To receive such reports as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council.
The Leader opened his report by confirming that letters had been sent to the relevant Government departments on the resolutions passed by the County Council on 18 May regarding consideration to amending the code of conduct provision in the Localism Act 2011, and funding for free school meals. The Leader also confimed that the Director of Children's Services had issued a communication to all schools reminding them of the updated non-statutory school uniform guidance to assist with developing and implementing their shool uniform policy and highlighting the need for schools to keep their unform policy affordable.
The Leader also updated the Council on the following:
County Deal: it was with disappointment the Leader confirmed that despite the potential benefits (new funding of £1.14bn together with extra powers and investment) and extensive discussions with all Councils and wider stakeholders, the Leaders of the three Unitary Councils of Southampton, Portsmouth and Isle of Wight had requested a separate deal, one for the Unitary Councils and one for the County area. The Government have been consistently clear there was only one single wider Pan-Hampshire Deal open for discussion. The Leader confirmed the County Council would continue to work constructively and meaningully with all local and regional partners to secure the best outcomes for residents, which was the opportunity the County Council had intended to strengthen through a County Deal arrangement.
County Council budget consultation: the
Leader took the opportunity to remind Members that the County
Council’s budget consultation would close on Sunday 23
July. As a result of many years of
underfunding by central Government, together with inflation, rising
costs and demands for vital services such as social care, the
budgets of councils across the country were under pressure against
the backdrop of the legal requirement to deliver a balanced budget
for the start of each financial year.
The Leader highlighted that the County Council faced some very
difficult future spending decisions on the delivery of local
services leading up to April 2025 and strongly encouraged residents
and stakeholders across Hampshire to have their say.
In the meantime the Leader and Deputy Leader were continuing to
actively engage with Government Ministers and Hampshire MPs
regarding the financial pressures, and how they could work with the
County Council to support the continued delivery of quality
services for Hampshire residents in the short and long term.
Investment in adult social care: the Leader confirmed that on 18 July Cabinet had approved the commencement of a formal public consultation on the County Council’s proposals to invest £173m to transform nursing and specialist care accommodation in Hampshire over the next five to six years. The proposals would see the Adult Social Care service concentrating on specialist nursing care, complete dementia care and short-term support to either prevent a hospital admission or support a hospital discharge. The Leader strongly encouraged care home residents, their families and staff together with Hampshire residents and organisations to respond to the consultation, which would open at the start of September and run for 10 weeks. The consultation outcomes would be considered by the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee in January 2024 prior to any formal decisions being taken.
Funding for roads: the Leader confirmed that on 18 July Cabinet had approved a proposal to use reserves to deliver a £22.5m three-year programme to enable more localised repairs across the 5,000 mile road network in Hampshire. The additional funding would facilitate extra operational resources to address road defects more quickly, utilising new and innovative repair treatments and processes. Many years of insufficient national funding for highway maintenance had taken its toll on the road network throughout the UK, a crisis that was being brought to the attention of the Prime Minister to address. Hampshire’s Highways’ teams continue to work hard to keep the road network in a safe and serviceable condition using the limited resources they have. The Leader encouraged all residents and users of Hampshire’s road network to keep using the County Council’s online system to report potholes to ensure they are logged and scheduled for repair as soon as possible.
Armed Forces: the Leader reported that Cabinet had been pleased to continue the County Council’s commitment and active support for the Armed Forces by agreeing to sign the updated Armed Forces covenant at a formal ceremony later in the year. The Leader had the honour of representing the County Council at three events to thank and commemorate the Armed Forces for their service, namely: a reception to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Royal Logistic Corps based in Worthy Down; the Gurkha Day event at Sir Harold Hillier Gardens, and the laying of a wreath at Lepe Park recognising the 79th anniversary of D-Day.
Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) scheme: the Leader was pleased to announce that the County Council would be delivering the Government-funded HAF scheme for a third summer providing healthy food and activities for children from reception to year 11 who receive income-based free school meals during term time, with a small number of places available for children of other vulnerable families. Demand for places can be high, therefore the Leader encouraged parents to check online for local venues delivering the scheme to add their name to waiting lists to take advantage of cancellations that may arise.
Member Champion for the Homes for Ukraine
Scheme: the Leader was pleased to announce Councillor Rod
Cooper as the Member Champion for the Homes for Ukraine
Scheme. The County Council was
continuing to work in partnership with other local authorities and
community organisations to ensure the Scheme enables Ukrainian
families to settle safely and swiftly into the County.
The Leader took the opportunity to thank all of the County
Council’s Member Champions for their dedication, knowledge
and enthusiasm in these roles.
The Leader had the pleasure in attending the Education Awards which recognise the hard work and dedication of teachers, support staff, volunteers and school governors across Hampshire. The Leader was particularly pleased to see Brian Pope, the County Council’s former Assistant Director of Education and Inclusion receive a Special Recognition Award for his 30 year career in education.
The Leader also had pleasure in congratulating the NHS on its 75th anniversary on 5 July and looked forward to continuing the County Council’s close collaboration to serve local residents. He also offered a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to the thousands of people in Hampshire who give their time and commitment to volunteering in local communities and organisations to make a difference to the lives of people and places across Hampshire.
In conclusion, the Leader reported on Hampshire Day on 15 July providing an annual opportunity to celebrate all that makes Hampshire the place it is. During July and August, the Hampshire Food Fesitval would be showcasing the very best of Hampshire’s food and drink producers in events across the county. Hampshire’s five country parks had once again all regained Green Flag status recognising their excellent facilities and quality maintenance. Finally the Leader was pleased to announce the launch of the Hampshire Business Awards to champion and recognise the adievements of the county’s business community. Nominations for the awards are open until 15 September, including the Made in Hampshire award sponsored by Hampshire County Council. The Awards ceremony will be held on 30 November at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre to which all shortlised individuals and businesses would be invited.