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Hampshire Pension Fund Responsible Investment Sub-Committee

This page lists the meetings for Hampshire Pension Fund Responsible Investment Sub-Committee.


Information about Hampshire Pension Fund Responsible Investment Sub-Committee

The Hampshire Pension Fund Responsible Investment Sub-Committee was established by the Hampshire Pension Fund Panel and Board, in July 2019, to consider how Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are incorporated into investment decisions and to understand the perspectives of scheme members and employers on this topic. It reports annually on the Pension Fund’s Responsible Investment to demonstrate progress to the Pension Fund’s stakeholders.


The sub-committee consists of four County Councillors and two co-opted members from the Pension Fund Panel and Board, with the membership reviewed annually.


The sub-committee’s role is to make recommendations to the Pension Fund Panel and Board on Responsible Investment issues. This includes regularly reviewing the Pension Fund’s Responsible Investment Policy, providing a forum for considering changes to this policy, receiving relevant training on ESG issues, and engaging in responsible stewardship with its investment managers. The sub-committee also reviews investment managers’ company engagement and voting decisions, and when necessary, engages directly and indirectly with investment managers and companies the Pension Fund is invested in to make representations concerning ESG as appropriate.