Agenda item

Test Valley Golf Club, White Hill Road, Overton

To consider a report from the Assistant Director of Waste and Environmental Services regarding a full planning application for the demolition of existing practice facility and subsequent erection of replacement state-of-the-art practice facility building comprising office, store, shop (with reception), toilets, storage for equipment and golf carts, x2 teaching rooms and x12 practice bays, existing access upgrades, temporary compound area, car parking and drainage improvements with the importation of 281,550m³ of clean inert soils to facilitate safety improvements, reprofiling of practice ground and associated wider course improvements including a temporary southern access to facilitate the creation of ecological, landscape and amenity areas with associated tree planting, wildlife corridor and mounding at Test Valley Golf Club, White Hill Road, Overton RG25 3DS


Full planning application for the demolition of existing practice facility and subsequent erection of replacement state-of-the-art practice facility building comprising office, store, shop (with reception), toilets, storage for equipment and golf carts, x2 teaching rooms and x12 practice bays, existing access upgrades, temporary compound area, car parking and drainage improvements with the importation of 281,550m³ of clean inert soils to facilitate safety improvements, reprofiling of practice ground and associated wider course improvements including a temporary southern access to facilitate the creation of ecological, landscape and amenity areas with associated tree planting, wildlife corridor and mounding at Test Valley Golf Club, White Hill Road, Overton RG25 3DS (No. 22/00104/CMA) (Site ref: BA178).


The Chairman introduced the report and reminded Members that there had been a site visit in November 2022.


The Development Planning Manager explained that at the time of the site visit, there had been two elements to the application, one of which was ‘outline planning permission for eight lodges; creation of ecological and landscape areas, tree planting and associated infrastructure works’. She confirmed that this part of the application had since been withdrawn.


The application was considered to be Environmental Impact Assessment development, which had potentially been for the District Council to determine, but discussions had been held with the Council, and due to the land raising elements it was agreed that the County Council would be the determining authority. Due to the nature of the land raising operations and volumes of imported materials needed, the County Council was content with leading on all aspects of the development so it could be appropriately conditioned.


Cllr Jackie Porter’s email concerning her concerns as County Councillor with a division adjacent to the development was read to the Committee by the Development Planning Manager:


My concern as a neighbouring division to the site is the haul route for this considerable amount of material that is being brought to the Golf Club.

The officer has reassured me that all material will be brought direct from the A303.


I would like to ensure that this is a condition which can be enforced.

The Overton Road, south of the trunk road, is narrow and populated (unlike the character of the road to the north) and I am anxious to see that the quality of life of the Micheldever Station residents is not impacted by this development’.


The Development Planning Manager confirmed that all aspects of these concerns had been covered by proposed conditions and the Section 106 agreement.


The Committee’s attention was drawn to paragraphs 37-58 of the report, which set out the reasons for the application and the proposed improvements to the site. Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council had raised concerns regarding the volume of material required by the proposal, but this concern was viewed as being covered.


The Project Manager (Minerals and Waste) gave a presentation which included a location plan, site plan, proposed site masterplans, aerial photos and phase 1-3 drawings showing:


·         the existing golf course, car park, clubhouse and infrastructure.


·         the surrounding area including agricultural land to the north and west and areas of ancient woodland at the southern, eastern and south eastern ends of the site.


·         the area of the application, the local highway network linking to the A303, the railway line adjoining the wider site’s eastern boundary, the nearest public right of way (due west), and the location of the Micheldever Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) adjoining the wider site’s southern boundary


·         The proposed works being sought in the three phases.


The key areas that would undergo significant changes were described, including the practice facility building, changes to holes 1 and 8, car parking areas and the upgrade to the Short Game area. The issues with the current layout of holes 1 and 8 were explained, including the health and safety issues.


It was explained that the proposed works would be undertaken in three phases and would take between 2 ½ and 3 years.


Alterations to the club’s existing vehicular access plus the construction of new, temporary access to phase 3 of the works for construction vehicles was subject to provision of technical drawings, which were approved by the Highways Authority.


The responses to consultations were reported, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council had raised objections on viability and amount of material, plus contamination risk and on landscape and visual impact matters.


It was explained that clean, inert soil would be used (via CL:AIRE) and verified as such before it arrived on site and that any contaminated soil would be stopped before entering the site.


It was not proposed that HGV traffic would go beyond the A303 and controlled via a legal agreement.


The Project Manager (Minerals and Waste) reported that:


·         The County Ecologist had accepted the application subject to mitigation and conditions to be approved before commencement of the works.


·         The Highways Authority had been satisfied with the conditions and required HGV routing southward to and from the A303 only. A survey of the road conditions will be carried out before any works to ensure any changes caused by construction-related HGVs can be measured and repaired at the applicant’s expense during the works. All works affecting the public highway would be subject to approval from the Highways Authority.


The Project Manager (Minerals and Waste) reminded the Committee that an Update Report had been published on 13 March which had provided information on the labelling of the appendices in the report and clarification on paragraphs 215-220 regarding ecology.


The Committee heard a deputation in support of the application from John Palmer (SLR Consulting Ltd), Marc Westenborg (Westenborg Golf)?and Richard Ahrens (Chairman of Test Valley Golf Club).


They covered the following points:


·         People were spending more time practicing golf rather than playing since the Pandemic and that the Test Valley Golf Club wanted to seize the opportunity to give people reasons to stay with them.


·         The club wanted to future proof and enhance and provide high quality state of the art facilities.


·         Improved health and safety could be achieved.


·         Better tuition and practice facilities would be available.


·         There had been no local objections, and plenty of support from the community.


·         The proposals had been shared with Hampshire County Council and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.


·         Errors in current layout resulted in health and safety issues, with balls ending up in the road at times.


·         There were 650 families of members, with visitors coming as guests and that there had been support from the community.


·         Fundamental change was required, and that the work could not be done piecemeal to address the problems.


In response to questions from Members:


·         Officers and the deputees agreed that the design/layout of the electric charging vehicle bays/ disabled parking spaces could be modified via a non-material amendment, so that this facility would be available to disabled people too. Officers agreed that this point should be considered more frequently.


·         The deputees confirmed that the imported soil would be from commercial infrastructure and housing projects within 30km from the site and therefore avoid it going to landfill.


·         Officers reported that a provision in the agreement could be made to ensure HGV’s go southwards to the A303 and not through Micheldever village south of the A303.


·         It was noted that the management of dormice and reptiles would be via condition 7 as a pre-commencement condition and that mitigation was included in the Environmental Statement. At this type of site, a sign off would be carried out at each stage and a dormice licence required (from Natural England) before the work starts.


·         Officers confirmed that:


o   The Monitoring Team would check that volumes of movements do not exceed what was agreed.


o   There would be an audit trail to demonstrate and check that material is clean and inert waste as the applicant is using the Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments (CL:AIRE) protocol which is supported by the Environment Agency.


·         It was explained by officers that a shaker device (waterless cleaning system) and visual checks would be used to ensure that HGVs did not leave mud on the highway and that this had been acceptable to the Highways Authority. A temporary haul road was proposed, and vehicles would not be driven over the golf course.


·         It was confirmed that the contractor was responsible for cleaning the road. The applicant reported that a road sweeper will be located at the golf course to ensure a clean highway. 


Members did not wish to go to debate.




That planning permission be GRANTED subject to the conditions listed in

Appendix A, the Update Report and the completion of a legal agreement to ensure that all alterations to vehicular access points, HGVs involved in the delivery of imported materials are routed southward only, and that a pre-

commencement road survey of the section of public highway between the

site’s access - White Hill Road junction to Micheldever Road’s junction with

the A303, to be used by HGVs, is undertaken.




Favour: 13 - unanimous


Supporting documents: