To pre-scrutinise the proposed capital programme for Children’s Services prior to decision by the Executive Lead Member for Children’s Services.
The Committee received a report and presentation from the Director of Children’s Services providing an overview of the Children’s Services Capital Programme for 2023/24 to 2025/26 (see Item 7 in the Minute Book).
Officer’s set out how the capital programme continued with significant schools' construction activity to provide the required primary and secondary places, providing details of the new and proposed schools through to September 2027. Members also noted the details of the major SEND expansion schemes in development to meet the increasing need in this area alongside other potential capital projects for 2023-26 with indicative costs.
The committee heard details of pressures on the capital programme including the effect of inflation in the construction industry, the need to secure developer contributions and the overall size of the programme.
In response to questions members heard that:
· School places are carefully planned with consideration for the local demographic with the aim of providing local schools for local children.
· There are seven schools in Hampshire on the Schools Rebuilding Programme. Where appropriate, the school capital maintenance budget aligns with other capital schemes making the best use of the finance available.
· Trusts become responsible for building maintenance when they become an academy.
· Options to reduce the carbon energy use of new buildings continue to be explored at the design stage of all new builds.
· School buildings are carefully monitored and work prioritised and there are no schools currently at risk of imminent failure.
That, in regard to the capital programme for Children's Services, the Select Committee supports the recommendations being proposed to the Executive Lead Member for Children's Services.
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