Agenda item

Health And Wellbeing Board Business Plan Update

To receive a progress report on work being undertaken to produce a business plan to support delivery of the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.



*The formal business of the Board is due to conclude by 11.15am. 

The Board will then have a closed session on the Business Plan, due to conclude by 12:00pm.*



The Board received a report and presentation from the Health and Wellbeing Board Manager, on progress with developing the business plan.  Theme sponsors have been identified to provide advice to the team as each theme’s actions and metrics are developed. Measures to improve both physical and mental health of the population will feature, as well as a range of goals linked to the wider determinants of health, to be achieved by working together across the public sector and targeting interventions appropriately.


Members heard that the business plan will identify both short and longer-term goals.  Oversight of progress and unblocking any problems or challenges across the Hampshire system is a key feature of the Board’s work.  There is some crossover across the thematic age groups and work is happening across all districts and boroughs to support delivery. 


The issue of employability across the county was raised and how it affects longer term care and connectivity and it was recommended to collaborate with DWP (Department for Work and Pensions).  Planning, land use, and the effect of upstream issues could also be linked in.  The Board could hold thematic workshops to create opportunities for those conversations across the table with partner organizations. 


Tying in to the County Council’s recent declaration of a climate change emergency and the work currently going on across the County Council to develop an action plan is an area of interest and oversight for the Board.  


The issue of engaging with seldom heard residents as part of the Board’s work was raised.  Patient groups are quite defined, and it can be a challenge to engage those who are more difficult to reach.  Outreach would take place via the mechanisms that organisations already have in place. 


Dr. Barbara Rushton left at this time.   


Members discussed the coproduction working group which had not met for a year and agreed that the subgroup should fade away and the goals be embedded in the work of the Board. It can be difficult to bring together users and experts (NHS, local government, etc.) and learn lessons across health and social care to ensure effective systems are in place and good practices shared.  HCC departments have been using Facebook to successfully target coproduction in a different way.  Pooling the experience and engaging with stakeholders, especially difficult to reach groups such as younger or vulnerable people will be key.


Members recognized the contribution of STPs (Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships) and wished to get them further involved and engaged in the Board workshops. The new STP chair is expected to attend the Board’s October meeting.  The Hampshire 2050 team is also expected to present a session at a future meeting.


Members agreed that passive, polite language may not have a significant impact on the system when an item moves forward from the Board.  It is critical to ensure it reaches those it needs to engage and elicit their views.  There is a need for development of personal responsibility to bring about desired changes.  Positive cultural changes and a shift in the proactivity of the board would lead to an effective repositioning of the board.  The Board KPIs should target seriously reducing those difficult to reach communities and areas of deprivation and test regularly against those metrics. 


Members thanked the Board Manager and looked forward to revisiting the near final draft of Year 1 Business Plan at October with measurable KPIs, metrics, and include specific commitments, promises, direction of travel and what this might look like. 




That the Health and Wellbeing Board:


·         Notes and supports the direction of travel to produce a business plan for the first year of the new Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy


·         Agrees to receive and sign off the business plan at its next meeting



The meeting was adjourned at 12:17.

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