Agenda item

Members’ Allowances Scheme 2023/24 - Review of Special Responsibility Allowances

To consider a report of the Chief Executive regarding Special Responsibility Allowances following a review by the Independent Remuneration Panel.


The Committee considered the recommendations of the Independent Renumeration Panel (IRP) which met on 7 September 2023 to review Special Responsibility Allowances for the roles set out in paragraph 1 a), b) and c) of the report and members of the Pension Fund Panel and Board.





That the EHCC Committee:


1.    Thank the IRP for their work in considering this matter and their recommendations 

2.    Notes the recommendations of the IRP.

3.    Recommends to the County Council that approval be given to continued payment of the SRAs for the role of Deputy Leader of the Council, Opposition Group Leaders and Opposition Group Spokespersons without further changes and that no other amendments are to be made to the Members’ Allowance Scheme, if appropriate, taking into account the recommendations of the IRP and the views of the EHCC Committee.


Supporting documents: