Agenda item

Budget and Precept Requirement 2017/18

To receive a report of the Chief Financial Officer and Chief Officer regarding the budget and precept requirement for 2017/18.


The Authority received the report of the Chief Fire Officer and the Chief Financial Officer regarding the budget and precept requirement for 2017/18, item 8 in the Minute Book.


The Chief Financial Officer introduced the report, highlighting the key issues and recommendations to the Authority with regards to the precept. It was noted that the final local government financial settlement had now been received.


The Authority considered the recommendations and it was:




a.         That if any subsequent minor technical changes are required to the budget, the Chief Financial Officer in consultation with the Chief Fire Officer and the Chairman of the Authority is given delegated authority to reflect the actual position in the budget.


b.         That the revenue budget for 2017/18 as set out at Appendix A is approved.


c.         That the capital programme for 2017/18 as set out in appendix E and the funding of this as set out in appendix F be approved.


d.         That the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2017/18 (and the remainder of 2016/17) as set out in Appendix G is approved, including:

           Prudential Indicators for 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 – Annex C

           Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Statement – Annex D

And that authority is delegated to the Treasurer to manage the Fire & Rescue Authority’s investments according to the risk assessment process in the Investment Strategy as appropriate.


e.         That the budget requirement for the general expenses of the Authority for the year beginning 1st April 2017 be £64,075,000.


f.          That the council tax requirement for the Authority for the year beginning 1st April 2017 be £39,483,585.09.


g.         That the Authority’s council tax be increased by 1.98% for the year beginning 1st April 2017 and for the properties in each band to be:


Band A:          £42.56                                                Band E:          £78.03

Band B:          £49.65                                                Band F:          £92.21

Band C:         £56.75                                                Band G:         £106.40

Band D:         £63.84                                                Band H:         £127.68


That the precepts, as set out below, totalling £39,483,585.09 are issued on the billing authorities in Hampshire, requiring the payment in such instalments and on such dates set by them and previously notified to the Authority, in proportion to the tax base of each billing authority’s area as determined by them.



Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council                       4,045,981.30          

East Hampshire District Council                                         3,121,826.43

Eastleigh Borough Council                                                 2,816,514.83          

Fareham Borough Council                                                              2,705,002.94

Gosport Borough Council                                                    1,685,995.25          

Hart District Council                                                              2,518,119.64          

Havant Borough Council                                                     2,549,578.08          

New Forest District Council                                                 4,478,707.97          

Portsmouth City Council                                                      3,532,260.82

Rushmoor Borough Council                                               1,942,283.48          

Southampton City Council                                                              4,015,536.00

Test Valley Borough Council                                              3,020,589.60          

Winchester City Council                                                      3,051,188.75          

Total                                                                                       39,483,585.09  


h.         That in accordance with the set of principles set by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government for the year, it is determined that the relevant basic amount of council tax for 2017/18 is not excessive.


Supporting documents: