Agenda item

Fire Pension Board Status Report

To receive a report providing an update on the development of key issues.


The Board received a report from the Chief Finance Officer (Item 13 in the Minute Book) regarding ongoing issues.


The report was introduced and Officers led Board Members through the report highlighting the development of key issues.  In relation to discussions at a previous meeting of the Board relating to the lost contact of deferred pension members, Board Members heard that a tracing company was used to find such members.  It was also noted that ultimately it was the responsibility of deferred members to inform of changes to personal and contact details.


The position regarding employee and employer pension contributions was set out, and it was noted that pension contributions would only be refunded to a member of the 2015 scheme that had less than three months membership.  The position was also set out in relation to injury pension reviews as set out in paragraphs 12-14 of the report, and Board Members were asked to consider if they were content with this approach.  A discussion ensued around the legalities of what to include in the letter to retired firefighters who have had an injury award within a 3-5 year window after retirement.  It was noted that further investigation into ill health circumstances could only be undertaken if evidence arose, and also with appropriate legal advice.  Board Members were content with the approach that if there was no engagement from the retired firefighter then the process would end and no further action would be taken.  It was heard that the HR department were currently working on the letter.


The position with General Data Protection Regulations and member online access was explained.  In terms of the member online access, it was hoped that the new system would be implemented by December, and communication around this would be sent out nearer the time.  The system was seen to benefit members by enabling them to view annual benefit statements and also the ability to do their own estimate calculations.   


Members of the Board discussed proposals for the new Life Time Allowance factsheet, which was seen as providing a useful tool and it was proposed that this would be published on the employer pension web pages.  In response to questions it was heard a disclaimer would be included and there would also be timely communications to promote the publication of the factsheet.  Members of the Board were content with the proposed approach. 


In relation to scheme reconciliation, it was explained that this was on track to be completed by the deadline of December 2018.  Officers explained that a pilot programme had been undertaken at the start of the process and there were a small number of enquiries received.  An update would be provided at a future meeting of the Board.


Information relating to the consultation on regulation changes was explained to the Board and it was noted that the Fire Employer Group played an important role in ensuring that legislative changes were informed to the relevant parties, so important legislative changes weren’t missed.  Officers would ensure that colleagues at the Isle of Wight Council were informed of any changes to legislation.


In relation to Additional Pension Benefits and Temporary Promotions, it was noted that some work had been undertaken to further establish the benefits of additional pension benefit as a result of a temporary promotion.  It was heard that discussions with other Fire and Rescue Authorities, Fire Representative Bodies and Unions had been held to gather views on whether temporary promotions for those in the 1992 and 2006 pension schemes, should remain pensionable.  Board Members were taken through the figures as detailed in paragraphs 33-34 of the report and these were explained.  Following discussions, the Board were content to endorse the decision to keep temporary promotions pensionable.


Members of the Board were updated on the position around the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP), and it was explained the IDRP was formed of two stages, but it was believed that this was not a legal requirement.  Board Members views were therefore invited as to whether the IDRP procedure should be formed of a single stage.  Officers explained that it was rare for a complaint to be overturned at Stage two, and Members of the Board requested further clarification as to whether the two stage process was a legal requirement or whether a one stage process could be applied locally.  Officers would examine this further and update Board Members at a future meeting.


Board Members attention was drawn to the recent success of Hampshire Pension Services in taking over the pension administration for West Sussex County Council, and also their fire pensions.  Members of the Board congratulated officers for their work in achieving this.  It was heard that the results of the TPR Administration Scheme survey had been presented at the recent Police and Fire Local Pension Board Governance Conference, and Members of the Board discussed various governance aspects which had been raised at the conference.   Board Members were content to review at a future time whether they wished to invite the TPR to attend a future meeting.  Whilst it was noted that ideally Pension Board meetings should be held four times a year, it was felt that there was merit in continuing to hold these three times a year, which ensured that Board Members were well informed of pension issues.  Board Members discussed the value of pension boards and felt that it was useful to have this governance structure in place, and Officers also valued the Board’s scrutiny.  It was agreed that communication of information to pension members was making good progress, and this would continue.  It was noted that a great deal of work had been done in relation to IT and the Pension Regulation website, and the importance of training for Pension Board Members was also highlighted and it was noted that training was usually based around local issues.  The amount of work generated by The Pension Regulator was also raised as a key issue for Pension Boards.  Board Members agreed that it would be useful to have a further discussion about the effectiveness of the Pension Board at a future meeting.


It was heard that there had been a great deal of work undertaken to raise awareness of the fire pension scheme, and the table at paragraph 62 of the report showed the number of views to the employer pension scheme pages, which was useful in monitoring the effectiveness of communication.



a)     That the Board approve the approach to injury pension reviews as

set out in paragraphs 12-14 of the report.


b)     That the Board endorse the Life time allowance factsheet as set out in paragraphs 20-22 and APPENDIX C of the report.


c)     That the Board endorse the decision to keep temporary promotions in the

1992 and 2006 schemes pensionable as set out in paragraphs 26-35 and

APPENDIX E and F of the report.


d)     That the Board note the approach and information contained in the report at APPENDIX H.


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