the answers to which enabled Members to evaluate Mr Chilton’s suitability for the role.
At the end of questioning, the Chairman thanked the candidate and provided an opportunity to clarify any responses given.
The press and public were excluded from the meeting during the following item of business, as it was likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during that item there would be disclosure to them of exempt information within Paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972, being information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information) and, further, that in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. While there may have been a public interest in disclosing this information, namely openness in the deliberations of the Panel in determining its recommendation regarding the proposed appointment, it was felt that, on balance, this was outweighed by other factors in favour of maintaining the exemption, namely enabling a full discussion regarding the merits of the proposed appointment. |
Closed session to discuss the proposed appointment to the role of Chief Constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary Following notification from the Police and Crime Commissioner of her intention to appoint to the role of Chief Constable of Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, for the Panel to hold a closed session to agree its recommendations. Minutes: The Panel held exempt discussions which examined the evidence provided in the Confirmation Hearing session. The final reports of the Panel are appended to these minutes.
Through discussion the Panel agreed that:
· The Panel were assured, through statements from the Commissioner, supported by the report of the independent person, that the recruitment process was properly conducted in adherence with College of Policing guidance and had followed the principles of merit, fairness, and openness. · The candidate held significant experience in policing, with over 30 years’ service, including 28 years spent at Hampshire Constabulary, many years of which were at chief officer level. It was felt that by gaining experience of operational policing in another area, as Chief Constable of Dorset Police, as well as lived experience of leading commands at both local and national level, the candidate would be a more effective leader and was able to demonstrate a wide knowledge base. · The candidate was able to fully articulate his reasons for applying for the role, despite holding his current position as Chief Constable of Dorset Police for a little more than 12 months. Clearly demonstrated was his passion for policing within Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and creating a safe, cohesive communities for local residents. · Faced with robust questioning from the Panel the candidate provided in-depth, well informed, and honest answers throughout. It was felt that he would make a strong leader for the force and would be able to inspire and engage its workforce, setting the tone from the top regarding ethical behaviours and moral standards. · The candidate demonstrated a high level, strategic understanding of the challenges the Constabulary would face in the coming years, with reflection upon how these could present opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of the force. · The candidate was highly driven, and his answers demonstrated his ambition to further enhance the effectiveness of operational policing, not only at a local level but to contribute to policing improvements at a regional and national level. · The candidate had a very open and likeable nature and would be able to effectively engage with the pubic and would inspire trust and confidence in policing. · In making financial decisions, the candidate was clear that he would focus on delivering value for money for residents and was able to provide several examples highlighting previous experience in strategic level financial management, most recently in his role as Chief Constable. · The candidate was familiar with operating in a political environment, whilst maintaining operational independence and had worked alongside five previous PCC’s, drawing from this experience when responding to the Panel’s questions. · The confirmation hearing process demonstrated that the PCC and candidate were committed to developing a strong, effective, and mutually respectful working relationship through a shared ambition and vision for the future. · The candidate’s vision for working in partnership, both regionally and nationally was to be commended. The Panel acknowledged the candidate’s commitment to develop effective channels for engaging with partners and working with Community Safety Partners to enhance cohesion in priorities ... view the full minutes text for item 104b |