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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence received. Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Bowerman, Cllr Donnelly, Cllr James, Cllr Henderson & Cllr Porter. Apologies were also received from Jeff Williams, Church of England representative.
Cllr Ford & Cllr Huggins were in attendance as the Conservative group deputies and Cllr Groves was in attendance as the Liberal Democrat group deputy. |
Declarations of interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. Minutes: Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Personal interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. |
Minutes of previous meeting PDF 80 KB To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and agreed. |
Deputations To receive any deputations notified under Standing Order 12. Minutes: No deputations were received. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make. Minutes: The Chairman noted that this was Ian Potter’s last meeting ahead of his retirement at the end of the school year. Ian had represented Hampshire’s Teacher’ Liaison Panel on the Education Advisory Panel since 2017. That Chairman thanked Ian for his contribution during this time.
The Chairman also welcomed and congratulated Stuart Ashley and Natalie Smith in relation to their recent appointments as Director of Children’s Services and Assistant Director for Education and Inclusion respectively. |
To receive a presentation from the Director of Children’s Services providing an overview of Inclusion, diversity through the system to include and well-being for head teachers and school staff. |
Primary Behaviour Service & Thrive PDF 1 MB To receive a presentation from the Director of Children’s Services providing an overview of the Primary Behaviour Service & Thrive. |
Secure and Specialist Provision PDF 845 KB To receive a presentation from the Director of Children’s Services providing an overview of Secure and Specialist Provision within Hampshire. Minutes: The Panel received a presentation from the Director of Children’s Services providing an update on Secure and Specialist Provision within Hampshire.
Members noted the overview of settings within Hampshire, their facilities, specialisms and capacities. Officers set out the number of young people supported during 2022-23 and set out the statutory and corporate priorities for young people who are unable to attend their usual place of education due to ill health.
The Panel received a summary of the developments to the service in the last year, which included feedback from the recent Ofsted inspection for Swanwick Lodge, which was rated as ‘Good’ across all areas.
The presentation concluded with details of ‘Future You’, an online and in person hybrid tutoring provision for secondary learners, built around individuals needs for 12 weeks.
In response to questions members found that: · Young People from Hampshire can benefit from out of County provision and vice versa. · The demand for the Future You programme is growing, indicating that it was considered a valuable service.
That the Education Advisory Panel note the update on Secure and Specialist provision. |