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No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: All Members were present and no apologies were noted. |
Declarations of interest All Members who believe they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting must declare that interest and, having regard to Part 3 Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members’ Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore all Members with a Personal Interest in a matter being considered at the meeting should consider, having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 4 of the Code, whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 5 of the Code, consider whether it is appropriate to leave the meeting while the matter is discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. Minutes:
Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter considered at the meeting they must declare that interest at the time of the relevant debate and, having regard to the circumstances described in Part 3, Paragraph 1.5 of the County Council's Members' Code of Conduct, leave the meeting while the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with Paragraph 1.6 of the Code. Furthermore Members were mindful that where they believed they had a Non-Pecuniary interest in a matter being considered at the meeting they considered whether such interest should be declared, and having regard to Part 5, Paragraph 2 of the Code, considered whether it was appropriate to leave the meeting whilst the matter was discussed, save for exercising any right to speak in accordance with the Code. |
Minutes of previous meeting PDF 116 KB To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were reviewed and agreed. |
Deputations To receive any deputations notified under Standing Order 12. Minutes: The Select Committee received seven
deputations at the meeting, all speaking with regards to item 8 on
the agenda.
Caroline Tomlinson and Andrew Smith spoke on behalf of residents from Appleshaw and Redenham and the concern over lack of pavements in the local area, making walking anywhere very dangerous. An action group had been formed by the local Parish Council, which had been very well attended by residents.
Wilf Forrow addressed the Select Committee on behalf of Green Travel Hampshire, sharing that he felt the findings in the report were incompatible with the LTP4 document released for consultation. It was accepted that 20mph speed limits would not be enough on their own, but would be a good first step whilst other elements were implemented.
County Councillor Mark Cooper thanked officers and Members for their work looking at the 20mph policy as part of the working group and hoped that the County Council would work closely with Parishes and Districts going forward in implementing pilots. Councillor Cooper also requested that target dates were shared to show that the matter was being taken forward and looked at seriously. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements the Chairman may wish to make. Minutes: There were no formal announcements. |
Universal Services Proposed Capital Programme 2023/24, 2024/25 and 2025/26 PDF 55 KB To pre-scrutinise the proposed Capital Programme that is going to the Executive Lead Member for Universal Services on 23 January 2023. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Select Committee considered a report from the Director of Universal Services and Director of Corporate Operations (item 6 in the minute book) on the Universal Services Capital Programme 2023/24, 2024/25 and 2025/26.
Members received a presentation that summarised the report, noting the importance of energy efficiency, reduction in funding and additional pressures including inflation.
During questions, the Select Committee learned: - It was important to review bids that had been made, particularly where they had been unsuccessful, to understand how bids could be improved for the future; - Bids would be coordinated by the Hampshire 2050 Directorate and potentially implemented by Universal Services depending on what the bid was for; - Maintaining the highway network remained a priority; - Further savings were anticipated following the establishment of the new Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) at Eastleigh and the capacity for third party sales
2023/24 Revenue Budget Report for Universal Services PDF 55 KB To pre-scrutinise the proposed Revenue Budget report that is going to the Executive Lead Member for Universal Services on 23 January 2023.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Select Committee considered a report from the Director of Universal Services and Director of Corporate Operations (item 7 in the minute book) on the revenue budget, which was discussed alongside item 6 on the agenda.
20mph Task & Finish Group: Outcomes PDF 146 KB To consider a report from the 20mph Task & Finish Working Group, that summarises its findings and proposes recommendations for the Select Committee to endorse for consideration by the Director of Universal Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Select Committee considered a report from 20mph Speed Limit Policy Task & Fish Group (item 8 in the minute book), that had been established in January 2022.
The report was summarised by officers, and it
was highlighted that the Select Committee was not being asked to
make any decisions on a final policy, only to make recommendations
for further consideration following the research and learnings from
the Task & Finish Group.
RESOLVED The Universal Services - Transport and Environment Select Committee endorsed the recommendations below for submission to the Director of Universal Services for further consideration: a) The County Council should encourage wider use of 20mph restrictions and ease back on the current casualty focused criteria for 20mph speed limits, with casualty data to be an important factor in the prioritisation of requests. b) A hierarchy of road function to be used to identify and evaluate requirements for a 20mph speed limit to be established. Routes serving a strategic function to have more stringent criterion whereas minor and local roads would have less conditions. This would link directly to and reflect the ‘Movement and Place’ Frameworkset out in the Hampshire Local Transport Plan 4 (LTP4). c) Relax the current 24mph mean average speed threshold to 26mph for non-strategic roads, subject to Police views. d) Enable 20mph speed limit schemes to be introduced in new and existing modern developments in slow speed environments built in accordance with Manual for Streets, subject to developers funding contributions. e) Enable 20 mph speed limits as part of significant area wide regeneration projects. f) Relax the current requirement to move Speed Limit Reminder (SLR) and Speed Indicator Device (SID) signs every 2-3 weeks and allow devices to be re-deployed at locations giving more flexibility to address key locations. Speed data from such devices to be used for assessing/supporting 20mph limits where appropriate. g) Wider use of Advisory ’20 mph When Lights Show’ signs. Prioritisation to be given to schools with active travel plans and those who participate ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
To review and approve the current work programme for the Universal Services - Transport and Environment Select Committee. Minutes: The Work Programme was deferred to the next meeting of the Universal Services Transport and Environment Select Committee. |