Venue: Remote Decision Day - Remote. View directions
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No. | Item |
Re-Procurement of Heating Oil and Road Fuels Framework To consider a report of the Director of Universal Services regarding approval to procure a new framework for the provision of building heating oil and vehicle road fuel services, and approval to spend within this new contract arrangement, to commence on 1 April 2025. Additional documents: |
To consider a report of the Director of Universal Services regarding approval to secure and spend the County Council’s allocation of £6,662,000 from the Department for Transport's LEVI grant fund and to develop a commercial arrangement to deliver on-street electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI) to support Hampshire residents without off-street parking who wish to switch to electric vehicles.
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Appointments to Outside Bodies, Statutory Joint Committees, Panels and Partnership Boards To consider and appoint to various Outside Bodies and Partnership Boards. Additional documents: |
Project Appraisal: Worthy Road Winchester - Pedestrian and Cycle Improvements - Phase 1 To consider a report from the Director of Universal Services, which seeks approval to progress with the necessary procurement, spending, and contractual arrangements to deliver the pedestrian and cycle improvement works at Worthy Road in Winchester. Additional documents: |
Local Bus Contract for Kings Barton To consider a report of the Director of Universal Services regarding the outcome of tenders to provide a bus service in the Kings Barton area of Winchester. The service has been tendered via the Dynamic Purchasing System for the Provision of Passenger Transport Services.
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