Agenda item

HIWFRA Policies for Prevention, Protection and Response

To consider a report from the Chief Fire Officer, which seeks Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Authority (HIWFRA) approval of three HIWFRA Policies for Prevention, Protection, and Response.


The Authority considered a report from the Chief Fire Officer (item 10 in the minute book) which sought approval of three HIWFRA Policies for Prevention, Protection, and Response.

Following a summary of the report and appendices, several amendments were put forward and unanimously supported by the Fire Authority as follows:

1.    Page 101 – Appendix B1 (Position Statement for Fire Safety)
Section 2 heading to be corrected from ‘Authoritv’s Position’ to ‘Authority’s Position’

2.    Page 101 – Appendix B1 (Position Statement for Fire Safety)
Change the word ‘reasonable’ to responsible’ to strengthen the language.

3.    Page 105 – Appendix B2 (Position Statement for Sprinklers)
Under ‘Sprinklers in Schools’, the last sentence is to be removed (from “Any exceptions…” onwards).

4.    Page 106 – Appendix B2 (Position Statement for Sprinklers)
The sentence ‘
The risks to firefighters in large commercial buildings are substantial, due to the size and potential for rapid collapse of the building’ to be added to the ‘Sprinklers in High-Rise Buildings’ section as well as the ‘Sprinklers in Commercial Buildings’ section.

5.    Page 107 – Appendix B2 (Position Statement for Sprinklers)
Under ‘Sprinklers in Domestic Premises’, it should be recommended that sprinklers are installed in new build housing for vulnerable people going forwards. It was also suggested that the penultimate paragraph be updated to read ‘We will recommend that sprinklers should be installed in the homes of those residents who are most vulnerable from a fire or have adapted housing and recommend a review and more work to seek the integration of sprinkler systems in new builds.’


With regards to the charging of e-scooters and e-bikes in homes, Trading Standards were working on issuing advice around unsafe leads and chargers being sold, which were a major cause in faults and fires.


1.         The Prevention Policy (Appendix A) was approved by the HIWFRA Full Authority for inclusion into the Authority’s Policy Framework.

2.         That the Protection Policy (Appendix B) was approved by the HIWFRA Full Authority for inclusion into the Authority’s Policy Framework, along with the five amendments agreed as listed above.

3.         The Response Policy (Appendix C) was approved by the HIWFRA Full Authority for inclusion into the Authority’s Policy Framework.

4.         The Protection Policy Position Statement for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) (Appendix B4), was approved by the HIWFRA Full Authority for inclusion as part of the Authority’s Policy Framework.

5.         The remaining Position Statements (Appendix B1, B2, B3, C1 and C2), that the Authority had previously approved, were noted by the HIWFRA Full Authority for inclusion as part of the Authority’s Policy Framework.


Supporting documents: